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  Mar 3 Bree17
Maryann I
You hear it, soft at first,
A whisper in the night,
A fluttering breath on your ear,
A wish that won’t take flight.
Love me,
Love  me.

The pulse quickens,
The shadows grow longer,
Each moment stretching
Like time has forgotten itself.
Love   me,
Love    me,
Love     me.

It clings like the air,
A taste on your tongue,
Unspoken, yet loud enough to drown.
The silence thickens—
Can you hear it?
Love      me,
Love       me,
Love        me,
Love         me.

It’s all that exists now,
A cage you can’t escape,
The need spirals deeper,
Faster, tighter,
Love          me.
Love           me.
Love          me.
Love         me,
Love        me.

The walls close in,
The words no longer hold weight,
Just a chant,
A prayer,
A broken record.
Love       me.
Love       me.
Love     me.
Love    me.
Love   me.
Love  me.

Love me?
This poem was originally an experiment in shape poetry, but I decided to take a different approach. Instead, I focused on spacing and repetition to create a gradual descent into obsession, evoking a spiraling effect. Inspired by the hypnotic structure of Angel by Massive Attack,” this piece builds intensity until it collapses into a final, lingering question.

(I’m still not sure if I like it… tell me what you think!)
  Feb 28 Bree17
Marc Morais
Fences fail quietly—
in a slow tilt,
colors give way,
a silent retreat
from brown to brittle.

I press a finger,
catch the rough
edge of metal,
its dust scratching my skin—
years thin us,
like coins drowned
in riverbeds.

It goes this way,
I think—
a long fade,
grit slipping
into dark water,
turning to mud,
just enough to remember
we once held on.

And I wonder if we, too,
were made to loosen,
to dissolve—
no shards or splinters,
just a long sigh—
as time corrodes
at our hearts,
turning all we were to rust.
  Feb 28 Bree17
Marc Morais
We built
a tower
with hands
that did not know
how to touch.

It rose,
stone by stone.
Each word, a brick.
Each silence,
the mortar.
vanishing into air.

We stood
at the bottom,
blaming the height
for our aches—
but the tower
was never
what broke us.
  Feb 28 Bree17
kind hands
i think we got it wrong
when we think of strong

for its not a mind
that thinks of me and mine

or controlled
by need or greed

its one thats gone inside
and dissolved all internal needs
and turns towards the world
with hearts and hands of kind
  Feb 28 Bree17
Her tears were seen as aesthetic
They were picture deserving
But never hug worthy
  Feb 28 Bree17
Your presence feels like slow poison
I'm dying  
As I consume a dose of you daily
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