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is a condition
of an over active

I imagine we’re all
an ism of some type
or sort
With that in common
we’re all cohorts!

has a hold on me..
Speaking in rhyme
Set a soul free..

When one takes sides
in an ism
the imitations
becomes a schism
Perhaps my philosophy
is lost in intuitionism!
Let us begin with your smile
while my fingers find their way
through your hair where beauty
is glistening gold. I am told
your neck needs no necklace,
for it is one in itself. Your cerulean
eyes see through my heart,
my most sacred part,
which I give to you eternally.
Your soft cheeks  brush against
my own as my lips meet yours
as the moon begins to shine.
All that is mine is yours.
And as I begin to share with you
all of me on this bed softer
than clouds now disappearing,
you and I melt into one another,
not just for these hours of darkened
ecstasy, but forever.

A wordsmith sits patently
Sharpening and refining his tools.
He listens and he waits
For the deadly moment,
Knowing exactly when to strike.
He unsheathes his sword,
Pointing expertly towards his prey.
Words of shining steel
Slice through the air
Landing with intent,
Cutting with precision,
Twisting with malice,
Into this bleeding heart
Of mine.
How many cake pans must you wash
Before they’ll let you bake one.

How many arias must you write
Before they’ll let you sing one

How many air planes must you build
Before they’ll let you fly one.

How many children must you raise
Before one of them loves you.
She says she loves me - but won't share a minute of her life with me.
once again
into that
sullen, secure

licked and
white wall

filed away

Oh, the dead ends
they'll explore

The envelope
its submissive
One morning out cleaning drains and gutters around the house, doing manly things
Basically just messing about
Suddenly it hit me, yea! I had a moment of clarity
"There's still time y'know, Yea, there's still hope, you could still meet her/ find her
And she'll kiss you and suddenly your hair will start to grow again
And your eyes, they'll grow clearer and brighter
And the cherry trees they'll bloom again in your heart
Your whole world it'll be transformed....."
Then as I bent down to do something
Suddenly I jumped back with a start
Something had moved, just there, just then
Something had well...jumped out
Was it a mouse or worse still, a rat
I couldn't see anything,
As I looked closer though, suddenly there! well camouflaged
There was this big frog
Hell I thought, I hadn't seen a frog in years
Wasn't that strange, wasn't that a coincidence
I was just thinking those thoughts and suddenly this frog he jumps out
Maybe it was an omen
(Probably meant it was gonna rain),
But then I thought wasn't there a story once
Yea, The Frog Prince
A lovely princess kisses a frog and he turns into this beautiful handsome prince,
I wonder I thought, I wonder could there be such a thing as a Frog Princess
If I were to kiss you would you turn into a lovely beautiful Frog Princess,
So I bent down close to the frog and whispered
"Are you my little Frog Princess"
Suddenly the frog he takes off, starts hopping madly away from me
As if saying "Gotta get away quick from this feckin' ******"
Don't go! Please don't go!! I shouted after him
Come back! Come back to me, you are my destiny!
Finally he hops into a flowerbed full of weeds and is lost forever
Alas! I thought to myself, Adieu, adieu, sweet sweet adieu
Obviously I thought, obviously he must have been a Frog Prince and not a Frog Princess.
Then I thought, y'know at my age and with my luck
And I called after him 'I would have settled for a Frog Prince!".
My encounter with a frog recently, a bit of fun. Happy New Year by the way, hopefully 2022 will bring better news and better things. Best wishes for 2022.
I live my life just for this,
I will light up all the stars.

To extent blur moon,
I'll give rise to flash for.

that hide staring,
To me, from afar...

One after the other,
I'll break the all-stars.

Maybe, it will arise,
If my all-stars are broke.

That dimly lit moon,
There will always be light.
Are all's...🍁
 Jan 2022 vienna bombardieri
the pottery is unspinning
the sweater's unknitting
the candle is melting
and the tea's gone missing
pondering the theft in awe at this mess
and what's left:
clay, fabric, wax, and leaves
i guess
it's god's way
to say
be grateful for your things
when the world goes backwards
it's the leaving that stings
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