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 Apr 2014 Turquoise Mist
 Apr 2014 Turquoise Mist
Please don't let this be real.

Please let this be you putting up walls

But just the flimsy kind

The ones made with those cardboard bricks from kindergarten

The ones that will fall down with a simple touch.

Please let those actions be a big, fraudy front.



I'm begging you.
 Apr 2014 Turquoise Mist
I had the most horrible dream last night
About you
And her

It was your wedding
I was helping set up
Why was I doing that?

It was dark that day
It looked like rain

I went home to change and fix my hair
But didn't have enough time
So I came back
Just the same as before

I stood in the back as she walked down the aisle
In a pink dress
Who wears pink to a wedding?

She stood up there at the altar
With you
And you looked


I realized that when the preacher asked
If anyone had objections
That I would have to speak

I couldn't let you end up with her
I couldn't stand to see you be with her

So the parson spoke
And then so did I
I didn't care if the whole town in attendance hated me

I would rather have people hate me than see you unhappy
So I spoke
And you know what happened?

She laughed
That lady who I used to go to church with
And then that was that.

He finished and you two were married
But then, you disappeared
And everyone forgot about you

The only attention anyone paid was to you
That is not how a marriage should be
It's two people
Not one.

I made sure she didn't hate me
I didn't speak out because of her
I spoke out because of you
And how I hate seeing you unhappy

But all I could think about was you
And how you were doomed to an unhappy life
For the rest of your days

And then I woke up
And not just because the temperature had dropped in our room
 Apr 2014 Turquoise Mist
I just really hope

That your words

Are what stands

And those actions

Were just a defense
The lesions sear like embers
glowing and growing into my insides
malignant and spreading; cancerous.
I claw at myself peeling back cells and layers
tearing through skin to yellowing fat and flesh
penetrating muscle and sinew and bone
tempting, daring my nerves to scream back at me.

The pain has been excruciating
I claw for its root, tearing deeper
hands bloodied and burning,
clamoring to the core of the cause
and tearing those parts from my form
and I'm cradling them tight to my breast
choking, croaking out mama's lullaby.
This soul survives
on hope
Chained up and
tear stained and

Shut out this version
of living and
blackout the time.
Artificial lighting
brightens nothing.

This unemotional winter
remains as unforgiving
as a vengeful heart.

I'm in the
midst of Dantes
Chattering teeth,
blue black numbing

Curl into the corner
and pour it all
out in words.
Yesterdays thoughts
documented for a
better day.

Mutilated as
Van Gogh,
troubled as the
I'm aggressive with
I have no other
choice but to
remain honest.

the association
with failure.
Long to be
for this.
The paintings on her wall,
Were like the timeline of her life.
Some were painted horribly,
To show her anger.
Some were painted white,
To show peace.
Some were painted Blue,
To show how the sadness acted like a veil over the happiness.
Some were painted black,
To show that she didn’t feel anything,
No pain,
No envy,
No happiness.
Some were painted of all shades,
To show that her life is a mix of all,
But then the paintings had splashes over of black and white,
To show,
Her life will have problems,
But there will be moments of peace,
Some of happiness,
But the shades in your life won’t leave you.
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