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  Jul 2017 Mariah Cuch
Kurt Philip Behm
Where bullets and bombs end,
—the Poet begins

(Villanova Pennsylvania: May, 2017)
Mariah Cuch Jul 2017
Oh mighty brother of the plains
Where have you gone?

Has your life been taken with such ease as a whispering breath?

Oh mighty brother of the plains
Where have you gone?

Decaped of all pride, not just to die, but cry... Oh mighty Brother.
Written when I was 15, homage to Bison, the genocide of both Natives & Bison
Mariah Cuch Jul 2017
"Pass me to the light of day, Son."

In last moments of this life, with all farewells, salutations and redemptions resolved...

I would tell my son, look for me in dawn... I have told god, let me live the next lifetime as dawn, 24 hours... I want to see and touch it all...
Mariah Cuch Jul 2017
She woke in Oblivion...
Torn to pieces from ages of war, such that was required..

Oblivion was created to hold darkness...

She collected remnants of her scattered soul, wove them together with golden threads.  They where the last remaining parts of her that remained pure...

Chard and bound she rose through the ashes.  Her gold sparkling in the darkness refected where she stood...


She could see the Mecury Sea, familiar to her only through the truths of creation...

Her eyes had been removed and only in her mind did she see him.  His sad lonely silhouette, stood in contrast to the gleaming waves...

Her cold heart hung in her shattered ribs, began to beat.  She knew him...

"Is it he I came here for?" The thought echoed life into Oblivion.

He saw her, and in fear fled into the sea...

In Oblivion echoes don't return, and he again was lost to the world...

She pulled her armor, her weapons and those who she found, and again the God of War rose....

Falling upside down, she rose in ashes of volcanos... Her heart ablaze, deep within a single ash, only required the breath of love to ignite her...

The ashes of her darkness blew off in the passion of love and only gold threads remained.  Remnants of her earthly self called to the spirit and she began to collect herself piece by

The Gods had won the war against darkness long long ago, because of her, but her own darkness threatened creation. In a trick, such that gods know she was lured by beauty and torn into pieces.  Diminished and desolved she was spread across Oblivion.

In the time of reconciliation and rebirth she rose to bring back the lost...

He was the last warrior to be collected, as all of the legion would be required to collapse Oblivion...

He still remains there, lost in the Mercury Sea... She would leave none, and when whole will return to set to sea for one last soul...
Mariah Cuch Jul 2017
In the labor of birth he taught her the secret of life: to ride the waves of fear and take the ebs, the crests, let go.  

She did not know the second wave of birth was yet to come.

High, strong shrills of joy echoed through the hospital, reminding the world that miracles abound.

Heart beat to heart beat they held each other bound for all time.

Both free to their singular bodies, after their nine months as one.

In the days after she reminisced about the first ultra sounds of watching his joyous twirling within. Bright with life and safe within her.

His pattern of life set to the sun quickly.  His cries of hunger were as predictable and steady as the stars crossing the 2am February skies.

All was calm in the darkness of winter. When the awe of birth settled purity shone bright, a swell arose.

The eb pulled on her.  She began to sink into darkness. Each pull telling her no measure of love could ever keep her son from hurt.

Her heart quickened, fracturing at the truth, collapsing releasing the lifetime of fear.

All she was wounded by bled into their joy.  All that she doubted since her birth crested and peaked over them. The great flood of her emotions loomed over as she held him.

She held her baby tight, heartbroken, she learned why mothers and children are smotherd and consumed in the waves of evil that await purity.

It spoke to her, she became darkness, questioning his agonies and hardships he would endure. Her spirit thin and weak, broke and all went dark.

In her last thoughts her mind looked for orientation.

She held him, looking at his light.  Bright and pure.  

"Stop shining they all see! Hide!" Her fears consumed her.

The second wave of birth, that crests in the weeks following broke. She gave up and knew she was gone.  Her own light torn into darkness.

Heart shattered, spirit broken she let go.

In her last gaze back at the world she saw his light, flickering joyous, bright and eternal.

It called to her, collected her and pulled her within his heart.

He took them through her darkness, his purity and joy, his light, holding each other as the world of darkness passed and the miracle of life eased into days and weeks and years.
I was so joyous when I learned I would become a mother.  Loved being pregnant, birth came so fluidly...

As a Native American mother, our custom required that mothers and new borns are to stay inside, thirty days.

It was in that time that bad things happen.  We cross life to bring back life, and on return I broke.

I couldn't watch the news, I couldn't taste bad food, I couldn't touch my own body, except with a scratching stick (as is custom).  And when the darkest of thoughts came, I realized why mothers **** their children. And the wave of guilt and fear broke me.

Hormonal powers are strong... humans are made in three parts- mind, body and soul...

We were reborn together in the thirty days after Feb 2001
  Jul 2017 Mariah Cuch
Lora Lee
words fell
    like broken
your lips
              searing your
bruised heart,
              its jagged rips
into mine
  beats sharply feathered
like injured
angel eyes
   pigmented my color,
    blinded by a
cool sheen
hiding behind
You are but a child,
young fresh entity
yet know the weight
of heavy
    and suddenly
nothing else
only your light
in my world,
         dark you get
nothing material
can fix it and I will
stop it all
to press
the button
          of time
and give
for my son
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