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Jul 2024 · 71
Fay Grace Jul 2024
It took me a long time to realize, that not everything we seek is meant to be our beautiful story.
That, not every person we meet or feel something deep and moving with is meant to make a home within us.
That, not everyone we create a home with is meant to last long with us.

I'm sorry...I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry for being too much
I'm sorry for caring too much, loving you with a heart too wide that no one else could.
For putting up with you even when showed me I meant nothing,
I stayed. I still stayed.

I'm sorry for needing more than you could provide
For the intensity, for the words that spill over uncontrolled
For the emotions that soar like kites
I'm sorry for the spaces I tried to feel in, for the constant checkins
For the dreams I built, for the plans that grew way too fast, I'm sorry.

I choose to love you in silence because loving in silence there is no rejection
For you've made me harder to love
I'm often overthinking, fighting endless battles in my mind,
And I...I be the judge of my mind too
So I'll end up forgiving...and forgiving...and forgiving too much

Because I've never been your first and only choice
Never been enough for you
I think I'll be better off without anyone
And that way I'll put my SMILE BACK AGAIN.
May 2024 · 91
Fay Grace May 2024
Baby...I miss you...
I miss the voice when you wake up...
I miss that early voice that catches my smile while...
Others catch the warmth...
I miss that morning smile served in a hot plate... By the bed...they say...
They say that is blind and that the beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder but no.... love I can see...I can see clearly, I'm not blind but you can call me Arsenal coz... I've fallen for you

Call me man-city... Oh...I mean wo-man of the city coz I... I carry the title... I carry the title bold for you....

So can nickname me man-united...I mean... Wo-man united coz i talk too much....coz I'm crazy and I love making noises for you....only for you to notice me.

And baby... I tend to take everything with me...But I leave my heart for you... Oh...I mean... I liv-a-pool of heartfelt affection for you my lovely one.....I live-r-pool for you 'coz even if I conquer, I tend to retaliate in your presence love.

But yes, you can do're allowed to press CTRL+Z...forget everything, but remember...when you're CTRL+A, CTRL+C from me and like my best friend Chel...see you have started judging me...before I finish her beautiful name... SEA.
May 2024 · 86
Fay Grace May 2024
I always stare at my body imprinted into the mirror
The way my  **s flattens and my chest correspond a like two old friends who are never apart at heart. See, I have been struggling dealing with the girl staring back at me, wondering if I see what everyone else sees. But I just cant help but wish to look better than her.  Call me a loser I don't care, but I just cant figure out why food tastes like trash , every meal draws me away like a mad dog. I feel most beautiful, take the sexiest pictures when I'm alone in the room but loose the confidence in the sight of everyone else.  So I stuff my mouth with the most promising words, " I'll be beautiful one day" Dreams that will never exist. Insecurities
May 2024 · 70
Fay Grace May 2024
I always stare at my body imprinted into the mirror
The way my  **s flattens and my chest correspond a like two old friends who are never apart at heart. See, I have been struggling dealing with the girl staring back at me, wondering if I see what everyone else sees. But I just cant help but wish to look better than her.  Call me a loser I don't care, but I just cant figure out why food tastes like trash , every meal draws me away like a mad dog. I feel most beautiful, take the sexiest pictures when I'm alone in the room but loose the confidence in the sight of everyone else.  So I stuff my mouth with the most promising words, " I'll be beautiful one day" Dreams that will never exist. Insecurities
Mar 2024 · 97
Silly Me
Fay Grace Mar 2024
We never even dated
so it would be unwise to say so
kept my heart at high hopes
one day you'll see the worth
promised we'd be inseparable  
but it started to fade away

Quickly let me note it down
before it all disappears
In a translucent dream
like a vision, I'd see us
Flourishing together

For a moment, reading Romeo and Juliet
Got me thinking maybe they would have
Approached things differently
I would be the Juliet if you'd see the Romeo
Hidden deep in you

Screaming silently but the tongue is ripped and torn
My mind unable to think anymore
My heart in denial
But the body is still strong and pushing

Hating on you would be an option
leaving would be by choice
But I choose to stay
To revive the dead Romeo
And butter up my swollen heart
Dec 2023 · 243
Tale of truth
Fay Grace Dec 2023
And the evening comes,
They'll all say they knew you.
They'll gonna say sweet words about you
Posting your lively pictures lamenting
Why you left so early
Why you never gave them heads up.
R.I.Ps gonna be so sweet and angelic.
But when morning shines,
They'll all forget your existence
They'll move and enjoy what they got
What you left for them.
So whatever you gotta do,
Do it knowing, with or without you
The world is gonna keep goin'
Nov 2023 · 115
Fay Grace Nov 2023
Given opportunity I'll choose a dare,
Silently my heart will ooze
With the game of dare
We will make fun of it.
But silently i chose to bury
My unbearable bitter truth.
Jun 2023 · 148
Secret concoxion
Fay Grace Jun 2023
Wait a minute!
How do you generate a secret?
Just by the words "Can I tell you a secret?"
There, everyone knows its a secret.
Something forbiden
Something meant for you only.
Not to be told.

But wait!
How about you just, say it
How about you just make it like one pep talk?
They wont realise its a secret
They wont remember
They wont bother
They wont consider talking about it.

Here is how a human mind is made
Once it perceives a secret
Connects it to your heart
Your heart becomes restless
Itchy mouth so uncomfortable until,
Until you decide to talk to someone
Supposively, a friend
And the chain goes, on and on

Just like a tale
Its easily forgotten when its not a secret
Than when given the ' Secret crown concoxion"
Sep 2022 · 138
Fay Grace Sep 2022
Every time you are out of sight
I'm dying just to see you
Your presence makes
Life feel like hell
But i'm left with nothing
Wishing that i can see you
    Just one more time.

Love so sweet
Yet so cruel
i keep asking myself
Why does it have to exist?
Why was feelings created?
But all my whys'
Are left unanswered

It feels impossible
How do we rewrite our story?
What title do we give it?
Of how we gonna be
I wish i can be a poet but i cant
Love feels like a cage of vengeance.
Jun 2022 · 136
Fay Grace Jun 2022
The urge to be somebody we can't be
Is thus rampant associated fashionable
that's sold-out in empty tins
and therefore the taglines...
Are the snippers from an grade degree
That dictates the standards of their own targets

and that we are all subjected to the flow
Of this beauty
Not knowing that
we have a tendency to are all living within the flaws
Of this same beauty
That we embrace

currently let ME pause,
Asking an issue that
each man tends to overlook, where...
wherever is that the beauty?.. The beauty,
Man slaughtering their own blood
And flesh, where is the sweetness?

Would like to write a lot of
Question more
hunt for the beauty more
however I guess...
Pausing there would be my drugs
Jul 2021 · 193
Fay Grace Jul 2021
A day begins with hope but ends with a dream
Surely everyday will start with expectations but will end with experience
Jun 2021 · 185
Fay Grace Jun 2021
There are two facts you need to know
I have grown a foot taller
Twice wiser than you left
I have mother's uninhibited, restless, both perfect
and imperfect

5 years down the line
You still are fresh in my mind
Your face printed like a 3D picture
Still glowin'
Bright teeth shinnin'
All i know is
You are here with me.

Wish I could shout it again and again
I know you are watchin' over me
Sister, I got someone now
Someone worth a world

All his perfections and imperfections add up
He's become my end and beginnin'
Even when I loose, I'm winnin'
He's got it all.

Wish i could see you
One more time
Tell you that am happy
Jun 2021 · 132
Guardian angel
Fay Grace Jun 2021
Home or no home
you are my home
you make me feel safe
even when you are down breaking

Your heart aching
you wont allow me see you tear
why? I would hear
I would sense too

A sweet and nice person
in tears
is like an innocent beautiful little kid
tortured in burning flame
May 2021 · 124
Fay Grace May 2021
How long can i wait?
How fast this life goes by
Like a blink of an eye
I shall be waiting
Till forever,love you mine

Allow me to hide my love in your heart
Allow me keep it safe where we won't part
It feels no pain , full of love
Your love has made me crazy , made me insane.

Time flies, like a shooting star in the sky.
So is my love for you it will stay
As time goes by.
My love is eternal and my heart agrees.

Make me a small promise
This is real and it lives we live.
My heart beats along with your heartbeat.
I will follow your soul where it leads.

How fast time goes by
So hold me, make me try.
Love me till i cry.
Tears of joy , lemme be your prey
Till eternity i'll pray
Love you mine, you will see
For the love of an African man
Still Kaiser💕💕💕💕😘😘😘
May 2021 · 97
Fay Grace May 2021
There is a definitely light at the end of the tunnel
Or so they say, yet I stumble again
But I hope this journey is right
Thought I was wrong until today
When I see so bright the love in your eyes
The lights keeps shining so bright
Honey , lets make this right and memorable.
Like never before.

How long must I wait for you to see us there?
Tell me , how am I gonna prove that...
This will be like never before?
So much like never before.
I'm gonna love you more
How much? I don't seem to know
But i'm sure it's gonna be like never before.

Red lights all over us.
Waiting for our downfall , you know!
But wait! What are we going to tell them?
It's like never before , right?

I can feel the fragrance of your breath.
The touch of your fingers around my neck.
The warmth of your lips , gently touching mine.
Carassing in love , the moment so divine...

Like no other day , never before,
This is the day we will remember
Full of love and our souls to surrender.
Lemme stay in your arms , love me more.
Your princess
Treasure this moments , like never before !
My precious love J.K
Apr 2021 · 677
Fay Grace Apr 2021
What's the point.....
The point of keeping it together?
When all it does is to separate
What's the point of explaining a situation?
To them when a they see is a little busted trying to prove herself right?
When all you see is a bunch of evil-minded people ready to feast on your flesh?
The world has people
People left with no emotions
No hope of future
All they say "let's live in the moment"
Money has become their god, their second heart
Peace became a vocabulary
No point of "lets make this right!"
Slogan is "If you can't beat them,join them" kind of world.
Apr 2021 · 477
Fay Grace Apr 2021
Pain,i cry to let it go
But it keeps recurring
Can't imagine how hurting it is
The pain of letting go

So good at comforting
But the words,,
You use to comfort others
Are the words you wish to hear
Aug 2020 · 91
Too Much
Fay Grace Aug 2020
Is it torture is it slavery?
You keep demanding
Demanding much of my time
Putting up with all your troubles.

Demanding to be given respect
Yet its not in your dictionary
Expecting me to entertain your friends
Yet you act so cruel to my own

Demanding to see me in a rainbow dress
To impress your unknown guests
To look great and stunning
Yet you give no credit on it

Do you know how i pay my uber bills?
What i put up with when am with you?
What it feels to act strong when you are not?
I guess you don't

All about you baby boy is your reputation
How people see you
Your own respect
Respect is earned.....respect is not harvested like honey.
Aug 2020 · 95
Phone call
Fay Grace Aug 2020
At a point of time
     We all have received
Made a wrong phone call
But the right phone call
Is the one from our hearts

It rings at the right time and for the right person
Aug 2020 · 104
Fay Grace Aug 2020
At the beginning of this poem
I had in  mind  a  glass   shape
And  so  i  carefully   designed
   Each line,carefully written
      Emptied chardonnay
          Down my throat      
             But the poem
               Not quite as
                 It should
     ­               Were
                  Too long
               My spellings
           Were very wrong
       And my rhyming scheme
as well as the shape, had completely
Disappeared by the  end  of  it  all
            Just a wine glass
#a shaped wine glass
Aug 2020 · 79
Fay Grace Aug 2020
Getting attached to things
Attachment leads to expectations
Hence, expectations becoming disappointments
Aug 2020 · 79
Fay Grace Aug 2020
Inquisitive i became,watching couples everywhere
Peaceful and glee,as the lives we share
When will my turn be,time to ponder
Deep into thoughts,i start to wonder

Burning like wildfire,love will always spread
Greatest feeling at least,that's what i've read
I give everything,i willingly dare
So why do i feel so empty?
With no one to care

My faith begins to die,as time tickles by
I stand strong,and resist conceding defeat.
I have heard of the "soulmate" lifetime partner
Although my hope is restored ,am still lonely

You are what i pray for,before bed and meal
You will grant me the feel,of the promised emotions
Day after day, i know you are out there
Take your time soulmate,bond like ours is rare

Eternal loyalty,eternal truth
My tears will freeze,before i stop waiting for you
Aug 2020 · 76
My last drop
Fay Grace Aug 2020
Several years have passed
Hopes held so high
Maybe one day you will,
Come back to us on your own will

Daddy couldn't talk about you
Fear of your mention becoming a torture
Your sudden disappearance
Pulling mother and father down

She's only thirteen now
Mother is aging you know
But everyday's question,
Will you come back to us?

All your dreams i'll fulfill
Promises you made i will
But our hearts are left in dispair
Tearsdrops like raindrops

I won't blame God's plan
But the hole left inside never filled
Souls left in torn
Squeezed in thorns
We really miss you,our miss

As i put down my pen
This is the last drop
Your wish is us to be happy
Its up than the spirits

Your creations,i will handle
Your dreams,i'll take
Upon my shoulders i make
To fulfill them for you
But this is my last drop
For the remembrance of my sister...the late Gloria
Aug 2020 · 83
Fay Grace Aug 2020
You left me in the pit
You said i couldn't fit
To you it was lit
I becoming a deadbeat
    Useless kit

I lost my feet
You said i wasn't fit to fit on your sit or your feet
And you meant it
And now am the heat
I bet you need my hint

I was in need
But we couldn't meet
I had to feed on a rotten meat and seeds
I had to read,on how to bleed
In pain with no gain
I lived in a train with strains of pain and strains
Tied with chains of ails,fixed with wrecked nails
Now that am the heat
You need my hint

Your success was so brief
Like my belief in grief
The lord turned the leaf and now you are stiff
In just a glimpse,you fell off the cliff

The "ME" you used to tease
Is now at peace
Taking life at ease
Now that am the heat
You need my hint

I didn't cause your fall
But now its me you call
You had no feelings,such a doll!
Your actions i recall
But now i will stand tall
And take a stroll
Roll a poll on what to install against your fall

You treated me ill
But that's not my skill
I got a drill because your dreams i cant ****
Instead,your dreams i'll refill
And that's my will
Now am the heat
You need my hint

I hope you remember
The last December
I wasn't a member
In all your tenders
You were busy with that gender
Occupied by your own agenda
While i focused on the calendar
With one agenda
To be a leader
Not only a leader but a winner
And a mentor
For all the gender
Now i'm the heat
You need my hint
#Mesh lewis my all time friend #karma....thank you for reading my friend's and i work
Aug 2020 · 95
Fay Grace Aug 2020
Paper full penned

Gone are the days that we used to force ink out of the pen

Trying to bring up a solution out of a forgotten chemical formulae

Gone are the days,we used to force love out a dragon mouth

Instead,we'll make it emit more fire

Gone are the sacrifical days,when one could die for others

In the name of love,one could be imprisoned

We now stand for ourselves and let the bygones be bygones

We call it the Forbidden
Years of force use are over man for himself is our human culture
Fay Grace Aug 2020
They all are watching our backs

Courageous,loving and responsible,their families,husband and children,the reason they work tirelessly

Action speaks louder

So serious and allegic to silliness
Happily creating fun for families

Just look at their fashion
Always on point
How great they look
They always speak from their hearts

Of course no mother can let her kid get injured
The best warriors without physical weapon
That's more than love

Trust me everything about them is an art

Our mothers' roots so deep
More than a gem stone,they are the strong pillar of our families
Just awesome having great mothers around
#For the love of my mommah
Aug 2020 · 72
Think before acting
Fay Grace Aug 2020
You sign a pact,becoming a woman
A pact of thinking before you act
Cut off the act,of reasoning without facts
All i request of you,
       Think before you act

You are inspired by ****** desires
Even to the upcoming women,
Is a shame to the entire
To the retired,your actions,
We are tired
All i need from you,
    Think before acting

Before you seal your own fate
Think through your steps,
Think of your fate
And your next generation instead,
All i request from you
   Think before you act

And of course there is law
To ensure you dont act low
But let not that flow on your floor
Instead just grow
Am sure you will glow

Finally i put my pen down
If left,would write till dawn
Do not inspire regrets
Of the higher rates

Just be the knight in a crusade
The reason that inspires men
To stop violence against women
All i ask is think before you act
Aug 2020 · 73
Fay Grace Aug 2020
Onions smells so strong,
But their skin so flimsy

Physical look of an eggshell
     So strong
But in reality easily breakable

Some like the child's playhouse
Made of foam so fragile

Just like the onion juice
That can make one cry
So is a person's heart

So weak ,breakable by inner emotions
All it needs is care
Cause its so flimsy
#flimsy #humans heart all it needs is care
Aug 2020 · 75
Fay Grace Aug 2020
And if someday
    I wont be available
Just keep me in
Your heart
   Its my safest home forever
Thank you for reading...i appreciate
Fay Grace Aug 2020
Its tickling me again
Its like a twine against me
Noises are everywhere
Everything seems to be talking again

Don't tell me she's here again
She's always here to embarrass me
Always against me
Fighting against my will

Schizophrenia who are you
Please let me be
Leave me alone

I want to be free
I want to be alone
Free from this cage

Voices are haunting me
They won't let me rest
I only need a rescuer
To chase this enemy away
Just leave me alone
Aug 2020 · 88
Fay Grace Aug 2020
Dear addiction the first time we met i knew i had fallen in love with you

I did not realize that you were here to bring me down

Slowly you drove away my little friends,love,joy,peace,patience all gone

Dear addiction,i didn't see it coming that you would drown me in the ocean of sorrow

I begged for mercy,perhaps forgiveness hoping you would listen to me

You keep torturing my soul, leading me to the valley of death

Dear addiction,i thought we would make the best of friends but all you did was to use me!

Look i hate to say this but i have to take a different direction

To go in search of my little loyal friends!
It just came into my mind......atleast everyone is a victim of something.  Some are under the ******* of alcohol,others money,social least we all are addicts of something
Aug 2020 · 117
Fay Grace Aug 2020
When dusk falls
Fear strikes
Everything seems gloomy
All i feel is terror

Fear starts to speak
All she does is to threaten me
Death illusions crips in
He,himself staring at me fearlessly

But they say that,
Whenever you feel sad
Though some will call you a saddist
Cry your heart out for,
its good for the soul
And when the sun shines
Brighter days are seen again
Aug 2020 · 83
Magical Night
Fay Grace Aug 2020
Like a shooting star
I watched you all night
Weirdly so far but stuck
In my mind

Night so long full of wonders
All i wished was that you
And you alone were here
To fix all this the unfixed

Night seems so lonely
With no one but me only
I wish I had the capability
To push away night so gloomy

Finally its dawn
Same as usual
Waking up without you by my side
All i keep wishing
Is for you to fulfill this magical night
The night for this pandemic is so long...missing people is all we do but not have a chance to be with them
Aug 2020 · 4.2k
Fay Grace Aug 2020

The generation of today is living an insecure life.
Life full of comparison
Possession of things without thinking of what may happen
A generation trying to prove others that they are the best

A generation where young and energetic men are trying to prove themselves by destroying others.
A generation where big and high class daddies destroy the young with material things
A confused generation showing their happiness and wealth through photography
A confused generation  hard to love people from a broken family
         Everything is invalid!

We suffer insecurities we didn't create
Many are becoming insecure
Completely unstable
Trying to compare themselves with our today's models and celebrities of our century
Probably hiding behind makeup
Cause probably without the makeup!
They,themselves are a hot mess!
They pay a ransom to look great!
If beauty is in the eyes of the beholder!
Then,why suffer so much trying to look spectacular?
Why spend to your last coin attracting a whole lot of people?
They say beauty comes from within
Our generation need to stand courageously
And fight against the enemy of self insecurity!
Aug 2020 · 182
Fay Grace Aug 2020
So many paths we had to thread
Paths of the living and the dead
So many directions in our heads
Direction leading to hell instead

The path we seek in effect
Will lead to our future
The path we choose are perfect
A reflection of our nature

These are paths unknown
We covered to be our own
These are the paths with the gods
We converted into our roads

Each road formed got its own tale
A tale told not verbally
A story of gloom and glory
Tale in the midst of swords

We may not remember
The content of the story
Of how truth became glory
But the roads knows best!

— The End —