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8.8k · Jan 2019
                                                            ­    has

In the End, It will all fit together.
8.5k · Jul 2018
Has anyone else been fighting a war they keep losing?
Fighting and fighting, with little difference?
Change of tactics, change of mind, change of though.  
That changes the mind to a unknown prison you can't escape?
That in the end, causes a change of person that you don't recognise when you look on the mirror and repeatedly asked; "What am I?" to no avale?
Or am I just a forgotten soldier, sent to die, in this war?
This, like every single one of my poems, has a deeper meaning, and like the rest, It connects to the rest. As always, Don't forget to tell me what you think in the comments below. In the end, It will all fit together.
2.1k · Mar 2018
War, the war to end all wars they said, only they told lies,
For pain, conquest and wealth is what they devise.
War, the war to bring freedom they said, yet, the only ones free,
are the ones that lost their lives.
War, the war to bring a great leader to guide us all, but only
they control the leader, and they control them all.
This is just a little poem I thought I would throw on here, I have do have a much deeper meaning for it, good job if you can find it.

Also I might not be able to post tomorrow (3/23/18) but I will try to, I'm lucky I was even able to post one today.
1.7k · Mar 2018
LI f E: A Prison.
Pain: Something I always feel.
Fame: A waste.
Blame: Something we all do.
War: Death, Pain, conquest.
Flame: Something we all have in us.
Death: Freedom.
Love:  No Definition Found.
Emotion: Pain, anger, hatred.
Definitions: A point.
This is another one of my older poems that I wrote awhile back, and as always, Don't forget to tell me what you think!

Update:1/24/20 2:43 PM.
Definition Found;
[Love: Her.]
1.5k · Jan 2019
Dark lies often have a darker truth.
In the End, It will all fit together.
1.5k · Aug 2018
There's three ways of fighting.

Agressive-Using attacks and offensive maneuvers.

Defensive-Blocking and deflecting attacks.

Controling-Using your enemy's attacks and defenses against themselves while not aggressively attacking them nor defending against their attacks.
1.5k · Oct 2018
Sanity owned
Sanity degrading
Sanity sold
Sanity lost.
In the end, it will all fit together.
1.3k · Jan 2019
Ev en                             n Ev er tr ul y iS
                 si l enc e

                                                            ­                      Silent.
For those of you that can't read this, here is the poem:

Even silence never truly is

In the End, It will all fit together.
1.2k · Nov 2018
Dark rooms
with blacked-out windows.
1.1k · Oct 2018
It's all just a waste.
In the end, It will all fit together.
990 · Nov 2018
Tired Minds,
Tired Eyes,
And tired lies.
950 · Jul 2018
Have you ever been so tired, You're too tired to sleep?
Both mentally and physically?
936 · Sep 2018
Time spent.
Time wasted.
900 · Jul 2018
The funny thing about silence is,
In my head, It never truly is
In the end, It will all fit together, won't it?
893 · Nov 2018
And unwanted Lies.
In the End, It will all fit together.
891 · Dec 2018
Complex Minds.
The funny things about complex minds is that others will never understand them because
they don't even
                 ­                                         t
                      ­                                       h
                                                               ­ s
                                                              ­   e
     ­                                                                 ­         v
Make of it, what you will. In the End, It will all fit together.
826 · Sep 2018
My mind.
The darkest thing you'd ever see.
793 · Oct 2018
Pai n      voi ces b od ys c o r p s e s gu ilt hat re d ang er sad ness blo od gu ts  ste  nch  de a th    he ll peo ple      ene mys all ies fam ily lov ed o n e s  fri ends   se arin g pa i n b r ok en        b o nes      to rtu re N O mer cy        
men tal    sani ty L O S T                       m in d  br o k e n HIM I am HIM n o i c a nt b e ple as e  just  
ki ll  M E?
Had another nightmare I just woke up
fro m, Most likely won't be falling asleep again. In the end, It will all fit together.
780 · Oct 2018
The Truth
757 · Mar 2018
The flame we all have in us, love, hate, pain, and joy.
It allows us to become stronger than we ever thought before.
To overcome the challenges that face us, to defeat them.
To finally be free of our restraints, to be free, to be....

This is a poem about reaching 10 followers on HelloPoetry.
Thank you all for getting me here, I thought I wouldn't still have a single follower by now, and you guys proved me wrong, It means alot to me. Once again thank you.
     I will also be releasing a poem sooner or later called; "The Flame". It's going to be my first story-poem ever. And as always, don't forget to tell me what you think about my poems, what I could do better and improve and things to write about!
744 · Nov 2018
735 · Aug 2018
I'm taking a short break and won't be on again till this weekend.
718 · Dec 2018
Some consider me a poet,
a builder,
an artist.

But I'm just a crazy man no one will ever understand
In the End, It will all fit together.
715 · Sep 2018
Seeing things.
Sometimes I can't tell if the things I'm seeing are real,
Or just in my head.
714 · Dec 2018
It's odd how destruction can seem so beautiful.
In the End, It will all fit together.
680 · Feb 2019
Even the the prettiest flowers have their thorns.
In the End, It will all fit together.
614 · Oct 2018
I feel insane.

I can live with my sanity, "Nevermore."
A little poem for all of you Edgar Allan Poe fans like me.
Still sick, most likely will be posting Monday.
In the end, It will all fit together.
606 · Aug 2018
The funny thing is, I can learn so much about a person just from a sentence. When I don't even know who I am.
606 · Dec 2018
It's funny really.
How much you can learn about a person from their art,
and then realize....

You never really knew them at all.
In the End, It will all fir together.
596 · Aug 2018
Life and Death
Most afraid of death, aren't afraid of life. But death is apart of life,
So what are they afraid of?
590 · Dec 2018
It's ironic really, how all truths can so easily become lies.
In the End, It will all fit together.
576 · Dec 2018
Dark halls
and darker doors.
570 · Jan 2019
Some dark stories never show the ending.
In the End, It will all fit together.
565 · Aug 2018
If there was a god,
I wouldn't  be here.
543 · Jul 2018
I've tried keep him locked away,
Hidden, long enough that time
will erase him.
I hate him, but he feeds on my hate.
I need him, but don't want him.
I fight him, but he still wins.

He is me
In the end, It will all fit together.
521 · Jan 2019
'Lucid Nightmares'
The air is becoming heavy.
You ca n't br e
                            ­      h

You wake up, You've seen this place before.
You're eyes are hazy, All you can make out is the darkness.
You hear something, a sort of rasping noise. You try to get up to look for a light source, but realize you can't move....

You began to understand what's happening. You start to panic for you know what will unfold next. You hear a scream and try calling out to the source. You know they are in pain for you can feel their pain, Their emotions...
You still can't move, you start to feel the blood running down from your shoulder to your arm.

You can feel every cut, every puncture, every drip of blood falling from your finger tips... It feels like Hell.

You are being tortured, for what reason you do not know. Nor shall you ever. You start to loose your grip on reality and fantasy.
You start to black out....

The air is becoming heavy.
You ca n't br e
                            ­      h

                                "This is the way the world ends,
                                 This is the way the world ends,
                                This is the way the world ends...
                               Not with a bang, But a whimper...."
"This is the way the world ends,
This is the way the world ends,
This is the way the world ends....
Not with a bang, But a whimper...."
-T.S. Eliot.

In the End, It will all fit together.
504 · Sep 2018
Why is it never quiet?
Why are "They" so loud?
Why are "They" in my head?

Why am I not dead?
502 · Feb 2019
Nights flies, and old story lies.
In the End, It will all fit together.

I may not be able to post as much this week due to some problems my friend is having.
492 · Dec 2018
I might not be able to post as much next week because of weather conditions. I might lose electricity which means no Wi-Fi. I'll try to keep you updated.
In the End, It will all fit together.
483 · Jun 2018
No, Such a simple word.
Yet, So powerful.
'No, dreams don't come true.'
'No, I want to start a war.'
'No, I won't talk to that person today with depression today.'
'No, dreams do come true.'
'No, I don't want to start a war.'
'No, I will talk to that person with depression today.'
"No"; Like many other words, It is so simple, yet so powerful.
As always, Don't forget to tell me what you think!
478 · Oct 2018
Sick of people.
Sick of life.
Sick of being sick.
Still slightly sick, but I'm back.
471 · Sep 2018
You can get so much information from simple things people do;
How they walk,
How they talk,
How they write,
How they react,
And their art....

WhaT d O yo u sEe wHen yOu l o o k aT m E?
462 · Aug 2018
Everyone has their demons,
but what if you are
your demon?
"Anger, and agony are better than misery." - Pain, By Three Days Grace.
450 · Jun 2018
The strong fight with the weapon of mass destruction.
The smart fight with the weapon of numbers.
The wise fight with the weapon of knowledge.

Which one are you?
Tell me which one you are in the comments below. And as always, Don't forget to tell me what you think!
442 · Jul 2018
How can I be peaceful? When in my head, theres only war?
In the end, It will all fit together.
433 · Mar 2018
Death, the escape from this place we "live" in.
To wipe all our "sins" clean and move on beyond this realm.
The thing that allows us to finally be truly free, want or not.
To rid us of our nightmares, and pain, and hate.
In return for us losing our loved ones, joy, our memories.

Death, the beginning and end.
I decided to post a second poem today because I'm most likely not going to post one tomorrow.
Remember to tell me what you think!
424 · Jan 2019
A man in the rain.
The rain d
                 as the man walks do
     the str e e t,           It is dark, yet light.
                  Night, yet day.

         Thought, and emotion....
Knowledge,                                        ­                                          and fear.

        "Fear." The thing that can destroy any man.
Or bring them from the ashes.
In the End, It will all fit together.
420 · Jan 2019
Some write about broken wings...

I never had wings to fly.
In the End, It will fit all together.
411 · Jan 2019
Some nights, The only source of light can't be seen.
In the End. It will all fit together.
395 · Jul 2018
We always think we have enough time. When really, It's just a luxury.

In the end, It all fits together.
We always think we have enough time, but we really don't, do we? As always, don't forget to tell me what you think.
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