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Kanak Kashyup May 2018
Even after having numerous stars,
There is a flitter of dreadful silence.
Veining the intense silver dragged bars,
Sun is no use for inner luminance.
Gripping the cinders of various scars,
Still longing for the glittering competence.
Kanak Kashyup May 2018
Pierced the surface of
Moving life by making
It immobile
Captured it's skin
On the wall
Supported by the
Heartlessness as courage
The whelping innocence
Growing with that hanged skin
Swinging around
Looking around
Hovering around
With joys and laughs
Unaware of the agony
Of that rope of his swing
Nature is destructed
Walls are smirking
Childhood is blinded
With cruelty as bravery
And spring, spring is
Losted forever......
Kanak Kashyup May 2018
Wading in the meadow of sorrows
Glaring the newly blossomed lilies
Pondering the slow slow breezes
Greenness is more inside than outside
Leaves the yellow oscillating with grace
Leaves the golden striking the land
Leaves the brown silently scattering
Crushed by the feet of travelers
The same going somewhere else
Leaves the white oscillating with stiffness
Leaves the blue striking forcefully
Leaves the red scattered screaming
Crushed by the feet of dearly traveler
Autumn is inside, Autumn is outside
October is just slandered for no reason
Real culprit is favourite traveler
  May 2018 Kanak Kashyup
Hannah Marr
it's not
that i can't breath
just that the air
is too heavy
too humid
too thick with lies and
sickly sweet half-truths
that choke me up
and fill my lungs with smog
drowning me with the intention
towards strife and barbarity to consume
the life-giving
and raise
the executioners
on their thrones
of thorns

it's not
that i can't breath
just that the air
isn't right
does not satisfy
this burning in my lungs and
the dizzy fog in my head
that trips me up
and fills my mouth with gasps
my lungs heaving against iron bands
of cultural and social restrictions
on the righteous
and leniency
for the cruel
on their stages
in masks

it's not
that i can't breath
just that the air
is alive
smothering me
intoxicating and illusory and
insubstantial as a midnight dream
that jolts me awake
and fills me with unreasoning panic
banishing from my mind all reason
in the laws of nature to protect
the awake
and disturb
the sleepers
in their hollows
of selfishness.

Beauty within...
A choking fear horrifying...

Can we meet in dreams??
If you wish not in reality
Over the cup of breezing love...
Undefined panaromic gliding kisses
We elope in dreams
Miles and miles we are apart...
Miles and miles we are near...
Are you drinking magic mocha?
So am I!
  May 2018 Kanak Kashyup
Druzzayne Rika
If you end up becoming a hero;  
You are automatically a villain.
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