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 Apr 2014 Turquoise Mist
the problem with
being a poet in love,
is that you savour
& trust each word your lover has
without  question.

we are simply in love
with bare literature,
spoken from the lips of someone we hold
in higher regard
than ourselves sometimes.

when you love a poet
each word you utter,
should be a piece of artwork

each sentence,
a highly thought out structure of awe and beauty to leave us seeping
in the warmth of your voice
caressing such fine words

so when deciding that you love someone,
who writes or reads
fill their souls with beauty, memories & truth especially,
for a poet's heart breaks at ease.
 Apr 2014 Turquoise Mist
Do you wanna be my friends again?
Please come back and stay
I can't talk to you anymore
How long are we going to do this for?
We used to be best buddies
And now we're not
I know exactly why
I will take all the blame
I just want things to be the same

Do you wanna come back in my life?
We can sit together at lunch again
Me texting you is overdue
I have no one to talk to
What happened to how things had been?
It's a little lonely
All these empty stares

Please I know they're in there
Those feelings you used to have
I know that they're still in there
Give me another chance, let me back in
We only had each other
Now we're both alone
It feels like I have no air

Do you wanna come to me again?

No? Okay, bye.
To the tune of, "Do You Wanna Build A Snowman?" from Frozen.
you're not your hair:
you can cut it dye it curl it straighten it shave it bend it twist it;

you're not your face:
you can hide it under layers of make-up you can put on lenses you can change your face in a matter of minutes;

you're not your skin:
you can cut it draw on it bite it tear it;

you're not your body:
you can lose weight gain weight;

you're not your clothes:
strip them off;

never reduce
a colour
a number
an adjective
a noun

never reduce
to a simple

you are
the thoughts you have at 3 a.m.
the lame jokes you tell your friends
the art you create
the books you read
the pages you have dog-eared
the quotes you have highlighted
the coffee you never finished drinking
the movie you watch after midnight, wrapped in a blanket
the chocolate cake you ate that night with that girl
the slice of pizza you could've eaten but you gave to your best friend
the kiss that still burns on your lips
the cigarettes that sting in your lungs long after you smoked them
the dreams you dream
the worlds you build in your mind
the song that's stuck in your head
the moments you're in the shower
the iloveyous
the ikindaguessilikeyous
the icareforyous
the seeyoulaters
the words you say
the smiles you smile
the laughs you laugh
the loves you love
the hates you hate

you are
an entire universe:
you're stars
and planets
and galaxies
and asteroids
and comets

you are a cosmos
trapped in
a shell.

you are
a gazillion worlds
locked in
a human cage.

never think
of yourself
as of
 Apr 2014 Turquoise Mist
This is the end

There is no coming back this time

I set fire to the bridge

You so carefully walked on before

It went up in flames

And I let it happen

I thought that's what I wanted

That in the end

It was better for both of us

But now

All I want is to come



Sprinting across

The swinging rope bridge

Into your heart


And mind

But I can't go back now

Because flames destroy

I wish I wasn't such  pyromaniac

Playing around with fire

And your heart
 Apr 2014 Turquoise Mist
You know that thing about not knowing what you have until it's gone?

Well, I did know. But I wanted you gone anyway.

So you would stop loving me. So I wouldn't break you.

But now all I want is to have you back. Because this time, I broke me.
 Apr 2014 Turquoise Mist
We broke up yesterday
And we weren't even dating

But it feels exactly the same as I remember
It's just like last April

I'm staring at your from across the lunchroom
Knowing I shouldn't

But hoping and praying
I'll catch your eye

I just want to see you smile at me again
Like you used to

So in love
So perfect for me

I want to text you
Talk to you

Tell you about my day
Read your funny messages

But I can't
Because I broke the part of you that cares about me

And I can't get it back
So I'll have to live with what I so desperately desired

But now I know that I never wanted that
And could never handle you going away

Life is still going on
But it's not as fun

And it's only been a day
I'm so lost

Please don't let this be permanent
Please accept my apology

Please don't stop
Loving me
I am so sorry. Please come back. I need you.
 Apr 2014 Turquoise Mist
 Apr 2014 Turquoise Mist
"Then, what is this?"
You asked.

The answer?
Hell if I know

That's a lie.
I do know.

It's everything I can give you right now.
All of me.

That's a lie too.

It's every part of me,
But a small bit.

That I keep.
To myself.

So I don't get hurt.
And you don't get too close.

So this
Is me protecting myself.

And hurting you.
 Apr 2014 Turquoise Mist
This is it.
I really ****** up this time.
I can't go back.
We can't go back.

I said the same things I've always been saying.
The words that get me close.
But never too close.
And this time, it wasn't just.
Your voice that broke.

Something inside did too.
The part that loves me.
I finally shattered it like I wanted to.

But I don't want to.
I didn't want to.
I take it back.
I love you.
I'll always love you.

Come back.

Don't walk out your door.
Don't tell me that you trust me to find my way out.
Don't leave.


Don't be the dandelion fluff that blows away in the wind.
As if it were never there at all...
 Apr 2014 Turquoise Mist
You, as a person are something I never could have
Or imagined

But I love you
In ways I never could have fathomed.

But you, as someone who reacts,
Is perfect
More amazing than I could ever want
You know exactly what to say
And when

I think I know what and how to say things
But I don't
I didn't
And now you're gone.
 Apr 2014 Turquoise Mist
 Apr 2014 Turquoise Mist
In the perfect moment

You tried to kiss me

But I turned me cheek

And whispered, I can't

When really

**There is nothing I could have done better.
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