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Britni Ann Feb 2019
I didn’t know that you needed help too.
Maybe if I knew then then things would be different.
But the thing is, I still needed you.
I needed you to be strong.
To tell me it was it all going to be okay.
That I would fall, break, get up, and climb again.
I wanted you to tell me that I didn’t have to suffer in silence.
But I suffered. And I stayed silent.
I might be strong but I would have rathered had a friend.
Britni Ann Feb 2019
I am slowly coming to peace with who I am.
And with what happened to me.
I still feel sad.
I still feel anxious.
Anxiety loves to sneak back in and push me around.
But I'm trying to stay positive.
Trying to keep an open mind.
I know the sun will rise tomorrow,
and I know that I will be okay.
  Jan 2019 Britni Ann
Do you not see your greatness-
          Your beauty, that radiates from your smile?
Do you not understand that others look at you
          and see far deeper than you can with a mirror?
I know you don't think much of yourself,
         and I know you don't believe others kindness,
But there are people who think the world of you;
          so the next time you feel the doubt, the uncertainty
          weighing you down,
          my belief in you exceeds the stars.
Britni Ann Jan 2019
They say that every 7-10 years your body is completely renewed.

How refreshing is it to know that the body I have now was never touched by your hands?
If only my memory was the same way.
  Jan 2019 Britni Ann
I will let you
hate me
if that's easier
than loving me...
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