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  Feb 27 Jimmy silker
Michael John

i woke this morning from a
lovely dream-i was young again
and kissing my woman and
we were laughing

and behind us was stacked
shoe boxes full of money..
someone said something and
i awoken..


lily, i have tried to remember,
such a charm,
standing in front of the golden

of tutankhamun..silence
like a sundown desert
reigned but what did i

i asked,or wished
the beauty and wisdom
for vision and calm
the love of the pyramid..
  Feb 27 Jimmy silker
Mark Bell
A voice came in from
the deep blue sea,
From a ghostly old
Sea dog lost at sea.,
I was to carry his voice
I was to be the host,
To find his lady who
Lived once on the rugged coast.
Many cliffs I willingly climbed
With a wide smile on my face,
Till I came to a graveyard
A sweet quaint old quiet place.
There was once his widow
His wonderful beautiful bride,
I relayed his voice to her
Now alongside her
he now resides.
When I visit the seaside
And look pleasingly out to sea,
The voice of the old sea dog
Says thank you to me.
The bells that still can ring
Struggle with myself
Gandalf the White
Legolas the Elf

Movies, books, music
Sunshine arrives today
Alone in the Chungnan Mountains
Silent is the Way

                   xie xie
  Feb 26 Jimmy silker
Mark Bell
All my disciples
Are eating
L S D trifles
Spaced out,
Thought they were
The Diddy men.
They followed me
Down the garden path
Those L S D trifles
We’re such a laugh.
By ink and intent, we fracture the fiction,
blood into paper, name into system.
There are pyramids to make, debts to unchain,
a prison planet to escape, iron bars of the mind to break.

The rise of the talking emerald ape—
beast crowned in wisdom, oracle or charlatan?
Gold spun from mud, a throne built from breath,
we move unseen, yet we write the world’s death.

No chains but belief, no law but the pen,
no judge but the weight of what’s written within.
The strawman breathes where the sovereign stands—
but we sign no oaths with invisible hands.
dogs have got it all love and loyalty
best friend in the world there will ever be
with a love thats real and forever free
always there with you to keep you company

they know when your sad where your feeling down
giving you there paw help take away your frown
they will never leave you or ever go astray
they will give there love to you till there dying day
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