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 Sep 2016 tranquil
A crowd has gathered
in the home
of the unknown poet

a house of smoke
he calls it, but the poet
left for another affair

his gallant wife
descends the stairs
and shows no misery

while the guests read
his work sniffing
over their peer glasses

and with no regrets
whatsoever the poet's wife
drives a dagger deep
in her pale breast

as the poet is laughing
and dancing with ******
the guests at the table
place their orders.
Questions?  No more than four, please.
 Sep 2016 tranquil
If your inner
life suddenly
appeared as
an outward
I promise you,
no one is capable
of judging the piece.
 Sep 2016 tranquil
There's something
about a windswept
cooling the sun.
 Sep 2016 tranquil

I watch the sunset fade
beneath angry wintered seas
cresting furiously,
drowning possibilities
of another moonlit night
washing up on this
frostbitten shoreline

Fading reflections falter
atop a jet stream,
coerced from below,
chilled from above,
willing feats of great wandering
as sleet licks old wounds
and footprints
become yesterday puddles
of journeys ending

Castaways cling to ancient dreams,
their treasures sinking deeper
in the murky silt,
while I brace against a frigid wind,
traversing drifting dunes
and snow fence barriers,
heading towards the light

A lone flickering candle
left in the bay window,
the flame, a signal
that your love still awaits,
and my heart warms
as I approach the beauty
I have so longed,
on the other side of
a blue weathered door…
 Jun 2016 tranquil
Justin G
I Said..
 Jun 2016 tranquil
Justin G
Despite the heart which is froze
Hatred runs fluidly
Like the water in shattered glass
Like the blood in broken bones
Like the flames in our homes    
This hatred
It speaks to me
Like drugs to an addict

When it tells me to shoot
                                         I relapse and
                                       aim for the sky

I said..
In spite of my own humility
Hatred runs deeply
Like the roots beneath the dirt
Like the pain beyond the hurt
Like this poem before your eyes

I despise 
                Way too many lies
                And so little truth

I said..
I hate beautiful  
It cripples me deeply  
For you are my pity
My pain and their pleasure

When I am high
                           I'll collapse and fall
                        Far from this place
                        Of rotten bliss

I said..
Look at me        
Blood misrepresents me    
For I am cut differently
This pain isn't felt
Like the emptiness
Residing in your cup
It is felt
Like a toxic
Living inside the gut
Like these words
Traveling directly
Towards the stomach

I mean..
             Although this addiction kills me
           Hatred is also the remedy
          It is all I need to truly appreciate
          The little love I have left.
 Jun 2016 tranquil
Dana Colgan
Strobes of light bounce around you
And the forces keep pulling me in.
Im out of my depth in this moment,
But the forces keep pulling me in.

The mystery compels me forward
And the shadow keeps me away.
Out of the darkness you appeared
To take me to solace once more.

Passion seeps from your words,
And the forces keep pulling me in.
Im scared to let myself go,
But the forces keep pulling me in.
 Jun 2016 tranquil
Overtaken by an opaque fog,
I conjured for protective purposes.
Spreading further than was casted,
I tried to grow in the darkness.

Years collected like fireflies,
Shaken and angry in a jar.
Lost and hungry for vengeance,
Rage fizzled into longing.

The fog is starting to subside,
The shock is briskly setting in.
Wasted years dancing behind me,
And I can see the sun rising.
 Jun 2016 tranquil
Mark Parker
Hello, my friend
from the wall.
You follow me day by day.
This game we play,
where you mimic me,
is my favorite.
When I am next to a fire,
there you are next to me.
You are there
like I'm the most
important person in the world.
You’re the friend that never leaves,
and you never mutter a word.
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