The sound of the sea, a thunderous roar, as it crashes and breaks upon the shore.
The wave has travelled from afar, tossing and turning, gathering speed.
Unaware it will be the cause of a feeding frenzy.
Sat on the beach, enjoying the sun, children playing, having fun.
Above all other noise, a loud squawking can be heard, this, the sound of the Seagull bird.
High in numbers, flying high in the sky, they hover, occasionally they swoop and dive, excited for the crest of the wave, with each rise.
Within the foam, a treasure is found, small fishes are the feast of kings for this scavenging bird.
I sit on the beach enjoying the sun, and all around a feeding frenzy has begun.
The gulls feast on their fishes and children feast on ice cream, both meals considered fit for kings and queens.