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Oct 2018 · 63
Leaving a Monster
kbww Oct 2018
I wanted to bash my phone against my
skull until the right words could
fall out and you’d finally understand
because obviously what came out
of my mouth wasn’t clear enough for you. Sigh.
And all I ended up saying was sorry.
I took what should’ve been
your guilt and shame
and I owned it, along with my own.
And now you’re right, once again,
and the cycle continues
of this back and forth chess match of opposing opinions, except,
no matter the moves,
you get checkmate every time,
even if your King’s not even
on the board.
I’m bored of feeling disrespected
and called stupid.
I am lost in this relationship and
at a loss for words.
This present circumstance
is not what I wanted,
but thank you for the gift,
of knowing that I’m strong enough
to walk away,
despite your vile strategies
that keep me close to a monster.

Oct 2018 · 93
A Fight With The Mirror
kbww Oct 2018
I don’t really care for
who’s in the mirror.

Her eyebrows are weird
Her face far from clear.

Scars from picking at blemishes
hyper-pigmentation from the sun.

Her straw textured hair
falling out one by one.

Her eyes aren’t too bad
with those forever long lashes.

But she smiles yellow teeth
and her chipped front tooth flashes.

If I could only find a way
to make the mirror different

I can change the girl I see
into someone magnificent.

But the mirror stays in place
I can only change me.

I can paint a face on
become a bit bourgeoisie.

And be ok with the mirror
and with who I see

No longer the unpleasant
static version of me.

A wipe of a cloth
and some cool degreasing water

And I’m back to repugnance
at the lies that bought her.

The ones that told her beauty
inside was cheap.

Only the outside mattered
where the makeup can seep

Down into her soul
and tell her lies she believes

That she’s not good enough
that there is no reprieve.

She desperately needs to
look past the mirror

And see the parts of her
that aren’t so clear.

The constant love, praise
and adoring recognition

She’s seen through her whole life
needs to reach her cognition

To understand

That the beauty she cannot
see in a mirror

Is the beauty that will actually make
the mirrored image more clear.

Oct 2018 · 72
The Ones Scrolled Over
kbww Oct 2018
People post about their lives.
Many are filled with joy, children,
engagements, social times, friends.
Some are not.
And people think these are toxic people.
They post about darkness, struggle,
sadness. But, they are sharing their life
with you
as much as you like to with them.
It’s just not the same as yours.
And even though it looks negative
and cold and unimportant,
that life is all they have right now,
and they’re trying every which way
to have your life,
without success.
To be “normal”: a distant dream
for those who suffer.

Oct 2018 · 59
kbww Oct 2018
Everyone in town
wants to cast you down
to the Bible’s hell
to your own ghost town
because you cast around
spells and demonic tongue
on your own home ground
and they want you strung
you and your young
on oaks and sway above
all the damage you’ve done
we don’t need any witches
and you are one

Oct 2018 · 57
kbww Oct 2018
I’m collecting bags.
Not just under my eyes but
in every part of my soul.
Varying weights, like me
on psych meds.
They all hold their place
And fill up with scars
or love or hope or maybe
just some fresh fruit.
My soul market has everything
that I need.
When I bleed it has bandaids
and beer and ****.
Anxiety’s bag is so colorful
and shakes right on cue.

Then there’s you.

Your bag is the largest,
yet totally empty, not even memories
spill from the bag to my brain,
Gosh, it used to drive me insane
the way you went about life
like nothing had happened.
Like seven years just flurried
away, like a bag in the wind,
creates a deafening sound
because I just want it to be
your bag floating around or
down on the ground but
it stays within me.
Empty and cold.
The pollution you’re causing,
it’s just, getting old.

Oct 2018 · 58
Sinus Rhythm
kbww Oct 2018
I can’t stand

I fall every time

The clock ticks your heartbeat

Sinus rhythm with mine

Blows up to my brain

Releasing strange chemicals

A reaction so soothing

Rub my back pet my hair

Lengthen every second you are here

There’s no question the connection

Four seconds and I knew

Love was meant for this

The intertwining of two.

Oct 2018 · 59
Hidden Route
kbww Oct 2018
Hidden inside me something
hides me from you.
And it’s about to come unglued,
like a poorly but proudly
school made piece of art.
My macaroni intestines start to
come apart and
split at the seams.
And I anxiously await my anxiety state.
Await the insomnia and formula
my body follows so closely to begin
and weigh in on my
current life sins.
Business as usual for the
sensitive ones. Life relayed by
internal dictators through the
broken neurotransmitters and
weak gut.
though the cycle continues,
interrupts the cycle that’s happening,
the cycles combine,
and I’m no longer trapped in me.
The cycles have finally
allowed me to move.
And I may not ride
life’s bike like you do,
but at this present moment
it’s enough to stay glued.
And like the curious kitten,
I peep my head out,
to show you what’s been hidden.
Show you my bicycle’s route.

Oct 2018 · 87
Another day
kbww Oct 2018
Flick flame,
take in a drag to end this
hell of a day.

Chipped my front tooth,
snapped right off, and I have
no clue when it happened,
so I probably swallowed it.

And in this lovely, hate filled
Arizona sun
my battery dies. Take an hour for them
to fix it, so I do it myself.
Never had so much sweat
flood out of these pores.

And the store machine was down,
and I don’t carry cash so I
pray that empty light’s
got enough volts to get me

Turn the tv on, crack open
a beer. Wipe my face and neck
with cold water, sit down and relax.

I go through my day and
curse the circumstances.
People say to remain grateful
and think of positive things to say.

But sometimes,
it’s just another,

Oct 2018 · 83
The Face Erasing Humanity
kbww Oct 2018
Today, I heard a woman
speak about indifference.
In my mind, a large charged clock was
laid out on the floor.
This wasn’t some small instance
causing minor turmoil.
It was every group represented
on the face of that clock.

And time’s, running out.

They spat at one another
leaving salivary freckles on the glass
face of this ticking time bomb.
And no one seemed to notice.
Hate met with hate causes rapid
of entitlement and lies,
brushing away honesty with a nice new
contour kit, make it look nothing of
Take mouths to baby birds
and spew in hatred and lies
with thin thighs and a new juice cleanse.
Raising people just like them.
They come back to the clock
and stand their places,
fragile looks on frail faces.
Swept away by the struggle
but still standing around,
standing their ground
And the clock winds down.
The suffering of humans can’t be
just left at the door.
And I imagine alarm sounds,
as I know, not in time,
not one will politely step down.

Oct 2018 · 76
kbww Oct 2018
How can something so dead pull me completely in.
The stars: long gone, luminesce and I’m drawn to their haunting pearl glow
and they capture my soul,
they see right through me. How can something untouchable know
I’m ripe for the taking?
That my heart’s been torn out and beaten and bruised, I’ve been used and
my soul opened up and poured out everything I’m about,
every part of my being for everyone
to take pieces
and put them in their pockets.
Shocked at how honest these stars
seem to be and telling me that my soul covers no ground in my body.
Like I didn’t know.
But I love stars for that reason: to be my reminder that,
even dead,
I can refill my soul with their glow.

Oct 2018 · 141
The Only Open Door
kbww Oct 2018
Blood: the weary ghost.
Tears: the weary heart.
Lies: the weary truth

They never saw what she could’ve been.

Grave: just the weary
I wrote this poem in 2003: I was 15 years old
kbww Oct 2018
She cries, but alone
to no one and for nothing.

She weeps for her sorrows,
but to see them would be impossible

there are none to look upon.
She is in tears, in her head, but drops

of blood only appear. The reddish
lament of broken hearts, broken dreams,

broken promises and broken looks. She
waits, only for her horse, to take her,

anywhere but here.

I wrote this poem in 2003: I was 15 years old.
Oct 2018 · 71
The Note
kbww Oct 2018
I want to disappear,
but it’s not what you think. I’m on the brink of this thinking and off harmony chords,
that vibrate within
my slowly suturing skull.
Telling me things out of horror story gore. You wouldn’t believe the holograms
in my head
that bend light toward the dark and leave me hungry and bowed,
curled up tighter than Mom’s overnight plastic beauty.
So you can see, I just need to escape
for a while. I’ve thought this through,
I’ve written you,
explaining where I had gone.
I could find nowhere before this to go.
My shackled nerve endings followed me
to each place, no peace or no space,
just a new destination
with the same fat bellied demons rolling around in my gut, and I realized
one destination,
that couldn’t be touched
by fired frustration
or a black widow spider
spinning her web, biting the flesh of my heart.
I was already dead.
I have been, for a while and,
I couldn’t explain it to you.
The only way to make it stop
is to fight it where it is.

The shot to my heart
was an obvious choice to start,
make the spiders slither
to another comfy place,
and I thought about my face,
I really did.
That’s all I’m sorry for,
is you can’t look at my face,
but the dread in my head
was the absolute place
I needed to be free of and finally float through the earth.
And if you’re finding this letter
instead of standing bedside,
I need you to know,
I am free,
finally, alive.

Sep 2018 · 76
kbww Sep 2018
The only streetlight for miles.
A lone standing work of art.
Moths flutter and bugs’ trials
to get into the light, use all their heart.
The vast black horizon
is filled with monsters and demons.
A place known to wisen
those who can find enough esteem in
their emotional fortitude
to take shadows to heart,
and let the blackness intrude
like a night’s work of art.
Those that stroll through black clouds
didn’t choose this jail sentence.
A mind that tortures out loud,
life feeling painfully defenseless.
There may be hope that still sings
I pray that it does.
Because in that darkness with things
I roam clenching my jaws.
I can see that lone light
I seem to walk circles around.
Hope’s singing just might
lead me to glowing ground.

Sep 2018 · 119
Dark Art, Cursed Words
kbww Sep 2018
Call me crazy.
No, really, call me crazy.
There is no but after that slaughtering word.
It just happens to be intermingled with me.

See, it’s not my fault I live with dark art
splattering my insides, pick-pocketing
my thoughts. And I’m sorry I can’t come
to that party, or bar, or your house.
I’m ******* at the moment, fist fighting
you can’t see.
Or maybe,
you’d just rather not look.

I can compute tough equations, speak eloquently and with poise. Despite the noise. I am productive and kind,
always others before me.
But it’s never enough
called me crazy,
and I believed it.
Despite the diagnoses,
believing you made me worse.
You infiltrated my soul, and I became
who you told me I was.

Words can be a curse.
So call me crazy.
It can’t break a heart
that’s been broken
for years.

Sep 2018 · 77
kbww Sep 2018
And I saw the moon
as the sun still glowed.
I traced clouds with my fingers
until images showed.
Saw the veins of each tree
As they ran up its’ branches
Sprouting green feathered leaves
Taking their chances
Against the harsh summer sun
And the bitter winter air.
Longing furiously just to
Stay there.
What seems a frightful experience
For that tiny leaf
Shows the change we endure
As we build our beliefs.
We sprout from the ground
And grow reaching for the sun.
Show our best spectrum of colors
Until we start to come undone.
We can’t hang on any longer,
And like the leaves, we fall.
Thinking failure has hit us,
Think we’re losing it all.
But the tree doesn’t die
It keeps growing through cold.
And we fight til the sun
Gives us something to hold.
Life gives you growth,
Life gives you change.
If you can fight just a little
The new is less strange
And you’ve added a branch
To your tall shady tree
You’ve taken that chance
To grow beyond heartache,
pain, and change.
And become every color
Just newly arranged.

Sep 2018 · 311
kbww Sep 2018
I think I’m falling for you
You made the perfect catch
Swallowed up in your arms
We instantly attach
You praise me with gifts
My heart shifts and I’m sure
That this pure love between us
Is what I’ve been waiting for
Your compliments and kisses
Shut inside my heart’s door
Then one day
out of the blue
Like unfixed glue my body slips through
The arms that hold me no more
Drop me hard to the floor
And I look up to find
eyes I’ve never seen before
Then quickly you change
Call the drop something strange
An accident and
It would never happen again
Months turn to weeks and the dropping
Showing every bruise I now use
Myself to pull me up
His arms have gone lax
And I’m too weak to stand
And I realize then
I’m controlled by a man
All the drops were to weaken
My body my heart
So a start with new love
I could never take part
So I sit in my cell of this hell
Here on earth
Because I let a man
Tell me my worth

Sep 2018 · 86
Soul Sounds
kbww Sep 2018
I’ve stepped through the electric
Metal truth indicator
I’m clean, no obscene
Objects stuck to my being.
Walk through a black crowded scene
And make my way to the bar
One beer tipped hard no holds barred
No regard for my liver tonight
Tonight is reprieve healing scars
Travel once again through the energized
Black wearing teeth glaring
Yet blank distorted faces
I’m not here to make friends
I’m here to melt places people and things
To feel strings tie wings make me feel
The lights dim a black wave moves the room
I plant my feet close my eyes
Feel my body swoon
Then a tune floods stale air
Hits me deep lifts the room
Lifts my worries and fears
And the people around leave the ground
And I feel like I am alone with the sounds
Hits me straight in the gut
like a shot off round
And I feel my own feet glued to the ground

The only thing that’s ever
been clever enough to break my
Tough interior and inferior self
Is the feeling of music flooding my soul
The only thing that can ever fill that hole
Is the sounds of notes mingling sweetly
In a pleasant dance that swallows me whole

Sep 2018 · 520
Dirty Hinges
kbww Sep 2018
Feet hang lazily
As I finish my stitching
Canvas skin limp limbs

Burnt leaves for a brain
A heavy hinged hollow box
Becomes a fresh heart

I’ve sewn me a boy
One that cannot run away
One that wants to stay

I program his mind
To connect only with mine
Lock love in the box

Run hands down the threads
Awaken him from his sleep
Eyes open in fear

Graze hands down soft throat
Stir his chords let him speak free
Fill lungs with a kiss

It’s my ragdoll boy
My best friend and my lover
And I have his key

He just looks at me
“Don’t be scared you are my love”
I tell him gently

“What am I doing?
I’m not supposed to be here
I don’t even know you”

Desperate staring
He looks scared and so confused
I don’t understand

“I stitched you gently
You are my perfect man now
Together in love

You will be happy
I can show you everything
I will be your muse”

I filled up his mind
Put all my love in his heart
What did I do wrong?

“My love cannot be
Forced by you or your stitches
Or locked in a box

My mind is my own
I don’t want you to change it
I want to be me

You cannot just make
The perfect boy to love you
Life doesn’t work that way”

I shuddered with chill
My own stitched up heart races swells
Tingles to the tips

I split the seams open
Rip out the tattered heart box
Watch him hit the floor

My hands are tremors
Shaking over the keyhole
I open the box

Nothingness and hollow
Dirt hinges and fine cracks
Have emptied my love

I had filled the box
With all of my own soul’s love
So now I’m empty too

I will lay down now
Next to my tattered doll boy
Together in heartlessness

Within my soul’s death
A black truth that I cannot
Make someone love me

Mind scurries with thoughts
That I cannot love myself
And that’s the worst part.

Sep 2018 · 88
kbww Sep 2018
Take me back to the beginning.
When the air was pure
and my head spinning.
A whirlwind of ideas,
honest goals and dreams.
A simple piece of paper
Becomes more than it seems.
A new light up yo-yo,
A fresh pack of Pez.
Red Rover, four square,
And Simon Says.
Red light, green light,
Time stood still.
Fully in the moment,
Capturing each thrill.

The days became shorter,
Time a constant state of living.
Red lights and green lights
Between tired eyes start dimming.
Air is black with soot
The pollution not only
From the cars and the buses
But from the sad sick and lonely.
Money suddenly a problem
When it didn’t exist before.
Princess castles
Have riches galore.
And at the end of the story,
Love had always prevailed.
Now a bright glowing screen
Excites loves’ tall tales.

And I stir here alone,
Head still spinning.
Counting the ways my goals dwindled,
How many new beginnings
Have altered that innocence
That used to seep through my pores.
The world closes in,
And I shut every door.

If I could just find that girl
That is hidden within.
Tell her to come out and play,
That the world needs her grin,
Her purest heart,
And unrelenting zest
For another new beginning,
Another path on this quest.
I could keep the doors shut
And live isolated.
It’s become comfortable here
Reminding myself I’m just jaded.

I’ve done that for too long.
Time to unlock all doors,
And hold on to hope
That I find her once more.
She can bust through the hinges
And sweep me away
To all the goals and the dreams
I’ve kept hidden away.
Sep 2018 · 538
Learning Love
kbww Sep 2018
My love for you lasted 7 years, and more,
Though I can’t say the same on your side.
I saw a picture today
Hit my gut
Put a peach pit lump in my throat
Of you
With her.
Kissing passionately
Putting love on display
Even though you told me you hate PDA.
And then I realized what our “love” was for:
Even if I wasn’t who you wanted,
I helped you find who you do,
And now you can love her more.
And I’m grateful for that.
Truly, I am.
Your new love wouldn’t be so good
If you were never my man.
And as for my love?
Now I’m sure I can.
We were meant to be
Meant to teach each other
the wild love we wanted
But could never tether together.

Sep 2018 · 1.2k
kbww Sep 2018
I missed you today.
At the coffee shop.
On the bus.
In my chair at the office.
I wanted to say
Yes I’m feeling on top.
There’s a seat here for both of us.
Doing well, uh oh, here come the bosses.

I sat there all day.
I looked up every minute.
Stirred hands across the keyboard
I wanted to be in it,
Involved in this life and the people
And plans.
But all I do is keep tight lipped
With tremors for hands.
Spider webs for brains
And an undisciplined bladder.
And when I get up to go, it didn’t seem
To matter.

We say fake goodbyes
And look down at our shoes
As if clues to these blues would just
Jump out in twos.
But not even two, not even one.
There are no clues
It’s in front of our faces.
The glow of a screen
Humanity erases.

I missed you today, at all of those places.
Because every single stranger had buried
Their faces.
Not one smile or hello or greeting.
And this is now how people are meeting.
You don’t know I’m having a rough time.
I could speak up.
but I see your headphone lines.
Eyes fixed ears shut.

I just wanted someone
To acknowledge me a short while.
But we’re so disconnected,
I can’t even get a smile.
Aug 2018 · 1.4k
Tell Me I’m beautiful
kbww Aug 2018
Open scars poured with liquid emotion
Step on toes and apologize later
Loose talker
Blinded intelligence
A pure soul and virtue of benign benevolence
I love you I hate you will you be my friend
Burn down the next liquid, my throat needs to mend
To spew out opinions and blind web read facts
You need to be my friend, I’m not what you think
I don’t stink
I don’t *****
I ***** a little
You do too
Just to have someone next to you
You swallow your pride and face what you see, but
It makes you feel whole to wake up next to me.
Tell me I’m beautiful tell me please
Tell me when you want me down on my knees
I slap you with putrid feelings of hate
That I drank to provide you with a willing debate: do I **** this ***** or get out while I can
But you’re only just a *****, lonely old man
I’m in your house so I can easily leave
But I won’t
Because you wanting me is such a reprieve
Aug 2018 · 125
One of Three
kbww Aug 2018
There are three realities we live:
How we perceive ourselves and the world,
How others perceive us, themselves, and the world,
and reality- the truth of life without the interruption of perception.
Which reality is true? And how can one live in reality when it can’t exist as one entity?
Who am I, truly?
I am one of three
And none at all
Aug 2018 · 566
kbww Aug 2018
Temperature inside me
Peaks to a new degree
Monsters peel back their skins
Fall in the sides of me

Play with my ***** heart
Rev it up let it start
Play with my ***** skin
Open it, see what’s lies within

A flurry of butterflies
Wrap their matching wings round your eyes
You scurry to compromise
That you’ll take the dark with the light

But you know now with wings exposed
Your mouth attempts to say what it knows
Now you’ve seen where my butterflies go
Into the cocoons that used to be my soul

******* the insects back I smirk at your face
How can something so beautiful hide absolutely no grace?
All it was was midnight, no moon
How can your face not display this doom?

Don’t be fooled by a wisp of a wing
As gentle as whiskers, they are a dark thing
Separated in flight a simple joy touches the air
As they come more and more, joy and lightness won’t fair

      -k B~
Aug 2018 · 87
Hi, Mom?
kbww Aug 2018
Calling, knowing the conversation.
Touching every fingertip together as
Anxiously, I wait.


Now I must speak, tweak the tone to
A hard thing to do if you’re not used to the
Of pretending to be someone free and content
When I just want to scream my soul’s
But it’s nowhere to be found,
I’ve put up the posters no calls
No hiding spot behind he stuffed dolls or
The easy bake oven, the innocent that
Should’ve stored that soul tighter than
The secrets of
A coven.
That’s where it is, I guess, in a mess of dark secrets and tests and trials and
Instead of the scream, I puffed up my chest
Rested the menagerie of thoughts ready to eat and I repeat
What I’ve said, too many times and in too many ways. Bite my lip tear slips away:

Hi, Mom?...Um, I’m not okay.
Aug 2018 · 90
Souls Exposed
kbww Aug 2018
The writers
The poets
The painters
The 3 AM, fingers hurt, brain stirring creators
The perfectionists
The ones who see lines others don’t
The ones that make magic of color,
blindly constructing new hues
that sparkle souls
The coffee dependent nicotine optional private spaces and nostalgic places thinkers
The sunset embracing never picture taking beauty only felt by the soul nature lovers
The lost, the ones that have no idea the gifts they possess
The one’s whose aura floats
masking senses stirring emotions

I need you.
The world needs you.
For what is a world without the beauty of creation?
I don’t want to know.
Expose your soul.
Parts of yours keep mine from breaking.
Aug 2018 · 263
kbww Aug 2018
She said,
“Give me your sadness
you don’t need it here.
Dry your tears, lose your fear, you know
I will always be here.
You always used to tell me
that I saved your life.
Those dark times were rough
you held me so tight.

But what I need you to know now
is how you’ve helped me,
so your journey can be free in your thoughts of me.
You would tell me you loved me
and show it even more.
From special cooked meals to wrestling on the floor.
You kept me warm at night, and cooled my head when I got a little heated.
And even now at the end, I still don’t feel defeated.

I had you in my life every step of the way.
From the birth of my children to this
dying day.
You have never failed to make me happy,
I just hope I can look down
and see you happy, too, and help you through the frowns.
I’ll look below, you look above.
Know that I’m there, and we still have
our love.”

She never spoke a word as she said this to me,
just those eyes that I gazed in said all that was needed.
A paw on my hand and a last wag of her tail,
I watched her pass, and began to wail.
I composed myself,
ready to face new fears.
As I stumbled outside, I dried my tears,
and I looked above, because she told me to.
And I could hear her saying,
“Don’t you worry, I’m here with you.”
Aug 2018 · 113
Social Sin
kbww Aug 2018
Heart mended just enough
To get back in, wet my feet
Bathe in sin.
Gravity pulls me in.
It's from the wrong place
Wrong space, wrong morals
Sheds light on a glorified horror.
A sparkle and I'm fully submerged
Urged to purge my ****** pores
And fully bathe you in my unrelenting
Disinterested in the mended heart's desire
Only wanting a **** and a relationship funeral pyre.
Can't help my drive, no sorry from my lips
You'll get your wish below my hips.
All I'm good for or good at
Either way, you're a ******* diplomat
Fill my body with your monotone seed
Watch me dress and let me leave.
Burn the pyre a little more
I'll still come back, cuz I'm just a *****.
Text you tomorrow, you never respond
Like a man without mirrors
You see nothing wrong
With leading me on
Leading me in to your trap
And I keep coming back, because a ***** needs her stage
She needs the false recognition
Of a distant spotlight
A false warmth and a glow of your empty heart's cage
Trapped me inside like I'm something of use
And even when I'm not, I'll accept the abuse.
You want nothing more than my body and skin
And in sin I'll deny the heart mended within
Deny my heart's pressure of beating out more than the only thought left
That I'm just a *****.
Aug 2018 · 232
kbww Aug 2018
Head held high yet deep inside
Energy lost followed by mind
I see it.
The slow decline heart slows and I've
This life has come to a standstill standoff
between thoughts and lies and truths and I
get heated.
Hope becomes an open sore
just heal it.
Talk at me til’ I get bored and start
Your thoughts and lies and truths
make them mine until I
believe it.
Feed me, fuel me, fix me, just until I can
Defeat it."
                                  -k b~
Aug 2018 · 527
A Lovers’ Waltz
kbww Aug 2018
Zippered down the front
Easy access
The poppies return for their dance
A soothing lightning of drip and dilation
Night is day, night is night
Night is hope that the last of days has passed
A wash of whitewater ecstasy, engulfs
The throat
The body
Catapults to the head
A fall back to sunken eyes staring at the upside down right side up
Calm and fright intwined
in a lovers’ waltz
I can’t breathe
I’m so free
I can’t breathe
I’m so...
My body is yours now
It always has been
But I, dead, am a far easier doll to play with
Than one with open stitches

             -k b~

— The End —