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 May 2018 Tom Pelling
Hannah Marr
I want to slip out of my skin
And sink into the coat of a doe
Tiptoeing past moss-trees
And through thorn-brush

I want to shed my skin
And don the scales of a serpent
Gliding through dappled-shade
And below autumnal-leaves

I want to disrobe my skin
And wrap myself in the pelt of a cat
Prowling in the half-shadows
And morning's false-dawn

I want to dissolve my skin
And absorb infinity into myself
Drifting through space-time
And and the never-never in between

 May 2018 Tom Pelling
JL Smith
Don't come too close
My edges are sharp
These shards of glass
Protect my heart

But in you stepped
Wounded, yourself
Oblivious to my defenses
A heart compelled

It once beat slowly
Now you've quickened its pace
How did you manage
To bear its weight

You're strong, I see
No novice to pain
The reasons I'm guarded
You've already sustained

Different pasts
Yet, similar journeys
I'll bandage your wounds
While you kiss away my worries

© JL Smith

— The End —