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s1mpl3po3t Mar 2021
We are so close,
As close as two lovers can be
Who no longer meet each other
On the terms that their affair demanded
And yet they separated without animosity,
Without hatred.

We are so close,
We think alike in many ways
We have a mutual respect
We care about each other
We are friends,
In Love.
s1mpl3po3t Mar 2021
I think about you every day
And though we're far apart,
I talk to you this silent way
The whispers from my heart.
s1mpl3po3t Mar 2021
I was recently hired
In the Eye Tea division,
After an Earl Gray interview
It was an easy decision.
s1mpl3po3t Mar 2021
If Mika is just like her mother
The world is a better place,
If Mika looks like her mother
Then surely, she has a beautiful face;
And if Mika learns from her mother
Perhaps she'll live in a state of grace.
s1mpl3po3t Mar 2021
She's a cutie, yessiree
If I was single
And she was free,
I might propose
A rendezvous,
I'm sure there's something
We could do.

But then I left
Before we could,
Was that bad or
Was that good?,
I don't know
But it was fun,
To imagine things
We never done.

In the future
I might repeat,
This kind of thing
Is simple and neat,
Flirt a little
And laugh a lot,
‘Tis an exercise
That ends with naught.
s1mpl3po3t Mar 2021
Genius that I am
At nonsense creation,
I've had a hundred business ideas
Without organization,
I proposed making dog jewelry
But we never got to it,
We tried hot spicy dog bones
But they wouldn't chew it,
Let's make puppy clothing
But I don't know how to sew,
I'm just a creator of ideas
And that's all I know.

I have a new concept
But I can't share it with you,
You might figure out the process
Then I wouldn't get my due,
So my clever ideas
Are kept hidden in a box,
And eventually they are gone
Like the keys for the locks.
s1mpl3po3t Feb 2021
I thought that I might sometime see
A dog betrothed unto the flea,
A married match that some might think
Was consummated in a blink.

Alas, alack it didn't last
That marriage ended really fast,
The flea took blood, the dog did itch
And so he scratched away that *****,
That had the gall to bite the groom
Before they left the marriage room,
The dog said, Pastor, ditch this deal
I do not like this itchy feel,
I was better off when I was single
Before the flea and I did mingle;
A moral of this tale takes flight
Don't marry, should your girlfriend bite.
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