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Jason Cheney Apr 2021
Christmas time
The sweet smell of pine
Presents under the tree
These the kids are most anxious to see

White snow outside
A very chilly sleigh ride
Carolers stopped by
Just to say hi

Sitting in front of a warm fireplace
Is the perfect place
Pieces of wrapping paper scattered everywhere
All I'll get from Santa this year is coal or new underwear

I see lots of holly and mistletoe
No candy in my stocking, because Santa was a no-show
Perhaps if I hadn't stayed up all night
The star of Bethlehem turned out to be my extremely bright, night lite

Right now everyone is sawing logs
Later, most people will be watching the football playoffs
Tons of sweet smelling treats in the kitchen
Trying to not burn myself, so I'm using my heat-resistant mitten

I have to go do chores
I rather be cooking s'mores
Popcorn roasting over an open fire
Honey, I really didn't spend that much, but my bank account calls me a liar

With that being said
All I see are men dressed in red
Salvation Army santas crying, Merry Christmas
Amazon, Sears, JCPenneys, and Macy's taking all of our money from us

So be watchful this Christmas season
For this, I could be shot for treason
This wintertime it's a cinch
Bah Humbug, it’s all the more reason to come as “The Grinch.”

Written by:
Jason Cheney
December 25, 2020
Jason Cheney Nov 2021
The loneliness of the night
To some it is quite a fright
For this purpose God created "light"

In the wee hours of the morning
My mind begins churning
I often find that it's time to begin writing

I can't go back to sleep
I've tried counting thousands of sheep
Therefore, I turn to God, while others are asleep

My thoughts are often just my own
About the gospel seeds that I have sown
And how quickly my kids have grown

Or, how I wish to become like Nephi of old
Who did everything that he was told
He saw Christ, angels, and other things foretold

I think of God's expectation of who I could become
I am free to act, due to Christ's ransome
His ways have never been cumbersome

Talents that have been given to me
These have been a benefit to many you see
But my body aches, the hour is half past three

While upon my bed I do lay
I read, ponder, and pray
What more can I say

The night has passed
A new dawn has come at last
I feel somewhat downcast

As I wonder how to withstand another day
My body and mind must not sway
From my duties to perform, today

While others got a full night's rest
For me, today will be my biggest test
As my body doth protest

Why on Earth couldn't I sleep
Into thy hands, Lord, my soul please keep
As I travel, work, ponder, pray, and seek

Let this next night be more restful and kind
Into thy hands I place my tired, weary, old soul and mind
Please Lord, help me to fully unwind

As each hour swiftly flies
I gladly close my beautiful blue eyes
In hope that my body, this night, will reenergize

I know that through the silence of the night
I have come closer to my Heavenly Father's light
By reading about him, because I've accepted his invite

To become more like Him
Therefore, I sing my favorite hymn
"Oh My Father", this phrase fills my heart to the very brim

No matter what, to Him I'll sing
His matchless love gives me wing
He comforts me, when my heart is aching

What comfort, joy, and beauty is found in this phrase
I stand in all amaze
While looking upon Thy face

"My God How Great Thou Art"
Thou hast known me since the very start
In Thy embrace, my troubles and worries do depart

I deposit my life into Thy loving hand
My faith in Thee will help me withstand
The trials of this life which are just part of Thy eternal plan

Written by:
Jason Cheney
November 6, 2021
Oh My Father by Eliza R Snow
How Great Thou Art by Stuart K Hine
Jason Cheney May 2022
If you have ever looked into a mirror
It can't be any clearer

The image displayed is of yourself
It is in high definition of one's spiritual self

It is one directional from this side
Though sometimes we can part the divide

If we could only peer through
We would see everything so pure and true

If we only knew how thin is this veil
The sight of loved ones to our eyes would it reveal

We would greet each person with such joy
Being in their presence is something we would enjoy

Our loved ones, us, do they see
Grateful that the Resurrection, for all, is free

God's plan of happiness
Is made for each of us

We part this veil when upon this Earth we are born
We part it again as we leave this mortal's sojourn

As we step through the veil into the spirit world
Our spirits now set free are unfurled

We are only a handbreadth away from this mortal life
As suddenly, we find ourselves in the afterlife

That being said, there is life after death
Another step in our journey after taking that last shallow breath

We'll wait for the coming of the Lord
And through Him, each will receive his due reward

When in our perfected bodies,  we will once again part the veil
And know that God and His Son did prevail.

Written by:
Jason Cheney
To all those who may wonder about the next step in life's journey.
Jason Cheney Feb 2021
The Poet

How silent are the fluttering wings of a butterfly
My innermost thoughts quietly creep out in reply
Both soar to unreachable heights
Where Heaven and Earth unites

I see how delicately a poet writes
To bring savor to the reader’s palate as he or she recites
The passage of a poem that grasps at the heart
Their soul it doth transport

To find acceptance and understanding in that small verse
The heartstrings, it doth gently coerce
To flit and fly a happy little dance
Upon my thoughts, the poet’s words do merrily prance

To find acceptance and bring joy
In the lives of all, each to enjoy
The rise and fall of each delicate motion
It causes such emotion

The stroke of the pen to paper
Hopefully never to waiver
Thoughts and feelings set in stone
Hopes and dreams will definitely atone

For cherished memories of days long gone
Seeing that spark of remembrance begin to dawn
Upon their lips, a smile is born
Within the poet’s words, understanding and love is reborn

He knew the inner thoughts of my soul, You did exclaim
His magical poem found its roll, I proclaim
Heaven and Earth it took to unify
My hunger and thirst for happiness it did truly satisfy

Written by:
Jason Cheney
November 16, 2020
Jason Cheney Mar 2023
Upon entering our home's front door
I smell a smell so intensely pure
As if upon command, my mouth begins to water
My feet towards the kitchen do not hesitate nor falter

I find a loaf of sweet, delicious, homemade bread
This incredible smell goes instantly to my head
Longing to add the taste of sweet honey butter
To my slice of bread lavishly, it, do I smother

The hot release of steam as I cut into the loaf
Truthfully, bread is best right out of the stove
My strong frame melts just like the butter
Oh yes, this piece was just an appetizer

My stomach growls for the next hot, dreamy slice
My desire to savor another delicate portion does increase
As I reach for the breadknife, I remember to say thank you and please

It is said that people can smell Mother's bread upon their deathbed
Yes, that heavenly taste and smell of freshly baked bread
Thus today, I will savor each and every tender bite
Sinking my teeth into that tender morsel, to my heart's delight

Written by:
Jason Cheney
February 2023
Jason Cheney Nov 2022
Sixty-four years before the coming of the Lord
When a war between two nations was declared
The Anti Nephi Lehites were readying to take up their arms
When Ammon asked that they would just send more food, from their farms

But two thousand sixty young men of yesteryear
Whose parents, a covenant of peace, had swore
Began the long march to fight a war
Down near the western seashore

They vowed to follow the prophet, Helaman
What a sight it must of been to see this caravan
Though they were so very young
Perhaps only sixteen when this war had begun

They were obedient to every command
For their Mothers had taught them to understand
That if they were diligent, God would never forsake nor leave them alone
With cheerful hearts, we read that each one was able to go back home

They knew that their parents and families depended upon them
Fighting for God, liberty, religion, and families was their mighty emblem
Therefore, they fought with the might of dragons
And thus, God did protect them, each and every single one

Though bloodied and hurt
They never did cease to fight
Often standing alone against the foe
Their courage and valor, to everyone did they show

Defeating mighty men and soldiers
They stood their ground as warriors
Often fighting foes on every side
And even if they had wanted, there was no place to hide

Often suffering from lack of food
When it was time to fight, upon their feet they stood
Fighting in God's battalion are they now found
The cries of these two thousand sixty young men, will forever resound

Written by:
Jason Cheney
October 2022
Jason Cheney May 2021
I think of you when I am blue
For you, my heart is true

Your graceful image remains in my mind
My life with you having been so intertwined

Your beauty and grace
Wasn't always confined to your face

I remember your smile
It would lift my heart for more than a mile

I can still remember your joyous laughter as it would emanate from your lips
Each beautiful emotion rolling across my thoughts is like an old record as it jumps and skips

Your exuberance for life caused me quite a commotion
Darling, you've got my complete devotion

Seeing your profile in the setting sun
Life with you was always so much fun

I knelt down beside you
Our hands clasped together on top of that holy pew

Each dedicating our lives together
Great hopes of eternity with one another

I see how the years have treated me and you
Some things, if possible, I wish that I could redo

To allow you more comfort and joy
My mighty powers of muscle and blood would I employ

Working toward your goals, not just mine
Two hearts working side by side is God's design

Thinking about you night and day
With you, I'd gladly take another roll in the hay

Life without you isn't very easy
Dreaming away the hours makes me sound kinda cheesy

But these feelings and thoughts of you
Allows my heart to always remain true

I'll always remember your beauty
You had the ability to make me feel incredibly giddy

Though you've be gone a million years
To my eyes, these thoughts of you, will always bring me to tears

So I look up towards heaven once in a while
As another fleeting memory makes this exact moment quite worthwhile

I miss the laughter and your presence
All I have now are these thoughts of you, and the sound of silence.

Written by:
Jason Cheney
May 25, 2021
Jason Cheney Feb 2021
Of us, it has been required to walk a mile or two
Not by ourselves, but with Him and with you
There is beauty in serving our fellow man
To do everything possible for them, if we can

From our coat  
To our raiment
Though we give but one copper penny
For our sacrifices, our blessings will be many

Often we look far and wide
But those in the greatest need are often right by our side
No soul is to be left behind
I'm sure that Christ also has this goal in mind

I will give all to know thee
As I watched Christ place a child upon his knee
I stumble to my feet
From His baskets of fish and bread did I eat

With my eyes downcast
This beautiful memory of Him will forever last
My burden He took from me
Still, this life is not for free

I look upwards towards heaven
His love for me has He proven
Now I must continue my quest
Lord, I'll give it my all, yes even my very best

Within that mile have I found
The gentleness in the sound
Of His quiet, loving voice
He came to this world to give me free choice

I know not why He did all this for me
Lord, I am not even worthy of sitting next to thee
A Samaritan who showed me the path
My wounds thou didst bind, a debt which would soon amass

I see thy hand in my everyday life
As thou didst journey with me, I felt so alive
Lord, where wouldst thou have me go?
The wounds in thy hands and feet, me thou didst show

As thou didst walk a mile or two with me
My Lord, I didst not recognize thee
But within that mile, I learned that I too must do the same
For I am to give aid to all that are lame

Lord, my feet are weary
But I'll continue on, for I now see thy plan so clearly
I'll continue to raise the sufferer up
For tonight with you I'll sup

Though I am but a simple soul
My help thou didst enroll
I will seek to do Thy bidding
As I rise each and every morning

Written by:
Jason Cheney
January 2021
Jason Cheney Feb 2021
I often sit and ponder,
Of life and what's yonder.
Is Christ my loving Mediator?

Is there joy and beauty all around?
Yet in a simple sound,
God assures me that I too have been found.

He knows me inside out
He speaks to me, in my heart and out loud
His angels, me, have they encircled about

I know that He is constantly with me
Oftentimes, I feel that He has me upon His knee
He petitions all of us to but see

That He is our Savior and Our Redeemer
I but need kneel and ask Him in prayer
If He will stay, a moment longer with me here

I know that He lives
A ransom to all He gives
Such joy this sentence revives

My Savior, God to Thee
My heart and soul do both agree
That He is there for you, and yes, for me.

Written by:
Jason Cheney
November 2020 / January 2021
Jason Cheney Oct 2021
I nestle into my favorite spot
Upon my Father's knee
To listen to Him
A lesson and story He recites to me

I love to gaze into His eyes
He speaks with such love and reverence you see
My focus is upon His face
I listen so very attentively

His voice so mellow I begin to weep
I lay my head there upon His chest
He lovingly wraps His arms around me
He is my hero, yes, my best friend you see

That day a memory I did make
Though off on a new adventure I did partake
But my heart longs to hear His voice
I yearn to look upon His face

So through the veil I do eagerly peek
For those memories that I do solemnly seek
I look for Him where I did depart
He is waiting for me there with His arms wide apart

My God, my Father, whom I entreat
Hold me tight, like before
So I might feel loved once more
This is my most earnest prayer

I know that though we are far apart
My loving Father has heard me up there
For I feel His hands lift me up
As He once more sets me upon His knee

I nestle into my favorite spot
And lay my head once again upon His chest
My Eternal Father gently soothes my fears
My son, thou art loved by me, this thou hast always known

Yes Father, this I know
Today I just needed an embrace and hear thy voice
I've missed thy presence this thou must see
And being held here upon Thy knee

Written by:
Jason Cheney
September 28, 2021
Jason Cheney Nov 2022
Moroni, Teancum, and Lehi
What manner of men were these three?
I'd love to tell you a little bit concerning them
If you'll give me a brief moment of your time

Moroni became Chief Captain when he was only twenty five
His lifelong desire was to preserve his people and soldier's lives
He knew his duty was to serve them and his God
His feet were firmly planted in the gospel sod

Moroni hoisted the Title of Liberty high upon the towers
From this, his duty, he would never shrink nor cower
And if all men could or would be like unto him
Christ's joy for all mankind would have been filled to the brim

He did not delight in shedding another's blood
But to God, his military successes, he always attributed
He was a man that depended on ingenuity and revelation
Between Moroni and Lehi, there was much love and admiration

Lehi was also a man of God
By Moroni's side, he always stood
He was a fearsome warrior
Like no other

His life was spent in the service of Nephite mothers and fathers
He constantly defended their liberty from Lamanite warriors
He was second only to Moroni
His confidence, upon God's grace, did lie

He most definitely was a humble man
Yet he fought with the might of a lion
He had to of felt an amazing amount of grief
At the extent of destruction and loss of human life

He stood shoulder to shoulder with all the rest
His presence put fear into the Lamanite host
I'm sure that from dawn until dusk, he did labor
To strengthen the fortifications against any attacker

Teancum, a ferocious and God-fearing soldier
Was also a very knowledgeable leader
It is said that his men were stronger
And more skilled in the art of war, than any other

His men had all been carefully trained
And thus the Lord, them, He sustained
He was Moroni's strong, left side
Over a part of the Nephite army he did preside

Teancum, to his people's rescue would go
His undying love for freedom truly did show
For when all seemed hopeless and lost
He and his men would fight valiantly no matter the cost

Into King Ammoran's camp one night he did go
His anger and hatred for this man did overflow
His javelin did hit the mark
But not before King Ammoran let out a death rattling bark

As Moroni and Lehi anxiously awaited Teancum's return
The sounds of swords in the night could they discern
Then the sound of silence met their ears
To their eyes leapt hot, understanding tears

Though in the end, his life, this war did take
His actions and decisions were never a mistake
For his name shall shine forever throughout history
Not like many another whose names are just a memory

Often these three men met on the battlefield
Never an inch of Nephite land did they ever yield
Worthy to be called brothers-in-arms, were these three
They lived and died as warriors, with only one desire, their people's liberty

Written by:
Jason Cheney
October 23, 2022
Jason Cheney Apr 2021
What is a book?
A book is an adventure
A book is a teacher
A book is a guide
A book can be a ride, worldwide.
A book can give us wisdom
A good book is awesome
The good book leads people to heaven
For the good book, I am much beholden.
Written by:
Jason Cheney
Jason Cheney Feb 2021
It's the dead of night
My nerves strung extremely tight

4:30 a.m., I come awake with a start
I just hate life when at this hour my eyelids do part

My body aches, I need to relax
I'm so exhausted, my energy, this day will definitely tax

My brain cries out for needed relief
I hunger for sleep, I shout in disbelief

Why Again? when I desperately need to sleep
It doesn't work counting those naughty sheep

My mind races a million miles an hour
I might as well get up and go take a shower

But I continue to lie in bed
Sooo, I write this testy poem instead

Hoping that my eyelids will start to droop
Knowing in vain that my lost energy, I'll never recoup

An hour gone by
I angrily let out a tremendous sigh

Each tic toc of the clock doth ensue
Wistful dreams of sleep I'll not get to pursue

As the minutes and hours continue
My fond dreams of sleep now gone; flabbergasted, I know it's terribly true

Only a little while longer till I get up for work
My body hurts, but my job I cannot shirk

My wife's alarm clock goes off at 6
¡Oh fiddlesticks!

I guess my restless night is over
I wish it was just starting as I throw off my bedcovers  

Written by:
Jason Cheney
December 2, 2020
Jason Cheney Feb 2021
Soy alto
Soy bajito
Soy fuerte
Soy debil
Soy poderoso
Soy manso
Estoy feliz
Estoy triste
Tengo sed de conocimiento
No estoy educado
Soy habilidoso
Estoy hambriento
Estoy entendiendo
Soy pensativo
Soy honesto
Estoy cansado
Soy jubilado
Soy rico
Soy pobre
Soy un ladrón
Soy vulnerable
Soy ingenuo
Soy un mentor
Soy un Capitán
Soy un hombre de negocios
Soy carpintero
Soy un granjero
Soy un ranchero
Soy un soldado
Soy un profesor
Soy un marido
Soy un padre
Soy una esposa
Soy madre
Soy un niño
Soy un hijo
Soy una hija
Soy un tio
Soy una tia
Soy una novia
Yo soy un novio
Estoy viejo
Estoy joven
Soy hermosa
Soy un hijo de Dios
Soy muchas cosas, pero sobre todo ...
Soy quien soy.

Escrito por Jason Cheney
Octubre de 2020

— The End —