a word for the broken a song for the lost don't morn a time that will never end rock and roll is never dead Something for the man to make amends
A prophet for the lost A destroyer for your pain A mourner for your broken heart a mystic for your words an a deviant for something I'm not really allowed to word because it will get flagged No more pain are their words and mystery not silent they will fight thou they are the fallen in the night
The more I start remembering the happiness of my past. I started forgetting how it all started and lasted. But for some reason it comes back and then fade away, like it wants to stay or leave me. Is it my memory who's doing this or my happiness that once love me. And now it hates me.
Two lonely souls bump in the night. Not even a single pin fell throughout that night. One soul hunger for pain, and the other for delight. Now night light flies away, both could wish to remember that day.