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I feel like I'm going mad.
You tell me I'm broken because I'm sad.

You say happiness is free
but why can't you just be there for me?

All I want is a friend.
I just need this to end.
I looked at her and she looked at me. She didn't have to say a word because in her eyes I found the answer. She didn't want me anymore.
 Feb 2019 Robert Marshall
m daly
my hand writing isn’t flowing
curving cursive
like a finger teasing down your spine
it’s rough
like the goosebumps
i wish i gave you
i want to decipher the brail on your arms
but i am not bold enough to touch you
 Feb 2019 Robert Marshall
you're like a book i cant put down
i never want it to end
i never want us to end
for my lovely valentine who was stupid enough to get grounded so he cant even take me out. i love you, even of you're a ******* idiot.
I mean, he’s beautiful - angelic,
But he doesn’t have his scars.

This guy is educated and funny,
But he doesn’t have his hands.

He’s peaceful, confident
But he doesn’t have his smirk.

He’s strong and will care,
But I can’t hold his hand.

The new man is happy and clear,
But I need his uncertainty.
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