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Apr 2021 · 235
That Time
Zee Apr 2021
Its that time
That time of the year
Blessed time
A time to appreciate our blessings

No water , No Food
During this Time
No bad habits
at this time.

We learn to empathize
during this time
with those less fortunate
during this blessed time.
Its the Month of Ramadan for Muslims around the world. As a kid it was just a challenge for me to wait without eating and drinking. But now as I get older, i understand much more and have learnt to count my blessings no matter how small they seem.
Apr 2021 · 123
Physical Pain
Zee Apr 2021
Why are they staring?
Don't they know?
That's its not right,
It isn't polite.

Their heads turn,
Following the path we take
Their eyes unblinking,
Then starts the whispering.

Your in pain.
Tears stream down your cheeks.
My heart aches
As I follow in your wake.

Such a wonderful girl,
Beautiful and Tall.
That's who you have always been
Since we were fourteen.

Now the pain has taken over.
Making you fragile
Sitting askew
Praying that you will pull through.
A friend of mine was really sick recently.. And watching her suffer in pain was quite disturbing to me. She has always been so full of vigour and i composed the poem when i took her to the hospital. She has now recovered by the grace of god. So i felt i can post it now.
Apr 2021 · 181
Zee Apr 2021
Eyes drooping
A heavy heart
A throbbing pain that
Cannot be explained.

That's what loneliness is.

A hollow ache
Deep within our soul.

That's what loneliness is.

It engulfs you
Drowns you whole
***** out any joy
You may feel

That's what loneliness is
Aug 2020 · 106
Zee Aug 2020
Together, we smile,
Alone, we cry,
Emotions we file,
Away from those who pry.

Heavy Heart,
A lump in the throat,
Becomes a part,
Of life,that's unsought.
Jul 2020 · 87
To my parents
Zee Jul 2020
And Confusion

This wasn't what I wanted,
This isn't what I hoped for
This wasn't my intention

And a heavy heart

Is all that remains....

Just know

That I'm still the same
That I love you
That you mean the world

Despite everything.

Just know

I never meant to hurt you
I just fell in love
With a good man.

I'm sorry

That you don't approve
Just as society does not.

I'm sorry
I cannot marry someone I don't love
Jul 2020 · 93
Path and destination.
Zee Jul 2020
You are my path
And my destination
That's all I have
Running through my mind.

Past all the wrath
Fighting misconceptions
Surmounting obstacles
Despite being maligned.

You are my path
And my destination
Through any tribulation.
Jul 2020 · 91
Zee Jul 2020
Into the background, she fades
It's her personality, they raid
A Muslim girl should not be
A Muslim cannot be free
they said

A Muslim Girl cannot dream!
Prim and Proper she must always seem.
She cannot love
Must only follow God above
they said

Her spirit they broke
her life they considered a joke
she walked away from life
her throat slit with a knife
all because of the things they said.
This poem is not a reflection of Muslims or their community. The poet acknowledges and is well aware that Islam is a religion of peace.

The poem was written based on a certain individual and her life.
Feb 2020 · 127
Standing Tall Alone
Zee Feb 2020
Gossiping and Gabbing,
Perturbing and Backstabbing,
Can break a person's heart,
And push people apart.

Assumptions and lies,
Tears and Cries,
Causes so much pain
and drives you insane.

That never happened.
The truth's been blackened.
I didnt do it.
It hurts quite a bit.

You learn not to trust.
Old beliefs in the dust.
Now you are on your own.
Standing tall alone.
Apr 2019 · 282
Miles Apart
Zee Apr 2019
Every passing day
And night,
It becomes harder,
To stay away from you.

Expectations and religious views weigh
us down with their might.
They drive us further
apart; our hearts blue.

Religion and Race
Should have no place
in life and love.

Our hearts bleeding
and breaking.
Forced apart
Out of each other's sight.

Begging and pleading,
Our hearts aching,
Parents, Please take heart
Understand our plight.
Dec 2018 · 174
Zee Dec 2018
It's the 29th of November
A day like no other
A day to remember
The day you became my lover

A special memory
The beginning of our story
A day of many firsts
Of a love that made my heart burst

We went for a walk
In a made up village to gawk
Then to Hotel Janaki
I was quite panicky

You showered me with love
Almost to the sky above
We were consumed by passion
Of an everlasting attraction

I cried on your shoulder
Frightened of loosing you as I get older.
You held me close
Told me,  that it was us that God chose

You made me smile
And made the whole day worthwhile
We ended it with a stroll
By then I knew you owned my soul

I promised to love you then
Always and forever, again and again
I'm yours, You are mine
From the 29th of November till the end of time.

— The End —