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 Aug 2014 nat
 Aug 2014 nat
Happiness is an internal sensation.
Not caused by an external temptation.

Happiness is a psychological reaction,
That follows complete satisfaction.

Happiness comes when escaping worldly pleasures,
And when anticipating heavenly treasures.

Happiness can't be bought with money or wealth.
It is achieved when one frees himself.
I wish you all are happy
 Aug 2014 nat
Alberto Ruiz
Night falls,
as always.
Thoughts creep into your head,
old habits.
Sitting on the edge
of your bed,
you think about your day.
That sinking feeling that you always seem to get,
returns with vengeance as you try to rest.
The spiraling sentence that mirrors your mind
wraps around your conscious like a venomous snake.
"Is this real or fake?
Maybe I'm meant to break?"

 Aug 2014 nat
 Aug 2014 nat
He wants the stars in the night sky,
but you are the sun.
He is yours, and you are his,
*when everything comes undone.
inspired by a poem of Sachinee Seneviratne
 Aug 2014 nat
 Aug 2014 nat
There was a light, shining brighter than the sun
I should have basked in it, but I stared too long,
...And I was blind
 Aug 2014 nat
Alberto Ruiz
The Race
 Aug 2014 nat
Alberto Ruiz
If poetry is all about being human,
tell me: what is life worth?
For every Shakespearean verse
appears another, less rehearsed.
If our race has no end,
tell me: where are we running to?
Life is in the journey,
or so say
those less traversed.
Perhaps the truth lies
within ourselves.
Our own deceiving silver tongues
and two-faced cries for help.
If we just keep on writing
will the words mean something
Or maybe if we stop thinking
we'll free ourselves from hell.
The stroke of pen on paper.
The slicing of a throat.
Maybe being human
involves a bit of both.
As for I,
I'll keep on running:
barefoot towards the coast.
Yet the castle in the sky will be my final
au revoir.

 Aug 2014 nat
Alberto Ruiz
 Aug 2014 nat
Alberto Ruiz
I can sense the distance thinning.
New horizons.
Old beginnings.
Flooded feelings from sinking
glaciers within me.
Distress in the workings of my mind.
Signs of the day.
Signs of decline.
An inside joke
between my heart
and my brain.
Have you ever felt the same way?
Maybe all this tearing apart
will lead to something better.
Or maybe,
maybe I'll just forget her
Her hair.
The way she laughs.
The way she cared.

The way the ice even got there.

 Aug 2014 nat
 Aug 2014 nat
i'm stuck in traffic
during a rain storm
in the middle of the night 
and i'm subtly reminded 
of when you stopped 
holding my hand 
as much as you used to
the cracks in the windshield
remind me of us
i cross another county line
and i think it's just like you
same place
new name
my veins are power lines
running through this ghost town
i'm so full of electricity 
but no one taps into it
i guess i'm useless
it's been a long time
since i've seen anything special
in the shapes of the clouds 
i don't think hurricanes
know that they destroy so much
maybe that's why you don't know
that i'm in this kind of pain
the cracks in my windshield 
are getting bigger
i think it's going to shatter soon 
could you imagine
the window shattering
and the glass coming at me
as i'm speeding
down this dark and rainy road
i don't have to imagine
i've already met you

 Aug 2014 nat
I don't like endings
These past few days have gone by slow
Like time is forcing me to think about what you did
I always thought my house was too big
Too much room to think
Both a blessing and a curse
I can think about the way your hair shimmered
How it glistened as you told me we didn't anymore
I can think about the way your hips swayed
And when you told me I leave you feeling queasy 
I don't like endings
I don't enjoy the feeling of something good coming to a close
The feeling of falling apart
We were fine In our little snow globe 
And then you shook us
Now I'm spinning around with the snow 
And you're anchored to the bottom
Tell me how that's fair
I don't like endings 


— The End —