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Never again will I say "I love you,"
Feeble was the passion returned;
But I swear by heaven above you,
I'll regard this as a lesson learned

Maybe I will miss him from time to time,
But he'll never hear it from me;
Perhaps I'll cry at the midnight chime
For this pipe dream that could never be

But for a brief time I flaunted a smile
Dismissing those dark hours of tears;
Happiness walked with me for a while,
Erasing the pain of lonely years

Why do hearts engage in such foolish games?
When someone wins, someone must lose;
And when our dreams have gone up in flames,
Self-reproach comes to collect its dues

Then Hope raised its head and spoke to my heart:
"If you don't play, how can you win?
Forget the past and make a fresh start . . . "
Oh, what the hell, let the games begin!
Trees withered by the winters cold
Snow and ice covering the road
Winter sun lies low in the sky
Waiting to blind the travelers eye
People rushing here and there
Wanting to get home to their cosy lair
All missing the beauty of the scenery
The calm, the still, the tranquillity
Mountains tall covered in snow
Snowdrops adorning the hedgerow
Dusk is fast approaching, time slips away
Darkend skies spell the end of another winter's day
Soon the moon will appear
Stars in the sky, crisp and clear
The beauty of winter is clear to see
Summer is just a distant memory
At the bottom of the pile is were I lay
As I watch the sun go down on another lonely day

I lay awake staring at the moon
Knowing that it will be gone all too soon

Only for the sun to rise once more
Waiting for my true love to walk through the door

If only I could capture your heart
Maybe then you'd stay and we would never part
Would you know a poem I wrote
Would you know me from the note
Would you be able to recognise
Or would you be fooled by my  disguise
Would I give the game away
Or incognito would I stay
 Feb 2019 Robert Marshall
About a year ago
I was happy.
A year ago
I could smile.
A year ago
I was in love.
A year ago
I learned something.
A year later
I still miss you like crazy.
A year later
I still love you.
I'm sorry.
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