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  Sep 2020 Mark S
Carmen Jane
You're not lost, just because you didn't  trust today
I see you here, yet your thoughts are drifting away ...
You rake the leaves, with your bare hands,
You try to see, where your future stands.

You're not lost,  just because you need a break,
I see you smile, while trying to hide your heartache
You collect the dirt, under your fingernails,
As you walk barefoot and cover your trails.

I still see you, underneath the falling leaves,
I hear your voice say "thank you"  and "please"
I see your true smile, glowing in your eyes,
You're the only reason, my soul survives.
This is a repost of a dear poem of mine, it has a message that comes from the bottom of my heart, for the ones who feel lost from time to time. Also, this poem is the first one to feature in my first book of poetry, that you can find it on Amazon
You Are Not Lost: Poems of hope, love, haikus and more

Thank you for all the support I've gotten here! ❤️
Mark S Sep 2020

I knew this day was special
when I opened up my eyes
And saw the pastel ribbons
floating soft on dawning skies

A gift was out there waiting
wrapped in beautiful display
Just waiting to be opened
on this very special day

More than just a Monday
or at least that’s how it seems
Because it is a present
of my truly answered dreams

For here we have September
with the 28th in view
The day l get to send some
happy birthday smiles to you

: )

Happy Birthday to a very sweet and dear friend.
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