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 Apr 2020 Jaynda
Sunshine Odhner
I'm drowning, and you tell me
to drink the sea.
I'm burning, and you ask me
to rise to the heavens.
I'm falling, and you tell me
to fly and be free.
I'm suicidal, and you ask me
to shave.
I've been out of my Zoloft for about a week now, so...
 Apr 2020 Jaynda
 Apr 2020 Jaynda
sometimes she wonders why
there's so many scars tattooed across
her flesh
and so many bandages in the trash can
 Apr 2020 Jaynda
 Apr 2020 Jaynda
Banished to wander the Earth
But rebelled to build a City
Babel was temporary, now COVID19
For worship of numbers makes Money, and Man, god.
 Apr 2020 Jaynda
I fear
 Apr 2020 Jaynda
I can play pretend and close my ears
But that hasn’t an effect when the words echo in my head

To te words whispered in my ears by others
Please disappear
Cause I do love you, but I will always say it with fear

— The End —