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“Grades are getting low,
the teens are getting high.
That 12 year old is pregnant
and her parents wonder why.

A 1st grader is swearing,
a 3rd grader has been *****.
Just take a look around you,
isn’t the system great?

Who isn’t faded these days,
teens are sending nudes,
kids are getting beaten,
the teachers see the bruises.

No calls for help are spoken,
teens are smoking ****,
young girls are cutting,
this isn’t what we need.

The marks of taunt and yelling,
parents are divorced.
That 14 year old is drinking beer,
this can’t get any worse.

A little girl has killed herself,
nobody seems to care.
Another kid has been expelled
for a stupid dare.

But it needs to change.
Our world is officially broken.
It’s time to take a stand;
your thoughts need to be spoken.”

Thoughts are running wild
As the tears stream down my face.
Depressed and suicidal,
But I should just stay in my place.

I’m feeling kinda broken,
Feeling kinda lost.
I wanna make my pain
Just go away at any cost.

Don’t get me wrong, I grew up
In a nice enough neighborhood.
And I did everything that
Anybody said I should.

But it wasn’t enough.
It wasn’t me.
I thought that I could help the world
With the things I’ve seen.

My cousin lost herself
In drinking hard and smoking ***.
My good friend tried to run away
And lose her past a lot.

I, myself, have struggled
With thoughts of losing it all.
The pro and cons of jumping off
That cliff into the free fall.

I mean if there's something that can save me
Then it'll show up, right?
It's worth the wait to take a blade to my wrist
And **** it up, right?

The truth is, I don't know
How to do this and win the fight.
I need someone to show me
There's still a ray of light.

I fell into a pit of despair
And it consumed me.
I guess the only way to help the world
Was to lose me.

Finding myself is gonna take a while.
Don't know if I can make it.
Keep giving out my heart
Hoping someone will take it.

Drinking, smoking,
Doing everything to make me numb.
Doing stupid things.
Making people call me dumb.

Popping pills like candy
Just to get me through the day.
Trying to end it all;
To make the pain just go away.

It wasn't perfect. Never.
It wasn't good enough for anyone.
So I always sat alone
And wished my life was done.

~Ashton Grayson Everly
The part in quotes was written on Facebook by Will Smith. The rest is mine.
 Feb 2018 Tyler Hintz
brat bunny
 Feb 2018 Tyler Hintz
brat bunny
here lies my love for you
dead and cold
after you threw me away
for my heart still beats but just not for you
here lies my soul
gone and taken
after i said i loved you
for my heart still beats and my body still moves just not for you
 Feb 2018 Tyler Hintz
brat bunny
i hate the rain
how it drowns my cries
i hate the thunder
it strikes too loud
i hate the lightning
how it blinds me too long
i hate the people who say get over it
it makes me fear the rain even more
i hate you who lets me cry by myself
just hold me tight and tell me a story
because i hate the rain
I swear everybody wants to call
Their Valentine today
At least for 20-30 minutes

‘Hey...just seeing how you’re doing. Happy Valentine’s Day. Remember me? Got any big plans tonight?’
 Feb 2018 Tyler Hintz
Hans Peter
I told her I had lost my mind
she said it won't be hard to find
Show me the place where you last been
and hopefully they will let us in

Follow me, I said in kind
she led the way I walked behind
'How will this work if I'm in front'
'I have no clue', me being blunt

I see it there right in front of me
I don't understand why you can't see
this place that has grabbed my soul
and laid it's claim with a large flagpole

She turned around and looked at me
it's then she realized what I could see
losing my mind is not so bad
I feel more complete than I ever had
 Feb 2018 Tyler Hintz
brat bunny
All those years ago, you smiled at me
I saw the hurt and pain in your eyes but your smile reminded me
You told me to love all of you
You told me to stay away
You're hurting and all I did was watch you fall
All those years ago, you called my name
I saw the love and passion in your eyes but your frown reminded me
You told me that time was wasting
You told me you loved me
You're flying and I'm drowning
All those years ago, you said to wait at the shore
I saw you on the horizon
I swam too deep and now I'm drowning
All those years ago, you carried me home but what was left was rubble

You told me all of this right before you smiled
I am having writing blocks
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