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s1mpl3po3t Feb 2021
What started as something
Resulted in naught,
Like making a purchase
Then regretting what was bought.

Preemptive expectations
Often overly excite,
What started as a kiss
Turned into a bite.
s1mpl3po3t Feb 2021
If I could take away your pain
I would do it in a hurry,
I'd place it in a *** of
Sautéed porcupine and curry,
Then I'd feed it to the scavengers
The beggars and the thieves,
Whatever the outcome of my efforts
I assure you, no one grieves.

If I found a box of answers
I would give the best to you,
For all your loving care and kindness
You most definitely are due,
Rewards for all the suffering
You took from those who crossed your path,
A box of answers, for your troubles
And the most soothing bubble-bath.
s1mpl3po3t Feb 2021
Stop drinking alcohol
And see what transpires,
Use it instead
For the leaf burning piles,
In the middle of the driveway
In those yesterday years,
Back then we used kerosene
And still the smoke produced tears.

Stop eating chocolate?
Not if I have a choice,
I have it every day
And feel like a Rolls Royce,
Luxuriously comfortable
And with power to spare,
I'd rather give up water
Or purified air.

Moderation is key
You know we've all heard that,
Whoever said it first
Deserves a thump with a bat,
An instructional proverb
Across centuries and cultures,
If you paid for that therapy?
Well, thou hast met vultures.

— The End —