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Jason Cheney Aug 2022
Que Dios esté con vos
Ninguna vez te he hecho imaginar
Que aquí me iba a quedar

Añoro mis días de estar a tú lado
Pero mi vista se ve muy nublado
Veo el mundo en todo su esplendor
Ojalá que algun día, llegaré a ser un ganador

La competencia para ganar un dólar
Me causa un gran dolor
Judas vendió su alma al dar un beso
Solo para ganar unos tristes pesos

Tantas veces he tratado escapar
Esta prisión que me ha atrapado con todo vigor
Cansado y sin defensas
Mi cuerpo ya no tiene las fuerzas

Para continuar en este conflicto
Contra gerentes que son tan mensos
Gente que sigue en su estupidez
Y el mundo cayendo en iniqidad con rapidez

Hay que aguantár las pruebas de esta vida
Cada día, de Dios, le pedimos su ayuda en esta lucha
Prestamos atención a las leyes de Dios con diligencia
Y siempre teniendo nuestras metas en la vista

Lástima que esta vida pasé tan veloz
Si lo único que quiero es estar con mis amigos
El último día de este jornada tendré que deciros
Gracias y Adiós

Escrito por:
Jason Cheney
Agosto 26, 2022
Jason Cheney Apr 2021
A hunting we will go

My sons and I find pleasure in the fall by putting on orange
We’ve spent many a day hiking the vastness of the range

We look forward to this time of season
For feeding our family is really the reason

We traipse up and down the ravines
Many times going through willows and vines

Looking for elk and deer
Sometimes coming upon cliffs quite sheer

We talk and make chitchat of life and what could be
But we wouldn't dare miss what's beyond the next lee

A quick, sharp eye is essential
We try going to areas with lots of potential

We look up and down; and yes, all around
Moving too and fro, hoping to make very little sound

Not to ***** an animal
Our passion for hunting is primeval

We are up quite early, hoping our exhaustive efforts will become our payday
We freeze and we sweat, all within the same day

We walk and walk
Though sometimes we give in to just plain talk

Gosh dang the good heavens above
It's the pureness of hunting for which we so love

So many emotions and feelings that we truly do feel:
Anger, hurt, anxiety, relaxation, tiredness, thirst, pure joy, the adrenaline rush, the shout of exultation, the exuberance, and the feel of our gun’s barrel made of cold steel

The infinite gratification of sneaking up on a wild animal
Looking through the scope for the fortieth time makes this hunt very personal

Watching a deer go into hyperdrive
Makes you love just being alive

The smell of sagebrush
Has always given me an enormous rush

The change of autumn colors seen upon the tree leaves
Reminds me that soon we will be wearing heavier shirt sleeves

The flash of a white tail
A breathe held in curtail

The loading and chambering of a rifle's shell
A bad slip on a rock, oh heck, I broke another good nail

Hurry, hurry, they're getting away
Means that we don't stop and admit dismay

Rifle and shoulder do meet
A feeling so very sweet

The crash and boom as the shot echoes from every clime
So worth the climb and the time

A sense of relief
Silence everywhere though it be brief

The caressing of the fur that my deer did so proudly wear
Is an answer to my most fervent prayer

Food I will have for my family made sure
Winter's inclement weather we can now quietly endure

I thank God for each hunting season
For He and often only He knows the real reason

Why I took the life of another of his precious creatures
He knows that I wasn't just after the beauty of those majestic and heavenly antlers

With my sons, we’ve had quite the adventures
Stealing up and down the mountainside, we laid up memorable moments filled with great treasures

I’ve loved hunting with my sons each year
When I am gone, please, don't shed a tear

For my spirit will be upon each lingering and whispering breeze
As you take up your rifle once again, remember to aim...the trigger, gently squeeze

For your kids and my sake
Remember never the hunt to forsake

Your sons or daughters an eternal memory made or picture to take
Of their memorable hunt, being upon a mountaintop, dipping their fingers in an ice-cold stream, or maybe even walking next to the deep blue hue of a gorgeous, high mountain lake

Though they too will grow old and move away
Your cherished memories will always hold sway

Of their days with old Dad
When he became their greatest comrade.

Written by:Jason Cheney
November 1, 2020
Jason Cheney Apr 2022
Hath no man called upon thee?
While walking upon Earth's highway

Desperate to find the answers to life's many questions
Far too many people have their own opinions

Looking and searching until life is no longer fun
Clouds and rain do overshadow the heat from the sun

Emptiness within me while in a crowded room
The bitterness, the gall of despair, which over me doth loom

Hatred, anger, bitterness, doth fill my life
All I've ever wanted was a world without strife

Yet I have found nary a place to rest
To unburden my weary head from all the unrest

Happiness to me is an unknown
For I have traveled these many roads, all alone.

Written by:
Jason Cheney
April 17, 2022
Jason Cheney Mar 2021
In today's world it is an eye for an eye
My simple question for this, “Why?”
Often I feel the desire to just cry

I thought that society had outgrown being a child
This upsetting thought seems so wild
For Christ taught us to be meek and mild

Why can't we live in harmony and in peace
Making many, many new friends with such perfect ease
Upon each special moment we should seize

The opportunity to grow
To the world we would definitely show
That hand in hand, together, a better life we could sow

New friends we would meet
A happier world we would create
Into plowshares, our swords, would we beat

This I don't understand
Why we hurt our brothers and sisters when they can't stand
Justice for all is my demand

White, black, brown, yellow, or blue
We all have our own special hue
For God created both me and you

His commandments we are asked to obey
It is not for us to disobey
This He had to say

That contention is the workings of the devil
It is nothing more than pure, unadulterated evil
If we continue to disobey, through war and pestilence, us, as a society, He will level

With my thoughts fraught with dismay
I turn to the babe who in the manger did lay
As once again I hear Him say

That we should have peace on Earth
It is something that we all deserve
I believe that it is time for a rebirth

Of old forgotten values
That Christ’s example should help us chose
To make amends, old habits and aggressions would we lose

To live as He would have us live
Family, friends, and neighbors, as if everyone was a close relative
Let this be our main focus; within us, our hearts and souls should it drive

Each one of us to be an equal, was His great quest, to this we should visualize
His dream for all of us today, we should realize
This earthly boat we should not capsize

We all need to lay hands upon the oars
When upon life's billows, we need to head towards the safety of those distant shores
And anchor ourselves once more to Christ's mighty moors.

Written by:
Jason Cheney
January 18, 2021
Jason Cheney Jun 2021
I walk a step behind
I hope that He doesn’t mind
My hand and arm extended out as if to touch Him
My tears and desires are what brings me to this moment in time

But too timid am I to call out and attract His attention
To cure me from this terrible affliction
My heart aches to call his name
For He looks at everyone just the same

My Master whom I call my brother
For we were both raised by a celestial mother
I trail behind thee hoping that thou wilt turn and see
That it’s only little ole me.

I hear thy voice, how gentle and sweet
If only I was one of the elite
Then He would show me His face
And wrap me in his wonderful embrace

I long to walk beside Him
These feelings fill my tearstained eyes to the very brim
He makes me feel whole
My eyes upon Him, did He feel their pull?

I try to reach Him
But it’s always the same
Too many people get in my way
My hand, they knock away

Master, I cried out loud
Here am I lost in this busy crowd
I have walked behind Thee
Since we left the Sea of Galilee

My wounds I wanted thee to heal
A blessing upon my head couldst Thou seal
For this lonely beggar who walks behind thee
I wouldn’t mind if others were to see

These mighty hands of my Master
To miss His touch would be a terrible disaster
When suddenly I feel a hand touch mine
The sweet smile on His face was so genuine

He asked me why I had walked a step behind
His peaceful voice was so kind
I felt a lump in my throat
He knew that I had been there, since we had left the boat

My name he called out loud
I would follow him forever, I vowed
Though I was a step behind
I learned that day that He was the Saviour and Redeemer of all Mankind

Written by:
Jason Cheney
June 6-7, 2021
Jason Cheney Apr 2021
We once lived in a mansion up above
With Godly parents whom we dearly love
A message of hope did we accept
Into this earthly body we gladly leapt

Now far away from that heavenly home
Each of us will distantly roam
No remembrance of our life before
This allows our spirits to infinitely soar

As children, we, the Lord’s prayer are taught
Faith, hope, and charity are never forgot
That feeling of a life before
Is not something from legend nor lore

Happily we can choose to do what is right
For God has blessed us with an internal light
Though we may not remember that wondrous time
To try to forget Him would be an awful crime

Here upon this Earth is our time to shine
We should try walking a perfectly, straight line
He promises to bless us
His love for us is endless

You and I must try to recall our life from before
In the end, we’ll all meet upon that heavenly shore.
There we will once again see our eternal Father and Mother
Then turn to embrace our beloved Savior and Brother

Written by:
Jason Cheney
January 22, 2021
Jason Cheney Jun 2022
Flit and fly
Busy little fly
You sit and chat
Then you ****
A million miles today
A race for food you say
Rather it's do and die
It's not time to lie around, you reply
When I find the time
To find the most delicious grime
A garbage can comes into sight
Oh what pure delight
Happy am I
For tomorrow I'll die, fat and sassy I happily reply

Written by:
Jason Cheney and Gabby Galvez
June 2022
Jason Cheney Jun 2022
Flit and fly
Busy little fly
You sit and chat
Then you ****
A million miles today
A race for food you say
Rather it's do and die
It's not time to lie around, you reply
I'll make the time
To find the most delicious grime
A garbage can comes into sight
Oh what pure delight
Happy am I
For tomorrow I'll die, fat and sassy I happily reply

Written by:
Jason Cheney and Gabby Galvez
June 2022
Jason Cheney Aug 2021
With time comes change
With that change comes old age
Seeing is remembering
Remembering is feeling

Seeing the sands of time
In these tiny hands of mine
A thousand thoughts pressing upon my mind
Emotions: hearing, seeing, feeling, all these so intertwined

Time doth so swiftly fly
Another day gone, oh how I sigh
Sometimes I wish time would stand still
So I have a chance to smell the daffodils

Yet time does not stop for you nor I
Change often occurs in front of our eyes
Ever since my infancy this I have been told
It will happen to everyone, both young and old

The sands of time will always flow
These grey hairs to all most definitely show
That even when we wish that time would freeze
The flow of sand within a sand dial will never cease

To the flow of time, we will always be a slave
Even as hard as we rant and rave
Time never can be stopped
Our choices in life can never be swapped

Tomorrow will always appear on the horizon
The sunset of our lives will cause us some apprehension
Our life here on Earth will come to an end
A new life to begin, as our spirits, towards heaven will ascend.

Written by:
Jason Cheney
March 14, 2021
Jason Cheney Apr 2022
Christ, upon the cross looking so forlorn
To this I could have sworn
Seeing that His feet were so worn

He spent the night in Gethsemane
I will proudly kneel before Him upon bended knee
How could they so casually nail him to that tree?

His blood, for me, the earth has it stained
The remnants of his garments were completely bloodstained
Nailed upon that wooden cross, his hands and feet were pierced for me, He softly proclaimed

My heartfelt cry, my Lord, my God
I will forever hold to the iron rod
Please, just glance at me and give me the nod

For thee, I would give my life
Your pain so visible, it cuts me like a knife
Because of thee, though I die, I will yet be alive

My heart, my soul to Thee I owe
The seeds of righteousness thou didst so tenderly sow
I would not forsake thee, no, not even at the rooster’s crow

Upon the waters of Galilee
I stood next to thee
And watched as Peter, for help, did plea

These words didst thou utter: Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani, while hanging there upon that cross
These people have rejected me, this world full of dross
Sadly, it will be to their great loss

Lord, I do miss thee
Since the day thou wast nailed to that horrible tree
In the very depths of my soul is found my unshakable testimony

With thee I have trod
Throughout this lifetime of misery, I continue to plod
Thou wilt forever remain my glorious, eternal God

I for thee would have hung
Praises to thee I have sung
Hot tears falling down my cheeks have they stung

Till thou dost call to me from above
Perhaps I’ll see thee in the form of a dove
Saying come back to me and feel of my great love

Until then, I shall worship thee all day long
Hopefully that day you'll not prolong
For with thee I so belong

I look forward to the day when I’ll run into thy embrace
I for thee have run my race
My Mediator, before God the Father, will mercifully state my case

My shout for joy, I fall at thy feet
At thy table, I can see my seat
For all to hear, my songs of praise I shall forever repeat

Soon shall for everyone to see
The honor I give thee upon bended knee
For having saved thy brother, yes, even me.

Written by:
Jason Cheney
My Testimony of my Saviour and my God
November 17, 2020
1 Peter 2:21-22, 24
Jason Cheney Sep 2022
There are many times
That I awaken to those familiar chimes
Of sleighbells jingling on Santa's sleigh
Though they still be far away

Blessed am I for believing in old Saint Nick
For without Him, I'd be up a crick
Candy canes and presents for all
Tons of food with its intoxicating smell

Laughter ringing throughout the house
Everyone is awake, yes even the mouse
Today we're definitely celebrating this magical day
For peace on Earth, each one of us pray

Santa's once more come and gone
Hastily leaving before the breaking of dawn
Good will towards each other do we feel
Which love, our hearts, doth it truly heal

Written by:
Jason Cheney
August 8, 2022
Christmas season
Jason Cheney Feb 2021
Two grandmas hobbling down the street
To their eyes, a sign did greet
The next movement is when their eyes did meet

The one to the other
I double dog dare you, since you are much, much older
She said with her humorously, dry, funny laughter

Slide that leg up the post
Then hold it for a minute or two, at the most
A picture on social media I'll post

A challenge not to be avoided
The grandmother, her leg she hoisted
You know, for this pose I could be arrested!

So how does this look?
It's exactly the same as the one in our outdated high school yearbook
But with a chuckle, today I'll show it to one and all, on Facebook

Hurry up, my leg is beginning to tire
As she then began to ponder
If she should have taken this double dog dare.

Written by:
Jason Cheney
February 17, 2021
Jason Cheney Feb 2021
What are dreams?
Dreams are those innermost desires that are often locked away in our soul
They express themselves in the form of a dream, because at the heartstrings, they do fiercely pull
At the end of the night, we gently tuck them away
The wish for them to come true, often leads to dismay

The constant struggle between reality and our dream
Creates heartache so extreme
We fight back the tears
We implore God, “I've waited for so many years.”

My life I have lived
Work work work, this I haven't shirked
My body, I have torn in two
Another day I cannot redo

Yet each night my dream doth renew
It, my strength will always pursue
The intensity of reaching, stretching, yet still outside my outstretched fingers
Has got me nothing more than visual creases and unsightly long gray hairs

Why can't I ever obtain this, my one and only goal?
These many years of work have taken their toll!
Each day that quickly slips by
I ask myself this simple question, “Why?”

My heart and soul fill with anguish
This single desire, I do so solemnly cherish
It seems I'll never make my dream come true
This thought makes me feel terribly blue

I’ve dreamt about this so many times
That even my soul now puts my desires into rhymes
They cannot stay hidden for much longer
Their pull now is so much stronger

And thus it but seems
It was their only escape from the grasp of only being dreams
To rip each fiber apart, at the very seams

Written by:
Jason Cheney
January 2, 2021
Jason Cheney Apr 2021
Within the dense, white fog did appear the forms of gigantic elk
These majestic animals get all of my respect

A vision all clothed in white
Such a wondrous, delightful sight

Surrounded by this mystical cloak
A stampede, I was trying not to provoke

It was as if in a dream
An answer to a lifelong prayer it would seem

They, with my binoculars could I see
Caught out in the open, nary a bush nor a tree

To see a whole herd of elk
For me, a sight unparalleled

Never before this many have I ever beheld
My quickened breathe I forever held

Calling my friend for him to also see
This grand panorama was my plea

With the wind from our left side
Within this dense fog, we did quickly stride

Hoping to separate these wisps and strands of fog to better see
I went to steady myself, so I dropped to my knee

Suddenly, through the fog, the whole herd I did once again perceive
Oh no, the lead cow is looking directly at me.

The fog had lifted, my camouflage was gone
The herd jumped to their feet, their glorious retreat they did not prolong

The thunder of a million feet
To get so close was no small feat

Such an ethereal sight
The whole herd surging forward with all of their might

A remembrance of this amazing day
In my head, this beautiful morning shall always stay

To see something so spectacular
To capture an image of these elk, through the inside of my binocular

Written by:
Jason Cheney
November 27, 2020
Jason Cheney Apr 2021
Cuando se me va el sueño
Busco sabiduría del cielo
Para mostrarme el camino
Hacia este mundo venidero

Está vida no es fácil
Hay tanta prueba bien difícil
La alegría constante es muy frágil
Y la armonía en el alma no se puede ver con el cristal

La vida se pinta según la mano del pintor
Un papel puesto sobre el caballete
Hay momentos de resplandor
Hay momentos de no encontrar soledad ni paz resplandeciente

Hay tanta tristeza en mi corazón,
Que siempre abunda, sin ningún querer
Porque no encuentro mi verdadera razón
Busco y busco por la mano del Señor
Para que me ayuda a pintar
Esta escena que a veces está borrosa para discernir

Hay tanta falta de paz y alegría
Pero cuando la encuentro, mi semblante y alma sonríe
Tal vez sí he encontrado la solución de mi soledad
Porque está solución se encuentra en la comunidad

La sonrisa de una amiga o de un amigo,
Un chiste o simplemente un buen comentario
Me hace sentir más tranquilo
Mi paz y felicidad es eterno
Al fin quebranta mi alma en alabanzas al Señor sempiterno

¡Que tan grande eres!
¡Que tan grande eres!

Sí, encontré mi razón para estar aquí en este mundo
No ando completamente solo!
Mi razón al caminar en este mundo
Sí, mi propósito y mayor requisito
Es de tenerte siempre, mi querido(a) amigo(a), sí tú, aquí a mi lado.

Escrito por Jason Cheney en Febrero 2020
Jason Cheney Feb 2021
Hay momentos de angustia insoportable
Hay momentos de alegría indescriptible
Hay momentos en los que ni siquiera puedo respirar
Hay momentos de silenciosa desesperación
Hay momentos de ira ardiente
Hay momentos de desesperanza
Hay momentos de risa sin esfuerzo
Hay momentos de oración solemne
Hay momentos de confianza en Aquel que es más grande que todos nosotros
Hay momentos de amor profundo y duradero
Hay momentos en los que invoco sus tiernas misericordias
Hay momentos de dolor insoportable
Hay momentos de ver la luz al final del túnel
Hay momentos de saber que no me ha olvidado
Hay momentos de esperanza redentora
Hay momentos en los que canto con toda el alma
Y estos son los momentos en los que me vuelvo hacia Él, que es el más grande de todos.

Escrito por:
Jason Cheney
Fecha: 2 de abril de 2020
Jason Cheney Apr 2021
The most sacred of all things under heaven is a family
People will come for miles to celebrate you see
A celestial marriage sends everyone jumping for joy
The Holy priesthood within the temple, we do employ

A blessing of children sealed for eternity
In the sanctity of the temple is where we hold this special ceremony
Being linked for generations, past, present, and future
The sealing powers of heaven this couple will it hold together, forever.

Written by:
Jason Cheney
November 12, 2020
Jason Cheney Apr 2022
The most sacred of all things under heaven is a family
People will come for miles to celebrate you see
A temple marriage sends everyone jumping for joy
The Melchizedek priesthood within the temple, we do employ

A blessing of children sealed for eternity
In the sanctity of the temple is where we hold this special ceremony
Being linked for generations: past, present, and future
The sealing powers of heaven this couple will it hold together, forever.

Written by:
Jason Cheney
November 12, 2020
Jason Cheney Apr 2021
Fireflies dancing in the night
What a wonderful delight
Their beauty, believe you me, it’s a glorious sight

They draw our attention
Gathering them into the palm of my hand is my intention
They are amazing insects, I need to mention

They flit and fly in all directions
Their acrobatic movements are beyond my perceptions
Upon my mind, they weave undulating, visual impressions

Such delicate creatures God has given to you and me
They are here on Earth for all to see
Their abdomens all lite up, it creates a lasting memory

A glass jar and a net
In unison my boys did clamor, “Can we have them for a pet?”
My wife's kind word, I'll never forget

It'll be a choice that you'll soon regret
The sadness that ensued, both boys were quite upset
These innocent creatures you must protect

My wife's kind words that night were so wise
The wisdom of her words they did fully recognize
From the tiny glass jar, each individual firefly did rise

Darting happily back up into the sky, very much alive
Their abdomens blinking on and off, a vision to forever visualize
Of cherished memories, these moments with our boys and those beautiful fireflies.

Written by: Jason Cheney
November 25, 2020
Jason Cheney Oct 2021
Goblins, ghosts, faeries, friends and foes
Witches, werewolves, warlocks, and even the crows
Vampires, skeletons, and angry jack-o-lanterns
Makes Halloween a treasure for all little patrons

We dress up in costumes and sheets
Then we do wander the city corridors and streets
Knocking on people's doors
Tens, no hundreds, of kids by the scores

Calling out, trick or treat
Just to get something sweet
Happy Halloween
Is such a perfect holiday scene

Vibrant kids, both young and old
Bravely enduring the freezing cold
Just to keep this custom alive
Hopefully it will endure and thrive

Pillowcases filled with candy galore
The older kids desire even more
But for me this Halloween night
Gives me pure pleasure at the very sight

Of spooky hobgoblins running here and there
Smaller children being led by their parents with care
Halloween definitely is a fun filled night
Costumes of all types fall within my sight

Young girls dressed up as Jasmine
Some of those kids are probably mine
Here comes my GI Joe
His successful ventures this night surely do show

A ***** alley filled with eerie sounds
Double mirrors, chainsaws, and scary clowns
Rabied hounds which chase us down the maze
Is something everyone craves

This is why Halloween is a special treat in the fall
But the most important of all
Is the joy of seeing all these little munchkins
Who have dressed up as pumpkins

Though I am now too old to don a cap
For Halloween treats, I'm still a sap
I see a familiar figure striding up the street, in his cowboy costume
Luckily none of them ever rode home upon a magical broom.

So this Halloween night
When everyone looks a fright
Be happy, cheerful, and alert
As each child their hands do insert

Into my candy filled cauldron
I sure have their complete attention
Me hopes they don't see the heavy, woven net
That will swoop down and capture you, my little pets

I'll take these children, yes, each one of them
And fill them with candy and cookie crumbs
Then send them home all fat and sassy
This Halloween night has been fantastically, classy

Written by:
Jason Cheney
October 2021
Jason Cheney Jan 2022
He has heard my simple yet earnest prayer
My heart He has healed with the greatest of care
Through His anguish in Getsemani
I see all He has done for me

My life I will live
A portion of my time to Him must I give
How great is His everlasting love
As His disciple, an exemplary life must I live

To honor Him
I must first understand why He was nailed to that heavy limb
To reflect His image, my heart must I change
My life must I rearrange

My soul hungers to feel of His loving touch
His strong fingers I wish to clutch
When I am weak and I've lost my way
My humble heart turns to Him while I pray

I raise my arms and ask to be lifted up
For with Him I desire to sup
Yet I feel so unworthy of Him
My tears often fill my eyes to the very brim

He hears my soul's lament
He quietly listens as I repent
Then He extents to me His loving embrace
Towards those outstretched arms I do race

He's known me since the beginning of time
We should always remember Him during our lifetime
Within a song, a verse, or a rhyme
We can get to know Him

So as we kneel down to pray
Let our hearts be drawn out today
So that our Lord's redeeming grace
Can be seen in our very countenance

Written by:
Jason Cheney
January 2022
Jason Cheney Feb 2021
In a world of sorrow and pain
Oftentimes, when it appears only to rain
And everything has gone completely down the drain
The drop of each tear causes such a horrible, wet stain

The need now for heroes is more readily needed
The loneliness within our hearts hasn't been treated
An immense, dark hole has been created
The fact that severe depression is being left unimpeded

When in life, what we really need, are simply more unsung heros
Sharing happiness is what he or she happily and readily sows
They find those people in need, by following their hearts and their nose
Because heartache and pain often are hid behind simple, plain clothes

A heaven sent message, ministering angels always bring
They swoop in, just in time, to lift someone's spirit it would seem
They show their willingness to help by selflessly serving
To alleviate other people's pain and suffering

This special hero is found without a cape or fancy car
They don't leap tall buildings nor thru the air do they swiftly soar
They aren't those men or women from legend or lore
But when in need, the light of their car is seen from a mile or more

My heart, a friend, it did yearn
Even though it wasn't any of their concern
This lesson I did quickly learn
That through the whisperings of the spirit, my need they did discern

Their bright smiles and comforting embrace
Are what's needed to put depression in its place
Unhappiness and loneliness they quickly erase
They're a true friend whose heart of gold is easy to trace

Unlike those heroes of legend and lore
These types of heroes stick around for a few years or more
Their embrace has such infinite power, my smile they did restore
This happened in my earthly mansion, behind my closed, front door

Each person do they edify
When they appeared upon my doorstep, I didn't question why
To my succor did they fly
They lifted my spirits before they said goodbye

These ministering angels are a hero to all
Not just during Christmas time or earlier in the fall
They don't care if you are short or tall
For their simple acts of kindness, their names are written in heaven, if I recall

So superheroes they've become
On to the next house, they've run
Love for all is their mighty anthem
To impart with others a portion of their joy and wisdom

These ordinary heroes can never be mistaken
From them, encouragement, have we taken
Their saving powers cannot be hidden
A vision of Heaven, hope, and love did they awaken

Of these amazing heroes, what more can I say
Their willingness to stop and help a stranger, when in earnest I did pray
This special memory of these ministering angels, forever with me will stay
I hope that I too can become a hero, to someone, someday.

Written by:
Jason Cheney
January 2021
Jason Cheney Feb 2021
There are moments of unbearable anguish
There are moments of unspeakable joy
There are moments when I can't even breathe
There are moments of quiet despair
There are moments of smoldering anger
There are moments of hopelessness
There are moments of effortless laughter
There are moments of solemn prayer
There are moments of trusting in Him who is greater than us all
There are moments of deep abiding love
There are moments when I call upon His tender mercies
There are moments of excruciating pain
There are moments of seeing light at the end of the tunnel
There are moments of knowing that He has not forgotten me
There are moments of redeeming hope
There are moments when I sing with my whole soul
And these are the moments when I turn back to Him, who is the greatest of them all.

Written by:
Jason Cheney
Date: April 2, 2020
Jason Cheney Feb 2021
I am tall
I am short
I am strong
I am weak
I am powerful
I am meek
I am happy
I am sad
I am thirsty for knowledge
I am uneducated
I am skillful
I am hungry
I am understanding
I am thoughtful
I am honest
I am tired
I am retired
I am rich
I am poor
I am a thief
I am vulnerable
I am naive
I am a mentor
I am a Captain
I am a businessman
I am a carpenter
I am a farmer
I am a rancher
I am a soldier
I am a teacher
I am a husband
I am a father
I am a wife
I am a mother
I am a child
I am a son
I am a daughter
I am an uncle
I am an aunt
I am a bride
I am a groom
I am old
I am young
I am beautiful
I am a child of God
I am many things, but most of all...
I am who I am.

Written by Jason Cheney
October 2020
Jason Cheney Dec 2021
Such anguish in my soul
Why doth the devil have so much pull?

To draw me down below
Eternal happiness I feel I must forego

I can't seem to rise above all this pain
My tears fall upon my cheeks like rain

I can't see through solitude's darkness
My heart cries out to me, "life is pointless."

When I am in this moment of despair
It's time to kneel in earnest prayer

My God, I need Thy help to draw me up
I know that Christ did drink from that bitter cup

But I cannot fathom what effort it took
Yet of it He still partook

How strong He must have been
To withstand Lucifer's evil grin

Never to relinquish his eternal perspective
To achieve His Infinite objective

So as we wallow in our own sorrow and pain
Remember that Christ did obtain

Through trials at Gethsemane and there upon Calvary
He did rise above all this world's drudgery

He's here to help lighten our load
This burden upon Him can we unload

To stand up straight
Grabbing the iron rod with all our might

Placing each foot in front of the other
Into God's waiting arms, and also those of our Elder Brother

Where this anguish can be swallowed up
If we will do one simple thing, JUST LOOK UP!

Written by:
Jason Cheney
December 21, 2021
Overcoming depression at times of overwhelming heartache.
Jason Cheney Mar 2023
Isn't it funny how throughout life we run,  run, run
Till life and sickness get us so run down
Forever thinking that we would always be invincible
And nothing could slow us down, now how laughable

Half a century old….and I'm still aging
With each passing year, the days are accelerating
Now my body grunts and groans
Because of my rickety old bones

Just to do those once easy to do tasks
Now I don't take any unnecessary risks
As I look in the mirror, no matter the angles
There's no covering up all these unsightly wrinkles

I can see both the past and the future
Knowing that there's not much I can alter
But wait for a gosh dang - bloom'n moment
I now have an untreatable ailment

I ask everyone, What was I doing a moment ago?
My mind swirls dropping cells like unneeded mementos
Life has a way of forgetting about Me
Heavens to Betsy, since when can't I see?

I fumble for my fashionable, old person bifocal glasses
Just to find out, now I can't fit into my old, sportier britches
So out come them ugly, stretchy suspenders
That bring back some horrible reminders

Of laughing at my dearly, beloved great grandfather
And now, I'm the brunt of each round of laughter
Since when did this pop belly appear in my midriff?
All of these maladies, make me reach for my handkerchief

I suddenly realize, that no longer can I run
It's something that I now know can't be done
Nope, no more races against all them young bucks
Hecks bells, now I'll have to get rid of all my spandex

I tell everyone I have to go home, because I have a headache
But it's really because, it's too cold outside and my knees do quake
Now that I'm home, I put my plastic dentures to soak
Then I take my medicine against heart disease and stroke

This life's race against time can never be won
But while it lasted, gosh, it sure was fun
So, hum, now I've wandered off in this sticky, smelly, old nursing home
As I scratch my bald head, let's see if I can remember how to get back to my room

Written by:
Jason Cheney
March 25, 2023
Jason Cheney Feb 2021
The morning was so clear and bright
Oh it was such a beautiful sight
The air was brisk and pure
Sound could travel at least a mile for sure
A noise fell on these deaf ears of mine
It was so hard to define
A bird or cat I did not know
So away I did go searching high and low
I followed each sound
Until I found
To my amaze, two small little ***** of fur
Hidden in a hollow, under a rock, calling in fear
Abandoned and scared
Calling for help, it appeared
In sympathy, I held them close
Their lament was for their mother who felt no morose, then said Adiós

So away I went
On two important tasks I was sent
One hour, two hours my heart did ponder
On two little bundles of fur
Did their mother hear their pleas?
As I drew nearer, I was not pleased
To hear their tiny voices
Shouting (Rending the air) for a mother who had made her choices
To never return to them
Even though they were such a gem

So I gathered them up, one light brown and grey, the other black
I would never look back
I raced to the store
Hoping to score
I found some milk
It was supposed to be smoother than silk

I brought them home for all to see
And what should come to be?
First one then the other
Everyone acted like they were these tiny kitten's mother.

But harsh is this world in which we live
First the brown and grey did take leave
Falling asleep in eternal bliss
Oh how comforting is death's kiss

The black kitty we nicknamed "The Fighter"
Oh how he loved to meander
Calling for his sister
Finally getting used to a fake Mother

The nights were cold
He'd snuggle under the blanket fold
Life is full of twists and turns
He must have felt concerns
That he was left all alone
To take on the unknown

He must have felt the need to return
To seek the caress of God's hand he did yearn
So with gentle yet breaking heart
I held him close as he took start
On a journey back he did depart
Oh how my heart did ache
For one so tender and meek
He showed me how to look at life
To Never give up in a world of strife
Always fight till you've given it your all
That is why we are to walk tall
For we all took part in the creation,
Of the Plan of Salvation

So I laid him down to rest
Next to his sister, it was for the best
Now in the arms of a loving Father
He will have to travel no farther.
He came for a moment for all to see
But now he rests upon God's gentle knee.

Written by:
Jason Cheney
May 2018
Jason Cheney Feb 2021
I am the son of my father
And you'll need look no further

To see that I am from Idaho
The land of the potato

My hair is graying
My skin is tanning

I wear glasses to see
I have problems with my knee

I almost can not hear
It causes my eyes to tear

I love working with my hands
For I'm a worker of the lands

My heart is in horses
But life has a way of changing people's courses

I love to go hunting each year
Preferably for a deer

I love nature and the beauty all around
I prefer silence rather than sound

Alcohol I don't drink
Perhaps this is why I am healthier than most, I think

I don't use bad language
It causes me much anguish

I know people talk about me
But I really know the key

They don't like it when I shine
Because they only see me when I'm covered in grime

My face, my pants, my shirt
They're all covered with dirt

But my soul is clean
I try never to be mean

I need people's friendship
Because life is like a big ship

I reach port here and port there
I like places that have clean air

I do not smoke
I'm just an old cowpoke

I put my trust in all people
Because I believe life should be simple

I am who I am
I'll try never to get in a jam

I love to find long lost friends
Because in my life, I want only to break the barriers that will allow me to bend

To a life rich with friends
Which will allow me a joyous life that will never end.

Written by:
Jason Cheney
July 2019
Jason Cheney Apr 2022
The passing of time
Feelings so sublime

Such emotional moments
My heart and soul quicken at the thoughts

Reflections upon my beloved grandparents
And now my older, dear parents

My whole life flashing before my eyes
Years it seems, for which my heart cries

For the lost friends and colleague
Each precious second lost cause me grief and fatigue

The heartache and tears
Death with all its fears

The eternal circle of life
Oftentimes full of pain and strife

I dream of days long past
A mortal's life that will never last

Laughter, giggling, and storytelling
Never again will we see you smiling

Carefree banter while in our homeroom classes
Without a care of future consequences

Simple happiness is so fleeting
Just as the days of our youth continue advancing

You and me, we still imagine ourselves as teenagers
The fountain of Eternal Youth would give us all the answers

Well we now have grown old
Which includes a bit of mold

All we have left now are our memories
Of countless birthdays and anniversaries

So let's rattle our old bones
Amidst all our grumbles and groans

And raise our aching, tired body up
To the doctor's office for that needed follow-up

Written by:
Jason Cheney
April 1-12, 2022
Jason Cheney Dec 2021
Mis lágrimas
Mi angustia
Mi lamento por este alma pérdida
Mis miles de recuerdos de ti

El dolor
Mis gritos
Mi corazón tan débil
Mi cuerpo sin fuerzas

Me atraen a tu puerta, querido Señor
No aguanto tanta pérdida
Abrazame por favor
Quitame el dolor y estas lagrimas

Da caricia a mi alma
Abre a mis ojos
Quita las palpitaciones de mi corazón
Extiende tus brazos hacia mi.

Ayúdame sentir mejor
Colma mi corazón
Con tu amor evangélico
Envuélveme en tu abrazo amoroso

Ayúdame entender "el porqué?"
Silencia mis gritos
Toca mi corazón
Levanta mi vista, Señor

Hasta tus cortes celestiales
Para ser un testigo
Del Plan de Redención
Y que me amas

Esta es mi oración
En tus manos deposito mi confianza
Para que algún día yo
Contigo y con ellos, puedo morar

Escrito por:
Jason Cheney
Diciembre 11, 2021
Jason Cheney Jul 2022
A thousand miracles performed by Christ
Soothing the anguish of each sinner sufficed
By taking a moment to lift a suffer up
And with the sinners He didst sup

He healed the sick and the afflicted
Their terrible suffering was quickly abated
The woman who sought out the Savior
To but touch His garment was her desire

A young girl who died
Through priesthood powers gently applied
She like Lazarus did awaken
To the family's acclamation

Ten lepers who sought out the Lord
A blessing and healing they couldn't afford
One turned to show his thanks and gratitude
By giving honor and glory to the most high God

A woman who was caught in adultery
Whose accusers left in a scurry
Afraid of lifting a stone
Leaving them there, all alone

He entered the Garden of Gethsemane
Alone and scared yet upon bended knee
To take upon himself everyone's sins
He looked unto his father because of his sore afflictions

He bled from each pore
This wounds me to my very core
Each drop of blood he spilt
If I repent, I will live again without all this guilt

Soon to be found upon a cross
Not recognizing his hand in our life will be our greatest loss
This miracle wrought by his hands
Has broken the oppressor's iron bands

They are in plain sight for all to see
These miracles were performed for you and me
All glory to Him while kneeling before Him upon bended knee
So that at God's table, we will not be an absentee

Written by:
Jason Cheney
July 3, 2022
Jason Cheney Apr 2021
One starry night
Oh what a delight
Four angels did descend
A journey from heaven to earth they did wend
A joyous encounter they did find
To see family and friends so dear and kind
A time of celebration was at hand
As four angels did land
Each having a family who loved them
And, oh, they were such a gem.

Behold, four angels did encounter life's challenges and thrills
Each one in turn did notice that life was not a bed of flowers and frills
But they met each challenge with hope and strength
Growing firm and true to God and self

Finding each other was not an easy chore
But in the end they did score
A lifetime of happiness and love they have shared
With children they have seen paired
Coming together two by two and three by three
Soon there was a great family tree.

Families coming together and making a memory
Of laughter, love, and history
Now grown old these four angels have become
Ready to retire to that great home
First one then two did decide
That it was time to take the ride
Then the third succumbed and did give wing
And now you, my Grandmother, do wish to sing

Though, with your hair so white and body so frail
I can't yet seem to comprehend life's plain trail
That you are trying to say in your own kind way
"It is time for me to go and let us not sway"
It's just hard to let you go to something more Celestial
Because you...are...My Last Angel.

By Jason Cheney
February 2012
Written for my Grandmother who passed away 6 days later. It's also a reminder that my Grandparents are my heroes.
Jason Cheney Oct 2021
I write by the light of my phone
Because my heart is unusually full
I oftentimes write when I feel that mighty pull
With my deepest thoughts, they and I are all alone

The words distill upon my mind
I cannot stop myself from writing
The words, they just keep on coming
This Godly talent so simple and kind

I find joy and peace in my poems
When feeling blue, they lift me up
While pondering their words, I naturally look up
For God is speaking just to me, it seems

It's then that I realize I am not alone
So I continue to write
Each new memory or thought I do contemplate
My true feelings are soon set in stone

I've never had such a friend
Me, myself must I earnestly show
That through my poems will my love for God continually grow
Unto Him my truest feelings do ascend

He inspires me to greater heights
So my poems soon speak of Him
My love for my God and for my Savior will never dim
I find the words wherein my soul delights

I share them with Him, with you, but oftentimes just for me
To remind myself that there is beauty all around
I listen for these whisperings that within me do abound
For I know I've heard them before, while sitting there upon my Heavenly Father's knee

Written by:
Jason Cheney
September 26 2021
Jason Cheney Aug 2022
I've learned to smile while I cry
Perhaps, someday, I'll know the reason why

My heart so heavy, yes, so poignantly full
Thus my heartstrings do I gently pull

So that the corners of my lips turn upwards
Though they continually strive to turn downwards

My warm, salty tears could fill a measuring cup
But no one will notice as my smile rises up

On the surface, I am as happy as a lark
For it is my signature trademark

But deep down inside
My sorrow do I hide

I hurt day in and day out
But I will never let anyone see me pout

My heart and soul just want to shout out loud
I will not, no not ever, in front of a crowd

So I've learned to smile while I cry
After giving vent to a little sigh

I just smile and continue on
As I run this Earthly marathon

Supposedly, life is to be filled with fun
But rarely, inside, will I ever see the sun

Written by:
Jason Cheney
August 6, 2022
Jason Cheney Apr 2021
Sunrise in the morning
Sunshine during the day
Nighttime gives us a new beginning
Because the moon shines brightly and sleep drifts us silently away.

Written by:
Jason Cheney
Jason Cheney Oct 2021
Nostalgic for what's been lost
My best friends and family do I miss the most
Saddened by not seeing those who've passed on
This cry of loss causes me such deep emotion

Cut to the quick by the forfeiture of an era passing away
You remind us to be cheerful and happy, this you say
As we remember their faces in our mind's eye
Saying that we don't miss them would be a terrible lie

Of this I'm sure you'll all agree
That saying goodbye is never easy
Just knowing that they aren't with us anymore
Makes us want them nearer, all the more

The outstretched arms waiting to embrace us
This terrible, unrelenting feeling of our loss
Of love and laughter
When we were all together

How can life go on?
This thought seems to spawn
Feelings of hopelessness
And loneliness

Dreaming of those days long past
When I saw you last
I can't wait to be near you again
This, my joy, I can't contain

I'll run to you when I see your face
To be once more within your embrace
My dear loved ones and friends
Someday we'll be together, when my own life ends

Never ever to be apart
This will just be the start
Of our lives together
For eternity, in the hereafter

Written by:
Jason Cheney
October 10, 2021
For all those of us that have lost loved ones these last few months.
Jason Cheney May 2022
Oh ye fair ones
Those whom we have called daughters and sons
Wars, pestilence, and famines
Have destroyed so many lives

The beauty of each loved ones face
Now moulder in a shallow grave

Even now, another war rages
In a land that has known wars throughout the ages
Women and children who seek only to live
Are forced to fight just to survive

Seekers of peace are forced to flee
For all the world to see
None come to their aid
Because of the attacking soldiers raid

A dismal day, a new era we've seen unfold
Weeping and wailing, all this destruction must we behold
Today, the world has no empathy
Because there is a love for blood, thus pure apathy

How we used to greet each other
Only now we yell and shout at our brother
All we hear is the word, ******
Guns, knives, and bombs without number

Refugee tents creating new towns
Kids are waking to a life without playgrounds
Air sirens and airstrikes fill their world
Some'll never get to see their nation's flag unfurled

Why must we be living in a world full of hate?
A world at peace should we create
So our fair ones can live life to the greatest extent
And thus their sons and daughters won't grow up to a life of death and discontent

Written by:
Jason Cheney
May 2022
Jason Cheney Apr 2022
When all heck shall break free
There will be nothing left, you'll see
It's all because of a simple word: me, me, me

We'll see sadness all around
Ranting and raving will be a constant sound
Our tears, the ground they'll pound

Unholy and frightening scenes will appear
Ghastly sights will our horrified eyes mirror
Our deepfelt inner terror

The bondsman coming for us
Our normal lives cut short with abruptness
Overwhelming chaos and madness

Life spinning out of control
I try grabbing onto a pole
But there's no one who'll console

This anguish in my heart
We could have stopped this atrocity when it did start
If we had all done our part

Our pearls before swine have we thrown
Searching for relief as we've run
Nary a sign of anyone

Such infinite events will unfold
Earthquakes, eruptions, pestilences, and wars will we behold
Our children can not be consoled

Weeping and wailing all around
Faith, hope, and charity can't be found
Until the trumpet of God shall sound

Christ unto all the world will appear
And the world throughout will give ear
All knees will bow, and His name we will revere

It is asked, "Wherein came these wounds in thy side and hands?"
Justice for an eternal law then demands
That only Christ will govern these lands

Christ, the Prince of Peace
Zion will be His masterpiece
All wars and contentions will suddenly cease

As He begins His millennial reign
A thousand years without pain
Triumph over evil will He attain

For Christ will rule supreme
His people, He has come to redeem
If before Him, we are found pure and clean

Written by:
Jason Cheney
February 19-22, 2022
Jason Cheney Sep 2022
El olor de tu cabello
La fragancia de tu perfume
Me eres inocente
Floreciste poco a poco delante de mi ojo.

El calor del cuerpo humano
Escondido bajo las cobijas
Ayyy, tu hermoso rostro
Me envuelves en tus caricias.

Las estrellas dan brillo como los diamantes
Tus ojos tan encantadoras
Me enamoran tus gestos tan finas
Tus fotos tan lindas
Son tan edificantes.

Por Jason Cheney
Jason Cheney Nov 2021
How often I sing praises to Thy name
My heart swells whenever I sing about Him
He shows such compassion and love
That's when I know He is watching over me from above

There are times I stand in need of console
To lift up my heavy heart and soul
There are times I wish only to be wrapped in the warmth of His embrace
And feel His touch as He wipes away each tear that falls down my face

I know that He knows
His love for me overflows
He who is greatest of us all
Gladly paid the heaviest toll

How my heart implores
To drop anchor at those heavenly shores
My solemn prayer doth take wing
Towards my heavenly King

I recognize His face from afar
Perhaps He can rid me of this horrible scar
Someday soon, towards Him I'll race
To find comfort in His godly face

Written by:
Jason Cheney
November 2-3, 2021
Jason Cheney Apr 2021
Put thy shoulder to the wheel
Is His great appeal
We are to be men of honor and of work
It's something that we should never shirk

As we push along
We'll find that if we sing the right song
We'll stay better in tune
And our ears will be more attune

To hear the whisperings of the Spirit
A direct line to Heaven will we inherit
Our own personal revelation
Listen and obey, ensures our own Salvation

Ask and thou shalt receive
His desires for us would we perceive
His angels will stand next to us
To help us in this life, they are most anxious

I find that my heart yearns to become like Him
My joy is so great, it runneth over the brim
When I am employed in His service
To please Him, I'll pay any price

As I am pushing along
I remember that with Him, I belong
If I don't give sway
Someday with Him I'll get to stay

My troubles and weariness will be forgotten
Swallowed up by His mercy and affection
His will be done
Is my prayer and devotion

I will do all that I can
As I muster my courage to continue on
My load I'll push along
As I sing this inspirational song

"Put thy shoulder to the wheel"
These wagon wheels wrapped in steel
My humble heart drawn out unto thee
Thru this song, my unconquerable spirit has been set free

Written by:
Jason Cheney
April 2021
Jason Cheney Oct 2022
I feel the raindrops as they hit my head
The cool refreshing spirit that I do not dread
By the master's gentle touch each raindrop helps me shed

All my troubles and fears
And those hot, salty tears
For each raindrop shows me that He truly cares

Written by:
Jason Cheney
May 2018/October 2022
Jason Cheney Apr 2021
Nary a sound do I make
Gliding, creeping through the air
Parting each molecule with gentle care
Each movement with care do I take

Silently the stillness lies
Darkness all about
Grateful there's nobody to give a shout
Not even the babe in the cradle cries

Total quiet is what silence feeds on
Quite the opposite of deafening loudness
The sound of jackhammers and honking horns all around us
Which noise thirstily and eagerly feeds upon

Silence, pure unadulterated silence
Where even a simple pin drop can be heard
Thankfully, not even a single sound from a bird
A massaging and relaxing ambiance

Shhh, I put my fingers to my lips
Quiet, utter quiet
This deep silence is so perfect
It'll last till the small hand on my watch engages, then moves

Written by:
Jason Cheney
February 11, 2021
Jason Cheney Feb 2021
How welcoming is the night
Bed, you're such a beautiful sight
Each night I run to you with all my might
I can't wait to shut off the light

I throw back the covers and the sheet
The mattress and I do swiftly meet
Everyday, this event I do solemnly repeat
To lie upon you once more is such a treat

My wearied body just wants to sleep
This date tonight with you, I'll most definitely keep
Into a peaceful slumber I instantly take that leap
And honey, there you'll find me sound asleep.

Written by:
Jason Cheney
January 17, 2021
Jason Cheney Nov 2022
How majestically flies the eagle
While upon life's billowing currents he is found
The air beneath his wings doth swiftly flow

The beauty of the beating of each wing
Deafening is the piercing whistle that stills my heart
A shrill cry that echoes down from the highest crags

My soul's unfiltered answer in reply
To be lifted up within the endless boundaries of the sky
For it too wishes to soar and fly

Independent from all creatures here on Earth
Stretching for the freedom to reach upward towards Heaven
To rise with the sun and meet each day with such power

What a blessing it is to know
That our immortal spirits may fly so high
This poignant cry ripped from our very lungs

Thanking God for this magestic sight
Overlooking the Earth below
And knowing that with the eagles, I too can fly

Written by:
Jason Cheney
July 2022
Jason Cheney Apr 2021
Spiders in the shower
You'll see them after you turn on the water
They cause everyone to uncontrollably shudder
Some are quite hairy
Some have long, long legs
But all are God's beautiful creatures
Yes I know, each and every one, big and small

So when they race towards your legs,
As they most definitely will
The desire for that perfect shower has suddenly gone by the way
And your usually silent and inert body goes into a sudden sprawl
Just remember, they are only looking to get to higher ground
Each are saying, please save me
That is all

So when you pick them up and see their hairy legs menacingly waving
All they are really doing is saying, thank you, in their own kind way
Their brimming eyes upon you are fixed
Though we don't know it, God gave every creature on Earth an ability to give thanks
Yes, even those who upon the ground do crawl

As you recover from your fright
Just remember that they are running with all their might
Because they know that within the hollow of your hand
There is safety from the pelting rain
And bottomless drain
So bend over and lift them up, instead of reaching for your towel

Therefore everyone, please give God’s creature a fighting chance
To him or her, you are a heaven sent giant
So learn to become a hero
Especially because you stand so tall
To each spider found in your shower, yes, one and all.

Written by:
Jason Cheney
December 17 - 19, 2020
Jason Cheney Sep 2022
There is a book of scripture that talks to each of us
With profound prophecies that speak about our worthiness
Lehi's dream was to guide us along the straight and narrow path
Young Nephi followed the whisperings of the Spirit while in his youth

Jacob said that if we prune, dung, and care for the tree
We can make it back safely to Thee
Though we may be a branch grafted onto that old trunk
Good fruit from us will the Master pluck

Enos, though he went out one day a-hunting
Received a remission of his sins by earnestly praying
After reading these pages, the Lamanite descendants would gain a knowledge of Christ
Looking forward with renewed hope, by the Holy Ghost, they'd be so enticed

Long live King Benjamin
My goodness, what a man
His son, Mosiah, was a prophet and seer
Who had four sons that caused an angel to appear

These four men taught the Lamanites with such great power
Insomuch so, that the Holy Spirit their physical bodies did overpower
Two thousand sixty sons did take up their swords
To defend their people from the wicked Lamanite hordes

Alma the Senior at first was a wicked high priest
Though upon hearing Abinadi speak, his wicked ways immediately ceased
Baptizing his people in the waters of Mormon
He started many people on the path towards salvation

Alma the Younger, was also a wicked and idolatrous person
For which, he suffered for three days and nights till his sins were forgiven
Thereafter, his greatest desire was to have the voice of an angel
Amulek and Zeezrom, were amongst those who heeded Alma's call

Nephi and Lehi, though prisoners, stood within a circle of fire
They wanted all to know about God, this was their desire
The soldiers listened and became believers
They soon became God's spiritual ambassadors

Nephi kneeled upon his garden tower
While beneath him wicked Nephites did gather
He foresaw the workings of the secret band of Kishkumen
That they would bring about the end of this great nation

Samuel the Lamanite, upon the walls of Zarahemla did preach
That Christ would come down to earth and, us, He would teach
Thirty four years after His birth, He did appear
To these, His other sheep, His voice did they hear

To become witnesses, His wounds did they feel
Throughout the land,  all people, these witnesses did tell
Salvation could be had if at Christ's feet they would kneel
Then their wounds would He carefully heal

Almost three hundred years would pass away in peace
Till Mormon saw that the people's faith did decrease
A commandment to make a compilation of sacred records
And write about this nation's wickedness as it spiraled downwards

A final farewell to his people did Mormon give
Hoping that his son, Moroni, this war would outlive
Before everyone was killed there upon Cumora's green hill
All prophecies up till then were entirely fulfilled

Moroni, a final challenge to all
Unto us has he issued this call
If we will but read and pray with real intent
Our lives will this book compliment

The Book of Mormon has special meaning to me
But, its teachings are meant for all, you see
Of prophets, seers, and revelators who lived here so long ago
The truth, by way of the Holy Ghost, upon us will he bestow

So it's quite simple for you and me
If we but follow Moroni's steps to see
If this book testifies that Christ died upon that lonely tree
Then true followers of Christ will each of us be

Written by:
Jason Cheney
September 12, 2022
For anyone interested...this is a short synopsis of the Book of Mormon, another testament of Jesus Christ.  It is an amazing history of the people upon this continent who saw Christ after His resurrection in Jerusalem.
Jason Cheney Feb 2021
I hear the announcer’s call
A sea of runners, one and all
Jogging to the starting line
You'll find me in the front line  

I'm getting ready to run my race
My shoestrings did I tightly lace
Jetting off the starting blocks like a piece of hot lead
I sprint to get ahead

I quickly seek to take the lead
I pump my arms like mad
My footprints they can trace
As I set a very fast pace

The meters go flying by
I hear my supporter’s shrill cry
Onward, faster, run, run faster
This race you'll soon master

My quickened breath
The air whistling in and out of my mouth
My legs pound the ground
My lungs are making this horrible sound

Everyone I quickly pass
But I'm almost out of gas
Harder and harder do I run
This race is no longer fun

I see the finish line
The trophy, no my trophy, has such a beautiful shine
I've run my race
Within my fingers that trophy they'll place

I know it'll be mine
Not giving it to me would be such a crime
I chance a glance behind me
Turning back, I run smack dab into a tree

The emergency workers are instantly here
Their diagnosis is, my head, will forever be square
My race, my trophy went to the guy behind me
As I look up at the spinning stars that only I can see

I manage to hobble to my feet
I will never show defeat!!
I thank God for my thickhead
As I cross the finish line with a white bandage round my head

Written by:
Jason Cheney
February 2021
Jason Cheney Apr 2022
This inability to stop inhaling
These sweet fragrances are so breathtaking
Stirring tender memories from my childhood
All of them, rich and good

They bring peace to my soul
They have indeed made me whole
Happiness mingled with a pinch of nostalgia
Triumphs and losses are swallowed up by this beautiful aroma

I smell the essence of each individual flower
Mixed in tandem, my olfactory senses it doth shower
I sense the beauty of this moment
The timing, so delicate … so perfectly eloquent

I wish I could remain
In this beautiful state I'm in
Knowing that this moment was made just for me
A smile, a wish come true, my soul caught up in jubilee

This infectious aroma, this essence
Has created such an exquisite ambience
Wherein I may find inner peace
Until I exhale, and my breath, I release

Written by:
Jason Cheney
March 27, 2022
Jason Cheney May 2021
There is a moment when brown and yellow turns to a beautiful green
When once brown, dormant grass becomes a live carpet, it doth seem
The once frigid weather now slightly warm
The sun comes out, a world to transform
Great miracles it will soon perform

Tulips and daffodils push up out of the soil
To the beginning of spring, they are extremely loyal
Sunbonnets so yellow and stately
They absolutely make everyone amazingly happy
Our hearts they cheer so affectionately

Blossoms breaking from buds
A canopy of flowers numbering in the hundreds
Violets, blues, reds, purples, scarlets, and whites
Oh My!  It's at this time of season that my heart and soul delights
To see these extraordinarily, beautiful sights

Flowers of all shapes, sizes, colors, and smell
To my nose, a polithera of fragrances it doth tell
So much so, that my joy runneth over
Especially at the sight of a field of red clover
And also that of blue and purple lavender

Bumblebees and honeybees
On each delicate flower, these you will most definitely see
Their intricate bodies seen flying through the sky
Pollen so thick, it's a wonder they can still fly
They work together, in unity, to get their winter’s honey supply

Trees once stark, ugly, and bare
Their new leaves, with the world they will gladly share
With their shapes and sizes that will actually hypnotize
This dazzling display of beauty of each tree it will characterize
As with everything else in nature, they seek to harmonize

Lilac leaves so vibrantly green
Every leaf having its own personal sheen
The richness of each delicate and ornate flower
Brings a soul satisfying shower
Of newfound love for spring each and every year

Hillsides, desert, and plain
They always arrive after a drenching spring rain
Often showing their true color, through endless fields
As Indian paintbrush majestically dot these wondrous landscapes
A scene rarely seen as beautiful as these perfect wildflowers

Not to be left behind
To add to this great orchestra of smell it hath combined
My personal, favorite smell, it's own special odour it has lent
To the air, now rich with such heavenly compliment
Sagebrush's wonderful, heavenly, heavy, earthy scent

The embodiment of springtime
Which is all part of God’s eternal design
Is found in the birth of each newborn chick, calf, foal, piglet, and lamb
Perhaps this is why I am such a big fan
As each new Spring arrives, I become a richer man.

Written by:
Jason Cheney
May 2, 2021
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