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3.1k · May 2018
A Homeless Girl's Paradise
Vaishali May 2018
The stars hung low that night
To hail the girl who sat on the rooftop
Of a filthy run down cottage
At the end of the 'Homeless Women' lane

Her knees were scraped with callused fingernails
That bled against the chips on the wall she had climbed
To watch those pretty little things shine
And sigh with wonder against the solitary night

The emptiness in her stomach growled
But her wild eyes devoured the moon
Maybe the night resembled her tattered black dress
And stars were just despicable holes in the fabric of sky

Greasy auburn hair hung limp against her skimpy frame
Not many would find beauty on that haunted face
But there was a prepossessing in her pain
The way she never truly had things to lose
So she loved everything we seldom bother to.

It was a cold night on a full moon
The homeless girl breathed her last atop a red roof
No one remembers a slovenly girl with wild eyes
A homeless girl who died in her true home,
Her personal paradise.

Maybe she was only fifteen
But not many can claim
They've worn constellations on their body
Maybe she found her peace
And landed the stars while we were asleep
Maybe the way she died
Is the way most of us fail to live
Maybe we should love the way
A homeless girl once did.
2.0k · Jun 2018
Vaishali Jun 2018
Lit up this entire
House of ornate desire
The ceilings set afire
This hopeful spark
Turned into charred logs

I’ve watched us
Be damp timber for too long
Till we struck the match
Shrunk to the warmth
Choking on our own confessions
In this smoky haze
It wasn’t love

This night is already over
Our story a distant chorus
Your silhouette
With the last red
Of the Bonfire
We were a catalytic firework
Now we’re out of colours
The winds carry our ashes
286 · Jul 2019
The Road Is Long
Vaishali Jul 2019
The road is long
Dreadfully so,
Broken pavements and bruised tiles
Hold out for the end,
Ambition tramples the sidewalk
A couple more steps and then a couple more.

The unruly audience lands their feet.
The orchestra on the finish line
Crescendos to the breaking tides
The gore of happenstance,
The aftermath of destiny and other
Abstract notions of victory
Belt out the song of defeat
For all but one.

We crash where the footpath ends
Comprehending the day that's not ours.
History cuts up the margins of loss
Into a glaring wound of all the wrong things.
Somedays, you exuberate all your best traits
And still end up on the grass
Where you bury your perseverance,
And the society in your head
Cheers when you lay down the casket.

The stars never fell down for you.
The sun rose like it did
In the possibilities of yesterday.
You seek the warm embrace of cold tiles
Leaning against the faucet
That races your tears to the mosaic floor.
You lost, you didn't win.
You won, you never lost.

The voices hush away as the high fades
Into a new day.
Your feet take you to the finish line again
Run, run for one more day.
Run,I'll meet you there
Where another pavement ends.
So the Wimbledon finals and the World Cup went down yesterday and the agony on the losing faces was heartbreaking.It made me sad beyond reason because everyone gave it everything but at the end of the day, the crowd didn't hail the efforts, it hailed the winners.
216 · Jun 2019
Vaishali Jun 2019
The ice melts,slowly
The seasons change.
If I could meet you
For the very first time
All over again,
I wouldn't take your pen
We would never fight again.

Stand beside me in this river
Of common history
And conflicting ideas
I can't live without you
But somedays I do.
I've pushed you to the edge
But you refuse to drown
You hold on to me
And I hold on to the you
That used to be.

We're vapours and smaug
I can't see you anymore
I drift away in silent grace
In the cold comfort
Of an impending goodbye
Your hand softens around
The blue veins on the inside
Of my wrist and I come undone
I can't tell tears from rain
And you can't tell me from the winds.
I drift away in the lackadaisical sky
Of all the ugly things I chose to see
And all the ways a person can be
Just water under the bridge.

Now that I've seen your flaws
It's only fair that I don't see
203 · Jun 2019
Vaishali Jun 2019
My  hands envelope my lips
Quivering,breath laced in disbelief
Gravel, under my feet
Quicksand under his feet.
Rain, rain in the sky
There's a thud
He falls and I stare.
People,they help him up
I fall and he stares.
I died a stranger's life,
He gets up,unbridled
Rooted to my tears
My hands envelope my eyes
Because people don't die.
Silence for my epiphany
You might have to leave me
Before I leave you.
Glittering meadows and living brooks
To a broken pavement in a haunted nook
He must have run a long way here
Every night, I stare and I stare.
He looks warily young,
Too young to have sprinted
All the way to a dead end.
In the pragmatic corner of my mind,
We fall and we stare.
200 · Mar 2018
A Page Torn
Vaishali Mar 2018
Ink stains on a torn page
The notebook still recounts
Pen pressed
Against her white flesh.
Rash cuts to ****** words
And commas instead of fullstops.

Eloquent cursive caress
The notebook has it all etched
Against her very next page
She cherishes the undying imprints
Of the paper she fostered
In walls of her blue cardboard.

A rip,it was all gone
Ink stains on a page torn,
To take flight like an airplane
Drown a Titanic near the sea shore
Make love to a poet's pen
Or end up in the next garbage can.

Love is still imprisoned
In the remnant edges
Of a page torn
Out of a blue notebook
I own
Flip to the next page
Experience a life lived
In those very ink stains.

The notebook grows old
To a cracked spine
Thankless fading lines
Blue paint chips off it
With margins overwritten
On 49 pages
An ode to 26 letters
The 50th,
Embodies a runaway vagabond.
196 · Feb 2019
Mom Wrote Too
Vaishali Feb 2019
Yellow, creased, torn
Raw edges emanating
The pungent fragrance
Of archaic paper.

The words curl,
Swirl in affection
In the colour of rouge.
I imagine
A frail hand
Slashing away at words
Granting no clemency
Crucifying a t there
Veiling a C here.

Some pages,
Mere ink stains
Where words left with time
Their virtue in the traces
Where her pen pressed down.
She poured her heart out
Time sent it back
But she recalls it now
A gleaming silver pen.

Mom wrote too
Youth piled in layers,
Nostalgia shelved between lines.
Faces she won't recognize now
All acknowledged,
In her bedroom drawer.
194 · Jan 2019
10 Seconds
Vaishali Jan 2019
Distant songs turn
Into cacophonous melodies
Pretty, how shadows
Swirl onto dance floors
I haven't met you before
But would you dance
Dance away another year
Of wasted ink
Dance till our bodies
Succumb to that rythm,
And shall our brains
No longer clutch our heart
Inside this shrine to hatred
We profess to so often,
Beside the inhibitions
Leading me past freedom
Away from poison
Putting me to sleep.

Till midnight
I'll be Love.
I'll be you tonight.
I'll be dew
Settled upon a grassblade
I'll be red, crimson
10 seconds of Cinderella
Before this magic strays.
I'll be the facade
To your masquerade.

Remember me
Beneath the fireworks
A fluid silhouette
Capering away
To the starlit yonder
Sans the penumbra
I latch onto for comfort.

Wake up.
Unfurling in that castle of mind
Is a memory,
An eclectic ephemera.
A flat stone
On ocean floors
Bounce, splash, ripple
187 · Mar 2019
Peace is at war tonight
Vaishali Mar 2019
Peace is at war tonight
Whispers scraping my soul
Into a hatred so cold
Violence stretches a shriveled bone
Serenity lunges, war is bloodied.
My soul branded evil into cowering
And yet, it has chivalry
A pride unprecedented.

Grab, throw, parry
The night dulls and twinkles
They sneer,revel,shout
Deceit, subterfuge.
My heart a barren paracosm
Authored by ink, good and evil.
Shall the darkness embrace me
Entrance me against silhouettes alike
Till I'm a lost child in a deserted aisle
War and peace dancing like twin fires
There's three of us in the morning sky
Black, white and miss 'fairy lights'
Because war is at peace tonight.
182 · Mar 2018
A Match Left Behind
Vaishali Mar 2018
It was a choice , neither destiny nor fate
That led to a threshold of brilliance
Or a dreadful prison gate.
She had a candle she refused to light
She had battles she was too scared to fight
A future she was reluctant to acknowledge
Because of a choice her heart simply couldn’t make

Two roads did diverge and the waters did part
It might have been a tedious journey
Or it may have been a fateful start
But the girl , she would rather dwell in the dark
The candle was alluring but the match was defiant
The candle needed light , the match loathed fire
So she dreamt under a starlit sky
Before the hurricane that preyed on the silence of the night.

And the candle , it fled with the raging winds,
Desperately choosing embers of a future
Over the monotony of these adjourned beings
Oh how time sneered at the melancholy match!
Left in the companionship of a lone pale hand
The candle had made a choice for the girl..
She was left with no choice at all !
And now she craves the peace and calm
Decimated by the ruthless storm
Now she reminisces with the match
About a candle they had once known.

An eternity ago , she had a choice
And now ? Now she has a definite path
Before she had an effervescent candle
Now she has a desolate match
Yesterday she had a future of possibilities
Today she wishes she had done things differently...
178 · Dec 2018
Nostalgia Is morphine
Vaishali Dec 2018
Through the brass window sills
Past the embroidered ivy green,
Lilting voices chorus away
Chants of spirits seeking solace
In the folds of time, some bygone days
The sandcastles we built
Couldn't possibly be crumbling away.

I walked away in pregnant hope
To build more than ephemeral lies
They laced their fingers in mine
Crooning a sweet lullaby
Stay till the sunset
Till the sun bleeds to death
Stay, and we'll be connecting dots
In the night sky of a glorious past.

Maybe the ruins have in them,
What a future never does.
Tangible testimony
Of a brawl against time
But love, I'm letting go
Nostalgia is morphine
You're wasted on.

Tell me I'm a Titanic
Headed for the iceberg
You'll forever be a dinghy
Tethered to the boardwalk
You'll lose the yesterday
You drugged on.
Just me being philosophical about all the things i've left behind.
177 · Nov 2018
The Wind Is A Ballerina
Vaishali Nov 2018
Comatose waters on a deceased night
Stars draped over banyan roots
  Leaves deluged in the warmth
Of an eerie,  uncanny quiet
      All prisoners to the brutish night sky.

Fluttering, vibrant in white gossamer
She sways, ensnaring the banyan leaves
Awakening the murky deep
Vengeance against the silence
That has dwelled, haunted thus long.

         She's a ballerina
     Not of subtle elegant grace,
But sanguine..
    Somewhat saccharine subterfuge
           Harbinger of a moment's ecstasy
                She's a wandress
  And silence, just ONE
Of her many estranged lovers.
Vaishali Jul 2023
We sit triangularly, some satanic ritual waiting to unfold.
In the menacing strobe light music, between dull musings
Of a week, a month, a lifetime ,I enclose the cold pitcher
Sizing it against my face, I look into it to find life.
And like muddied ocean deep I feel distant dorsal fins
Guttural cries in coffee flavoured beer, of creatures slipped
In the abyssal zone and dying for lack of oxygen-
On the dark dark ocean floor, this table for three or four.
The triangle now stretches like a catapult, his long limbs
leaning, so taut in temptation of far away loneliness
I reach out my amphibian arms, my gelatinous tongue
and he dissolves like a fly upended mid flight, shaking
his head over the foam from the mug, I'm okay, It's alright.
The waiters wait on invisible trays like weighed down wraiths
and ask us if we're old enough to swim; we hold hands
like a cult of dolphins, this table is our ballast, these green
napkins our sail and our age far undermines our agency,
If we choose to drown, it would be at our own mercy.
He's flung back by something we say and I am far removed
Into the reflection of Christmas lights in July, evaporating
into pleasantries and digressing golden tears into the pool.
Someone breaks this exorcism of rationale, scraping  a chair-
restroom, I need to use the restroom, oh this uneasiness of habitat.
If we were truly fish, our insides as salty as our outsides, gracefully
I would be gliding in the water and fumbling not for the phone lock.
We take turns breaking the geometry of friendship and acquaintance,
of corporate hellfire, footballers and friendlies and the difference
between sweatshirts and hoodies, these ****** diuretics.
Cheek down on the table, I steal a pebble from a fancy bush to
introduce my brain to my hands and my hands to cold relief,
Buzzed like a doorbell I am regurgitating smaller fish into porcelain.
I eat with cutlery intended to serve and talk myself into hadal trenches,
Here in the underworld I look to my thoughts like Orpheus;
they die before taking shape, once more I am questioned for my faith.
I sit in the back of the cab, little plastic bisleri in hand, ocean ****
lining my mouth and I understand the traffic lights like a child;
We sit quietly chattering with our sobriety and hold each other
like children, we must look like dead fish with those boney shoulders.
169 · Jun 2019
Storm Of A Decade
Vaishali Jun 2019
Storm Of A Decade

A photograph of four.
Teeth glistening,
A haunting ivory
Dusted in years
Of quiescent hanging.
The night trembles
As lightning caresses
The horizon into flames
Birds screech in diquietude
at the storm of a decade
Uprooting a run down mansion
That has loved and lost its days.
Often,the rain spills
Through the crevices
Onto the carved frame.
Tonight the dark whistles,
A sombre melody
To the bright eyed Jill.
Clad in a polka dot red,
she stares at a lady
With the same shade
Of chestnut curls.
An archaic banyan,
Loses the anchor of earth
Leaning in to shatter
Some stained glass.
With a night sky for eyes
Starred over in tiny freckles
Johnny grins a feckless crescent
As drops splatter onto his desert hair.
The family sways in reverence
To the storm of a decade
Portrait of some forgotten May
Shivers and rubs in friction
Against a forgotten place.
Some wires, they tangle and twist
Some sparks,ignite the damp wood
Of a house, of four and maybe more.
The lady and the gentleman
In an ugly bermuda and a straw hat
In a beautiful summer dress
Embrace their progeny,
In the storm of a decade.
The sheer moth eaten curtains
Burn in a hunger for sabotage
The rain pitter-patters
Over the ashes of a half burnt house.
The fire rages against the nonchalance
Of a silver rectangle with eight eyes.
Only a fire as mighty could celebrate
A pretty mansion that sleeps
Through the chaos of most hurricanes.
The photograph takes a last swing
And ends up on the mahogany orange.
They smile through the heat
That shatters their castle of glass
They smile in a holocene blue
An offering at the altar
Of the melancholy mansion
That has kept them smiling
As it fell into a state of subtle disrepair
As the nights got darker
Outside the frail walls.
166 · Feb 2019
Site Of Damage
Vaishali Feb 2019
There is a shrapnel wound
At the nape of my neck
Tracing crimson deceit
In an eclectic pathway
Trickling over ridges
Of my fractured ribcage
Love is an explosion
I was the site of damage.

We were reckless hours
Crammed into ticking seconds
We raced time
Beat it to the finish line.
We were a thriller
We only got
The acknowledgements right.

I'd paint us in eloquent words
Masquerading it
Into an artform.
But we're no shooting stars
We're grotesque,ugly
Despicable scars.
You see
Love is seldom poetic
It's the casualties
We remember it for.
163 · Jan 2019
Broken Link
Vaishali Jan 2019
Rusty red
Chain link fence
But bridled no more
Opaque azure
Spills through
Holes where tension built
And screamed open
The chain link fence.

There's a sunrise
The perpetual sunsets
There is no bludgeoning,
Some otherworldly beckoning
We break
To join the vapid breeze
Leading us nowhere
We already haven't been.

It's a dichotomy
Being shiny
Being naught
But on a rainy day
Of dripping silver
I'd be the hole
Raindrops won't cling to
I'll be the broken link
You climb in through.
162 · Mar 2020
Half The Stars
Vaishali Mar 2020
Is it raining out on those rotten barks,
Or is the sun killing green leaves
Into an autumn without crimson beauty?
In musing and in hope,in fear of knowing
The true shape of a fire lit inside
A burning house,I have dwelled in dreams
Of reality and thus forsaken the reality
Of dreams;With my languid hands,I've
Painted half a brook,quarter of a moon
And half of me stares at the sky,but when
Were half the stars ever enough for
A moment's night?
159 · Dec 2019
Fall Into Yourself
Vaishali Dec 2019
Only human to fall,I've been told
In love,into the sorrow of bad habits
And should you fall into yourself?
Inside your childhood cottage,
In an unknown neighborhood.

The curtains limp in quiescent dust
The scarlet recognizes you,
The chair creaks in remembrance
But in its fragile wooding
Could the arms hold your hand,
And would this ebony bear your soul?
Look around,before you go.

A hanging clock that doesn't tick
It reads nine o'4 and you sit awhile.
The mattress is an indentation
In the shape of your past
That won't cave in to the way you are.
The walls stare down the floors
You are no sight to behold
And on the mantle in a picture frame
You fight battles in a red cape.

In the haunted attic
Where you looked for ghosts,
You stumble across yourself
Fall all over the opaque darkness
And hold hands
With the phantom of yourself.

When you fall into yourself,
Don't shy away for fear
Of not catching yourself.
156 · Dec 2019
The Crowd
Vaishali Dec 2019
I think that it's beautiful
When you lie to keep my love
And you scream out the words
Seconds after the song has died out

I'm scared of the way we say
Nothing at all
And how I leave you on sidewalks
Even before you tell me to go

But we always hold hands
When the crowd wouldn't let us breathe
Mine's always colder
My stride a little shorter
And we walk towards the sunset
Like the paintings in my bedroom.

Sometimes when its raining
And the sky falls onto my hair
I think of good things
And bad things
And love,
If it only lasts when
Two people
Have the same hands.

I lose you in the crowd
Because you lie
To keep my love
Because we never hold hands
Without a crowd to tear us apart
And I shouldn't love you forever
Like the pictures on my wall
And see you in mornings
When you don't see me at all.
156 · Sep 2019
Last Rain
Vaishali Sep 2019
Swaying in a blur of drops
With hair clinging on to my brows
And the street whistling in pebbled vows
The last of a dying season,
Holds me close , akin to a broken lover.

Much of the jolly good showers
Were exhausted in a catharsis of firsts
We spun till our hearts were drenched
Palms cold in reverence to a summer lost.
Banyan leaves that drooped like water beds
And a fierce grey sky of relentless love.

My palms shrivelled,my fingers withered
The banyan bowed down in a brutal fit
of lightning rage,
I shook the water from off its branches
Because I thirsted for all of the rains
But I'm dancing on a dry street
At peace with my ephemeral pursuits
Watching the seasons change.
109 · Jan 2020
The Strings Keep Thinning
Vaishali Jan 2020
We are creatures of perpetual pain
And pain us,He will
For all the hearts bound to you
To me,In loitering uncertainities of
Fleeting human affection
Will at once keep pulling the strings
And like puppets in hands of
A meek infant of a few months
We are hurled,every which way in
Answer to our conviction.
Mirthlessly,the world laughs,accuses
Us of love,the sin every sinner walks
The evil that cuts evil,should it stay.
And we keep handing away
Our strings to people with debts to pay
Their nuisance lures us to fix the
World with congenial evening walks
Their eyes are ever so sacred,for when
Their mouth runs and runs unholy,
Look in their eyes and all your strings
Come taut in unison to haul the weight
Of lies comforted in muted acceptance.
From far away enough,the streets that led
You looked like shimmering little
Shards of ice,blinding.
Unearthly,so much so that you'd walk
In bare feet and love veiled.
Your soles run red and blue,numb and
Somehow throbbing,
Like the love you once knew.
Keep on walking,these strings
Will keep thinning.
I wrote it while thinking about all that we go through to give someone the power to control us while trusting them to never use it.And sometimes,we give it to people who are going to abuse it.

— The End —