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Do you ever sit and think of me,
how our “love” was so tragic,
how our “love” should have never happened?
Do you ever get flashbacks?
Do you ever wish you could take some things back?
Do you ever regret the abuse?
Do you even have anything to say to what you’ve been accused?
None of this bothers you?
Do you remember the hate you used to spew?
I guess it doesn’t affect you because you don’t have my point of view.
Well let me give you some clarity,
you laid down the abuse with such intensity.
Nothing you did had any integrity,
You treated me like a stranger,
but to the verbal abuse you we had familiarity.
Lying on the floor dead didn’t seem to move you,
you lacked any empathy.
Do you ever wonder why you degraded me,
why you hated me,
why you messed with my head,
why you messed with my heart,
why you sought to destroy me from the very start?
As much as it pains me to say it,
I loved you.
But your “love” was killing me,
I begged you to stop hurting me,
but on deaf ears fell my plea.
 Oct 2018 Wekesa Moses
 Oct 2018 Wekesa Moses
i just want to see you happy,
even if it doesn't
include me.

— The End —