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The green pen
With no inks
No words to write

by Jemia
I saw a hairy spider
Crawling up my wall
I asked it to go away
As i didn't want it here at all

The spider stopped, then turned to me
Then looked me in the eye
"I'm not at all dangerous"
As it quickly scuttled by

I told him/her my spider fears
Like crawling down my throat
The spider responded suddenly
"You are a silly goat"

I caught it quickly in a drinking glass
And then secured it with a mat
Then threw it out the window
Out of my slightly cobwebbed flat

As it had told me a web of lies
That it wouldn't cause me harm
As just the very sight of it
Caused me great alarm

But now i have another problem
That fills me full of sighs
Without the spider in my flat
Ive nothing to catch the flies

by Jemia
The wild dragon
Drew a dragons breath
Gazing at the dark grey sky
Opened its wings, and began to fly

Silently, it soared
Its gilded golden wings
Gliding with the breeze
A hungry flight, she couldn't appease

She cut through the clouds
To seek out the sun
Camouflaged, by her golden glow
Breathing out, a rekindled firey flow

As her torched, and torturous body
Now invigorated, she flew back to her cave
Within her concave eyes, lay a tapestry, of deep blue hues
As flames, from her ochre pastel tongue, grew

This fire, melted the gold within
This golden syrup, swamped over the jewels
The dragon leapt into this colourful mire
Which stuck to her golden scales, as she breathed out more fire

She climbed out of this river, of jewels, and gold
Now laden with emeralds, blue, and red diamonds rubies, and sapphires
Then sat upon her golden dragon throne
Now completely attired, and completely alone

Her golden tears, like a flowing brook
Were like the pages, of an unwritten tome
She wept, in the silence of the night
A sad, and tragic, yet beautiful sight

She abandoned her chambers, her hallowed, yet hollow hall
Venturing out, into the soft quietness
Lifting up her wings, ready to fly
When she saw a purple dragon pass her bye

She called to this dragon, with a dragons voice
An echoing silence, under a now still, cloudless moon
The purple dragon, heard her call, and flew to her side
They spoke for an eternity, where time was denied

They shared tales, of centuries now passed
As she spoke, the purple dragon, changed colour, into red
They lifted their wings, and flew into the night
Into a different realm, no longer in site

Long gone now, the two dragons
Other than a golden egg, within an empty cave
Vanished dragons, not vanquished, a left over dream
The egg cracked open, and out stepped a dragon, a beautiful cream

by Jemia

If i write
A bad poem
I don't throw it
All away
As all it was
Is the birth
Of a good idea
That went into

by Jemia
Trying to imagine
As i lie in my bed
Of hearing bombs exploding
Or them landing on my head

And the fear
That courses deep inside
You've got nowhere to go
And nowhere to hide

You're running out
Of food, and water
But your biggest fear
Is for your son, or daughter

You're feeling overwhelmed
And underfed
And wondering if
You'll get a bullet in the head

Yet only four weeks ago
None of this was real
You were doing your everyday things
And eating your everyday meal

But now
You have fallen through a crack into hell
Where will it end
No-one can tell

You pinch yourself
As you hope it's a dream
But it isn't the pain
That makes you scream

You just want it all to end
Right now, right this minute
And wish for peace, and normality
To become something that's infinite


by Jemia
If i were to die
And sigh my last sigh
Then awaken, as some-one new
Born again, to this human zoo

Then view the world, with open eyes
As i pass my own grave, where-in i lie
But now to behold a different view
The sun is up, the sky is blue

And as i evolve, i want to fly
As i grow my wings, to kiss the sky
Bidding the Earth, a sweet adieu
Remembering a life, that i once knew

I see my reflection, and begin to cry
Of happy tears, although not sure why
An old life seems gone, in which i grew
Memories of which, i cannot subdue

My heart remains gentle, i wouldst not deny
My dreams now sweet, my hopes are high
Now a young woman, nothing to misconstrue
Living my life, so long overdue

Then i awaken again, my mouth is dry
My new life has gone, i cannot defy
Reincarnation, leaves a strange kind of hue
Being myself, i will always pursue

by Jemia
Vocal ingenuity
A generous gratuity
I wish could be removed from me
But I would still write poetry

--Which someone else would have to read
As from the page the inkblots plead
"Give us a voice!" the letters said
Without a voice they would be dead

But no-one reads my poetry
And so its voice is left to me
To show the World, or just to try
Be truly heard before I die
Written Jan 2022.
I think I kinda sorta like you
at least that's what I think
I can't even look at you
without turning pink

You're out of my league
I'm trying to touch the stars
trying to pursue you
will only leave scars

I think I kinda sorta like you
you're the only one who gets me
when our hearts beat together
I feel casual and carefree

It's probably just a faze
In a few days this will end
I really need to stop this
I do have a boyfriend

But I think I kinda sorta love you...
Do not stand at my grave and weep..
I am not there. I do not sleep.
I am a thousand winds that blow,
I am the diamond glints on snow.
I am the sunlight on ripened grain,
I am the gentle autumn rain.
When you awake in the morning's hush
I am the swift uplifting rush
Of quiet birds in circled flight.
I am the soft star-shine at night.
Do not stand at my grave and cry..
I am not there. I did not die.
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