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Say hi to your new girlfriend for me
Tell her she's the only one in love
Tell her that she'll never measure up

Hug your new girlfriend for me
Tell her that I'm finally free
Tell her that I'm now allowed to be comfortable in my own skin

Bless your new girlfriend for me
Tell her that she'll be let down
Tell her that her pretty smile will turn into an ugly frown

Pray for your new girlfriend for me
Tell her not to be depressed
Tell her that in your life she can never come first
She's such a lucky lady to be trapped with you
Sometimes I feel like my boyfriend has a hearing problem
Cause he doesn't hear my voice tighten with pain each time I say I love him

Sometimes I feel like my boyfriend has a sight problem
Cause he doesn't see the tears in my eyes each time I give him a hug

Sometimes I feel like my boyfriend has a speech problem
Cause he never ever says he loves me back
All in all my boyfriend has a love problem
Cause he never makes me feel enough
They're celebrating love but I'm uplifting heartbreak. How ironic.
Now all our interactions are so awkward that even the birds and the air know it
Pain hurts
Love hurts more
Love meant nothing to me before
Then I loved you
You didn't love me back
Now love means loss, pain; every thing I don't want to feel anymore.

Pain kills
Love kills more
I didn't know that before
Then I loved you
My heart was placed under attack
Now love means guilt, shame; every thing I don't want to be anymore.
Forget me not through all this change
I'll forget you not because of the message you envisage
Seasons will go, times will pass
But your impact will forever last .

Forget me not, all the things I said
Because my words were always rightly led
I don't want to forget you; this please you understand
Seeing as our time left together is smaller than a baby's hand.

Forget me not, it'll be okay
I'll forget not your words; don't forget what I say
In future, hope says that our paths will cross
Then I'll be happy to forget all the years we lost.
Let's play pretend for a minute
Let's pretend I had a life
That I had real friends
And that I strive

Let's pretend that I'm normal
That I'm who I say I am
Let's pretend that I care
That I'm kind and gentle and calm

Let's pretend that I'm special
That I'm not utterly alone
Let's pretend that you're here
And I'm not on my own

Let's pretend that I exist
That I'm not my own enemy
Let's pretend that I'm a follower
That I don't follow my own melody

Let's pretend it doesn't hurt
That I don't die a little every day
Let's pretend that you love me
Because I love you in every way
Feeling pretty miserable, being eaten up inside
Because of you, I put my own dreams aside
Gave you myself and you took me for a ride
Nothing short of a miracle that I haven't tried suicide
I fell for you like a blind stupid bride
In you my deepest secrets I did confide
I hid my truth in you and in my truth you lied
I played your games and by your rules I did abide
Took care of you by day and in the night I cried
While you made me insane and in my insanity you hide
Courtesy of you, into depression I slide
Only trauma came true out of all that was prophesied.
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