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 Jun 2023 Sharon Talbot
never understands his father
when he was alive,
it is both
a curse and the beauty
of the relationship.

always keep distance
from his son
it's nothing
exercising power over him.
Suppose in future
If the son goes wrong
this power will bring him
into his circle.

A good son knows
when his father died.
he still lives in
very DNA of his and
will guide him through
his inner voice..

Happy Father's Day!
 Jun 2023 Sharon Talbot
I pretend that my heart doesn’t sink
when I remember, only fragments of you

I pretend to want this life
even when I can no longer stomach it

I pretend not to notice my scars
underneath my new green skirt

I pretend to be alive
despite my decaying soul
The acid that runs cold through my veins
wishes that it just rains and rains,
to wash away my darkest pains
and cleanse me 'til nothing remains.

Playing evil with my deepest fears,
tapping my strings all these years,
the truth unblind at last appears,
nothing is worth the salt of my tears.

Deep within my soul slowly breaks,
the toll that this reality fire takes
has scarred me with fantasy flakes,
and scorched me with so many mistakes.

Pagan Paul (April 2022)
the sky is on fire
at sunset

(and you want to know
why i'm sitting
on the roof

the sky is on fire

and I only dream of you

and in Tibet
the monks write their prayers
on rice paper
and climb to a high mountain top
and fling their prayers
into the wind
where they will float
to heaven
and be answered

the clouds:
pale yellows,
and pink

and you want to know
what i'm doing
sitting up on the roof

so standing
I take the toilet paper
from my shirt pocket

and the wind knows
and skyward it goes)

the sky is on fire at sunset

and my quiet heart beats only for you
...the meadow and the puddle
you wouldn't come out of

wild and simple joy

invisable to eyes, now...

I wander the meadow grass

the fields where the flowers glow
in early morning

the fields you
only dream of
where your soul is always free...

and you come running
spectral through the mist,

I walk lonely fields
she always posted my bail and
never asked what I d done
and she paid the back rent
always had dinner for me

she loaned me money
and I never paid her back

and when I was gone

for 2 or 3 days
she didn't ask where I'd been

she broke my nose
with a non-stick frying pan

she broke my heart with a letter

she s the best I ever had

if you read this:
i'm in the county jail,
call the bail bonds man
I need you more than ever

sunrise on the river
a million stars
2 fishing poles
and my brother
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