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s1mpl3po3t Apr 2021
I went to the bank
To deposit some money,
And fell head over heels
With that bank teller honey,
With long auburn hair
And a fabulous smile,
I didn't want to leave.....
I wanted to stand there a while,
I was just another customer
Of one hundred that day,
But this one is different
I wanted to stay,
I've got the bank teller blues
I have to save some more dough,
So I can go to the bank
And bask in her glow.

I went to the bank
To get some more cash,
I broke the speed limit
And the hundred yard dash,
But I wasn’t prepared
To see her again,
I was a ten watt bulb
And she was halogen,
Her brilliance, her beauty
I was thunderstruck in awe,
My legs felt like lead
My brain made of straw,
I’ve got the bank teller blues
Yes, my interest is high,
I need to deposit some love
Before I break down and cry.
I went to the bank
For another transaction,
I’m under a spell
A magnetic attraction,
Every night when I sleep
It’s a repetitive theme,
There’s a bank teller beauty
Inside of my dream,
I wake up light headed
Wondering what it is I drank,
And an overpowering urge
To get down to the bank,
I’ve got the bank teller blues
On my mind all the time,
With monetary issues
Getting harder to rhyme.
I went to the bank
I had to talk to the boss,
He’s making a profit
Now it’s time for a loss,
Because I’m going to withdraw
His bank teller today,
My compound interest
Is starting to pay,
No longer will I need
To hide my love in the closet,
My bank teller beauty
Will take my deposit,
I studied the art
Of managing money;
No more bank teller blues
Because now she’s my  honey.
s1mpl3po3t Apr 2021
Loss and recovery
A process lined with pain,
It may be quite depressing
As emotions wax and wane.

If you don't resolve the issues
You'll suffer endless grief,
If allowed to pass the course
The results produce relief.
s1mpl3po3t Apr 2021
I got a shot of hope
And man, did it hurt!
I bled so much
It soaked my shirt,
They told me, sonny
You should be so glad,
Back in the day
It killed your dad.

There's a light at the end
Of the tunnel, they say,
A lot of groovy metaphors
Are thrown our way,
And plenty of guilt
To help us cope,
Now, please take a number
To get your shot of hope.
s1mpl3po3t Apr 2021
I wished for a lady
How far did I look?
Why, right here beside me
She was coloring her book,
My eight year old daughter
With her stencils and chalk,
Her imaginary world
And make believe talk,
Such a wonderful sight
As I watched her at play,
A woman tomorrow
A child today.
s1mpl3po3t Apr 2021
She sits there by the window
Her coffee keeps her warm,
With her books and study papers
Sheltered from the storm.

Dressed in winter colors
Sweatshirt dark and denim jeans,
Comfort found in simple threads
Where complexity convenes.

Steam rising from her coffee cup
Casts a shadow on the glass,
It shades the pure reflection
Of such a pretty lass.

She sits there by the window
Gazing out beyond the storm,
Her coffee cup is empty now
Her body finally warm.
s1mpl3po3t Apr 2021
I finally achieved heard immunity
I stopped listening to all the voices in my community,
I deny social media and don’t read the papers
I don’t even listen to the movers and shapers.

Heard immunity
Felt so good to achieve,
Whatever you have to say
I won’t listen and I’ll leave,
To allow you some space
To spout your opinions,
You have the right to do that
With your adorable minions.
s1mpl3po3t Mar 2021
The original dream
Shared a vision of happiness,
Harmonious circumstances
Character witnesses to a life,
That flowed unerringly
Across a landscape
Of perfection.

Then came the descendants;
Other dreams,
Where illusions were introduced
And the landscape underwent
Subtle changes,
Twists and turns
Seemingly random, chaotic eddies
Fractal logic prevailing;
The dream deviated
Always pushing and swelling
At the edge of
Its ever-expanding territory.

Standing anywhere along that edge
One can see a little more or less
Of the horizon
Than at any other position,
Equilateral sight
Into the possibilities
Of the future,
And looking back
A seemingly random path,
And though chaotic
It clearly made sense,
At each individual instant.
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