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Torin Jan 2016
I love you
I've tried not to
I push and I pull
I act like a fool
Who doesn't know
Who couldn't care
Who wants without
Who else but me
Can love you
The way that I do
And despite everything
You love me too
Torin Jul 2016
I spend all my time
Preaching to devils
Who would never understand
A couldn't care in the first place
Ego is not a part of my ploy
Unless of course
Trying to show someone a light
Is egotistical
Painful as it seems
Disdainful as the schemes
Forgotten as the dreams
That once held this heart afloat
No one
No one really cares

And then

Why should I?
Poetry is devolving in front of my eyes, I fight as I might to not be cynical. But this is a community, and I don't want any part. It can be art, doesn't mean that its good. This is a plea
Torin Apr 2016
I've regressed so tired
That even the blood in my veins
Can't find the strength
To bleed
It's all the wars I always fought
Battles lost
Like the love I found

I've devolved so quickly
My weapons became sticks and rocks
Prodding at a giant
Imagining I'm doing harm
When I hurt only myself
Only my love

And I live in caves
I'm afraid of fire
It won't be long
Until I'm in the trees again
What I once was
Torin Dec 2023
I cannot help but hate
I worry
Try as I might the birds in the sky
I can never fly
No succor
Not the wings I dream nor hands from above

I hate
The will
Not man, action or deed from red eyes
Glaring from datkness
Fingers manipulating strings
Morbid lie
Stories to be told with no hint of glory

I hate
In shade
The heart of a man beating
Searching as ever
Rooftops and raindrops
The sound of emptiness

Inside a sphere of defiance

There are machinations we may never truly understand
We should never underestimate

I hate

I love
For love
That is the only thing that could ever save us
Torin Mar 2017
If I say a name
You will defend it
If I say
A name
Defend it
Will you?

I know the darkest nights
Are the ones
When in the morning
The birds don't sing

And diamonds don't shine

The sun won't rise
Of this
I'm sure
Torin Apr 2016
I'm here and there
I'm everywhere
I can see the light of god
In the fires of hell
I'm up and down
I'm all around
I laugh at demons
And cry for angels

All I ever really wanted to be
Is free
I'm chained in my own mind
A slave to space and time

I'm good and bad
A darkened light
You loved me
When you didn't know how
I'm sin and salvation
A holy book
By the wicked minds of men

All I ever really wanted
Is something too much
That you understand me
When I can't

All I know is that
Right now
I'll be forever stuck outside
Wondering what it feels like
To be love
The way that I love you
Torin Dec 2015
Did you ever wake up
From a dream that felt so real
You can't be sure if it actually happened?

I was going to write a letter
I was going to send a text
I was going to make I call

But I can't say if I did or not
Torin May 2016
What is it when your dying
That makes you feel so alive?
Synapses shorten
Moment lengthens
There is no time
Only right now as forever

Birth and death
It all begins and ends the same way
And you'll find that in your dreams

There is spirit
Inside of you
As a molecule
Find it
Breathe it in
Let the colors be more beautiful
This life be more meaningful
Die or be born

You burst into this place

Its always inside you
Just waiting for your realease

The central exhibit for the presence of the other in the human world
"People who would sacrifice their crispy onion rings in the name of health, deserve neither health or crispy onion rings"

-im pretty sure Ben Franklin said it
Torin Mar 2016
Eggs, rabbits
Gifts in the night

I'm looking for a little adventure
I find my god
In ***
My personal resurrection

******* like rabbits
I want to dip my eggs
In a young woman's mouth
And dye them the color of lust

I'll spend time with you in the night
As a welcomed visitor
I am the easter bunny

And you like the gifts I bring
Beautiful blasphemy. But all the symbolism is there
Torin Apr 2016
I've grown disheartened
Maybe light that shines so bright
Will only leave you blind
And all my words like all my feelings
Are misunderstood

I've grown tired
And in the five minutes it took
To write this poem
About how my mercury is in libra
But my Venus is scorpio

I've grown disillusioned
Because all my love is wasted
It's only water
It's only reflecting pools and hurricanes
And waterfalls


I've grown
To be broken
And I am the water that smashes onto the rocks below
Torin Nov 2015
Seeking shelter from the ills of the world
Ancient kings built temples
Wind over water
Here is a refuge

And if its our will to further the work
If we can listen to the spirit
We can cross great rivers
We can be correct

Wind over water
The wind drives the water
The wind moves above the water
This is dispersion

It brings us to our ancestral temple
We hear voices from kings of old
Chanting sacrifice
The supreme being

This is dispersion
May be difficult for some to understand
Torin May 2016
Somehow my spirit breaks the page
That anything I am in my words is an ever constant night
I love the life I was gifted from hands divine
I hate the world people create
And it's unbridled inner affliction
Would that I could traverse time and argue my point with masters
Make them see that they had everything they didn't deserve
While I die alone and poor
The ink of my heartbeat clotted by the truth I know
The truth that has become
As a sun
Numb it down and make me dumb
The ink of my blood
Stopped by slow reach in a fast--food kind of world
That I may never become
May that art live
When its been dying for a while
And I can't believe enough
To attend the funeral

Live through me
Torin May 2016
Don't let the distance drag me down
It's only as always
And I know where I need to be

So if I'm dying to live,
It is a noble sacrifice
If I'm reaching for stars,
But grabbing only hateful clouds

If I bleed from my mouth

It will mean everything
If my blood becomes a stain on your h
                                                               ­   ear
                                                          ­          t

My next foot step falls in your direction
And if I fall at all
Its only because I know you'll catch me
Even if I'm falling hard

Don't let the distance drag me down
Space is relative

It's only as always
And time is never ending
My feet lead me to you
My song
Your                               H
               E                       A                         R
                                                               ­                      T
Sad, sad, sad
Torin Mar 2016
Its only oceans between us
Oceans filled with islands
And brilliantly colored coral reefs
I see the importance of a star fish
I know what it means to me
There are too many fish in the sea
But I'm not afraid of sharks

Its only distance between us
Distance and time
And a feeling that is strong enough
To overcome all the obstacles
I know what it means to me
Is what it means to you
And I'm not afraid of being wrong

So I hold on
While your plane is in the sky
I hold on
As your train is leaving the station
I hold on
As your boat enters the bay
I hold on
I wait for you
Torin Feb 2016
Used to be a dream
Streets paved of gold
The fire of liberty
Land of opportunity
Used to be a dream
But scheme on scheme
Of madmen's design
Sticking to a party line

I watched that fire
As a child I watched that fire dying
Smouldering embers and ashes
From sea to shining sea

Used to be a dream
But changing constitutions
Loopholes for the wealthy
Wage slaves and poverty
Used to be a dream
When an eagle flying
Symbolized what could be good
In the world

I watched that eagle
As I child I watched that eagle starving
From amber waves of grain
To purple mountains majesty

Used to be a dream
But we were all asleep
And when we woke up
We found america

Divided and failing
Torin Mar 2016
All *******
Meant to divide

We are all the same,
If you can hear what the spirits tell you,
If you know how to listen,
You will understand

We can't be divided
I may be shot for this.  I'll die happy:)
Torin Dec 2015
Division on division on division
Where did it start?
Language so you can't understand me?
Religion so you believe differently?
Politics so my wasted vote offends you?
Borders so my soccer team defeats you?

Well I don't know
I don't know where it starts
Maybe its what we're taught
Maybe its in our hearts

But as I sit on a bus stop bench
In St. Cloud Minnesota
I can't help but wonder
Maybe it starts on division street

Oh look!
Here comes the bus now
There is actually a street in st cloud mn named division st.  Biggest street in the city
Torin Dec 2015
Said the said man to himself
"Everything's been done before"
I, a passerby, lucky enough to overhear
His sorrowful musing,
Compelling enough to stop,
And address him
I said in confidence,
"Its all been done before"
He smiled at my agreement
To his statement,
Made to imaginary friends,
And ghost,
I continued
"But I do everything a little bit differently
Than everybody else"

I saw a smile on his face
Torin Mar 2016
Whisky in the bottle
County Donegal
The flowing river swilly
In the distance Errigal
I don't know how I made it
To the port of letterkenny
Nor where I'm going next
As my bottles almost empty

I am just a poor boy
Born in county Tipperary
I left my family farm
And the maiden I would marry
I made my way to Ulster
Searching for the town of Derry
I spend all my gold on whiskey
Now I cant afford the ferry

Met a man from cork
In a pub where I was drinking
Why come so far north
We were talking and were thinking
Kilometres from home
And from anyone we've known
County Donegal
And there's whisky in the bottle

Whack-fol de daddy-ol
Torin Nov 2016
Do not mourn long for the poet
This world was never made for men as him
Dare see future in destruction
Dare see pleasure in the pain
To be
Was all his only dream

Do not mourn long for the poet
But celebrate and find the truth he hid
So clever in his words
The beatific symbols
Which reveal
The ugliness of the world

Do not mourn long for the poet
Who no longer can create as the world dissipates
And the unknown will be
The only place he
Can ever have the hope
His soul may be at ease

Do not mourn long for the poet
His words were there long before his time
He was just the one to write them down
His future
Was only
Overcome the past
Torin Apr 2016
He has the hands the could build a world
He has the words that can speak sense in wiser ways
It's all potential
He only lives for today
And every move he ever made
And as the years go by
He's watching clouds
But if the rain would never fall
He watched the rivers run dry

Don't haunt me
I'll be a ghost just like you
But only if you want me to
Don't haunt me
Don't haunt me
Doubts hurt me
Days empty

She was just a lonely girl
He felt all she was
She only felt sadness
He felt it too
Until there's nothing he can do
He was given everything to lose
Until he lost it
With the happiness that could have been
He saw the sun when it was rising
Now the same sun sets
The sun sets
The sun sets

Don't haunt me
I don't want it to be this way
I don't want to be this way
Don't haunt me
Don't haunt me
Don't haunt me
Im begging

And right now is forever
She is gone
She was always leaving
Never was she here
Because she didn't deal without excuses
She couldn't live without the pain
Another's abuses
And as the day dies so  does he
No tears to cry
He dies to be reborn

Don't haunt me
I leave the ghost in the past
The future is here
And she's smiling
She's smiling
She loves me
She loves me
Torin May 2016
I keep spilling all my blood
Every little drop of me another word
My arteries are highways to your heart
My veins becoming empty
My heart is on display
And let the critics say as they want

I keep cutting into my skin
With proverbial knives sharpened quick
My organs regurgitating hymns
My stomach tied in nots
My brilliance burning bright
In an effort to become the dawn

I keep killing myself
Everyday speaks as my proof
My dreams are beautiful music
My goal an opened eastern wall
Don't worry if I'm hurting
My pain is all for glory

And its only when I can give of myself no more
When all my skin is spent
And my bursting head is split wide open
I'm giving my all
Even if it kills me
Don't worry I am dying but it makes me happy
Torin May 2016
How can it become
My form of rebellion
Is speaking the truth?

Soothsayers could not talk to God
The way I can
And you are not god
You are man

The whole worlds a cynic
What can you do for me?

And all that I see
Idiotic people everywhere
People people people
And people are stupid

The whole worlds a cynic
What can people offer?

How can it become
My form of rebellion
Is loving on?

Mystics don't know the spirits
The way I do
They talk to you
You haven't got a clue

The whole world's a cynic
What do we give?

Just people multiplying
Not living than dying
People people people
And people are stupid

The whole me is a cynic
And if I have nothing to say
That you want to hear
Nothing to make you smile when you don't deserve it

My form of rebellion is speaking truth
That goes over your head and through the roof
Something you'll never comprehend
But don't worry, I understand

People are stupid
Peasants, pions, be denied of onion rings.
Torin May 2016
Don't worry my love
Not when clouds crowd the broken horizon
It is not a threat of rain
But rather the promise of gifts life-giving

Fall on me from the greatest heights
Fall on me heavy like a stone

Do not worry my love
Because an unseen hand guides me
Tempers the flames of the fires of hell
And controls it in a wood stove
Only so we may be warm

Dare not worry my love
Because if these dark thoughts grow
They grow in life and not death
And I am still alive
Still striving to reach you
To hold you
To paint your naked body
With the color of my kiss
Every part of you
All your skin

Don't worry my love
I am learning how to walk
On water
Torin Nov 2015
We don't like the world
When we don't like ourselves
When we fear we have done something unforgivable
We see humanity as being beyond redemption

We can't trust that anyone is good
If our own  intentions aren't pure
And when we can't love ourselves
We can't love anyone else

Its our negative projections
Quickly made but too slowly removed
Doubt is destroying hope
We look for our solution
Torin May 2016
I see a dove
Wistful feathers and broken wing
I see a dove
A token in my heart of love
Only the white-wedded joy to bring
My eyes that tear as mind does sing
I see a dove
Torin Dec 2015
I know as much
I know it now, and something more
Yes I've been wrong
But I've been wrong And I've been right

Notes of the same key
Resonate together and music is made
Birds of the same feather
Flock together and fly

Fire ascends
Water descends
Clouds follow the dragon
Winds follow the tiger

I know even more
More than I should, spirits and intuition
Yes I've been right
I've been right and I've been wrong

Heavenly things ascend
Earthly things descend
Fire clings and water flows
So does everything follow its kind

And then the dragon on the wing
Leaving the depths, reaching the sky
So is it with the sage and ordinary men
They are of the same kind, though far apart;

And when a sage appears,
All other men look to him with admiration and hope
I'm drunk, inspired by eastern philosophy, and trying to figure out what it really is with this girl I've been seeing. Maybe not the most straight forward poem, still I hope people enjoy it
Torin Apr 2016
dream away
             the day
                  with me
                        my love,
                       take a trip
                          across the
                  ­                       galaxy.
                                                We can
                                          dream away
                                    the day
                               we see,
                  and forever
              will be
You and me.
Torin Apr 2016
I was struggling to stay on my feet
But the thing that kept me going
Was a dream
That I would dance with you one day
I was falling with every step I took
But I always took another
Because if I can't move forward
I knew I would never reach you
Stuck in darkest night
Knowing there's a light
I was trapped inside a nightmare
But my words were talking to a dream
With the thought that we'll be happy
That we would dance together
In the sunshine and the rain
We will be laughing
And the blue in your eyes
Is the blue in mine
And when we look at each other
We only see ourselves
When I probably shouldn't
But I just can't help it

Let my blue eyes fall on you
No matter who I see
Nothing more beautiful
Nothing I'd rather be
And nothing can come between
May be a bit drunk. So what!!! The king is allowed to do as he pleases.

Torin Dec 2016
With the fullness of your dreams
Live empty life
With those dreams in your arms
Live outside your head

Your head is shrinking
As the universe expands
And how could that be?
Torin Feb 2016
I can sleep so well tonight
Not because your by my side
But because you were
And your scent invades my dreams
And in my sleep
My dreams
Give me a chance to live it once again
Torin May 2016
I just want to be numb
I want to be dumb

All day
             all day
It's a long day
To make me feel this
              all ways
There's no wrong way
To drink my

A reminder that if I've lost
I still have options
Torin Nov 2015
Dr. Phil taught me
If your cable goes out
Maybe there are squirrels in the attic

But right now I'm feeling lower
Than a garden snakes belly


No dog ever peed
On a moving car
Been a little serious tonight, time to lively up myself with a little humor(for those who understand)
Torin Apr 2016
Either the drunken response will be wrong
will contain a truth you can't confront

Genius will always see the the world in different ways
Spiritual will always see the truth
And if you want proof
I have 18%
Eleven deep
And if I care about you
You care about me
Torin Apr 2016
Now it is
And I should be glad
But I didn't become the king
By being content with what I had
All this land
Is my own
My castle walls
My throne

So look up
Because that's what I'll be next
Not a ruler of the land
But a ruler of the sky
I'll be a god
Divine decree
And all these souls
Will worship me

Just look up
To the stars
The brightest one you see
Is me
Just look up
To the sun
Its my benevolent light
Always shining

Now it is
Now I am
Torin Nov 2016
We roam
The alleys in the night
And find the darkest place
A name without a face
An island

We lose
Because god is on our side
And stars are only remnants of the sun
That we wish on
An ocean........
              Is the

I am an island
But water only drowns
I am an island
Without an ocean
Torin Mar 2016
Water be calm
Water be still
Water be beautiful
Let it be my greatest example
Tranquility in a world of chaos
A reflecting pool
Where by day
The colors of the world are seen
In a much more beautiful way
And by night
Its shining constellations

Water be wicked
Water be wild
Water be raging rapids
My greatest example of passion
A hundred foot plunge in the mountains
My waterfall
When by day
The water reflects the light
And I see rainbows
And by night
The sound I can see is my meditation
Torin Feb 2016
I like her
no I don't
I like how she's so young
She confuses *** with love
how she's so young
That she is dumb

I may not really like her
But at least
I like parts of her
and that should be enough

It really is

*At least for now
Cynical take on girls, NOT WOMEN, girls. Warning to young girls, this is the secret way guys REALLY feel.
Torin Feb 2016
We all will be dust,
and when we are,
how much will any of this truly matter
The only thing that's real
is how you feel,
so do all you can to be happy
Torin Feb 2016
My real fear is that my words
Will be like my body
That times makes both of them become
Only dust
Torin Apr 2016
I am young
I am alive
But I've already found my dying dream
The one I'll keep with me
For the rest of my days

To be where I want to be

To be alone with you

No longer sorrow
No longer darkness
I'm painting rainbows on a soul
That deserves nothing more
Than to live in light

I am young
I am alive
And I'm working everyday
To make sure on my death bed
I won't have a dying dream

But a living memory

Of when I was alone with you
Torin Apr 2016
Sometimes I'm only crushed
The reality of it all
These scars as a reminder
These stars that guide our future
This word that is mine
That I carry each and everyday

Sometimes I'm only broken
Because I have to be strong
This light I carry with me
The darkness that's surrounding
These stars in my eyes
That I carry each and everyday

Sometimes I'm plastered
Because I choose to be
This poison in my blood
This ever rising flood
This impossible love
That I carry
Each and every
Torin Dec 2015
Easy come
Easy go
That's why I'm glad to know

You were never easy
A more complicated thing
I'll never know

Still you know I love you
And I know you love me
Let time heal all the wounds we caused

And then

Easy come
Easy go
I'm sorry I'm so complicated
Torin Apr 2016
I'm caught in an
Egocentric predicament
What's outside
my phaneron
Or is it real

How should I know
How should I know
How should I know
I can believe

It's synapses sparking
Creating memory
And I'm only
The moments I've seen
Are you real
Or just a dream?
Torin Feb 2016
Harried, harried
Queen Jezebel's pursuit
I hide in the thick
Of the juniper

Priestess of the old way
Followers of Baal
Your time is now to fall
In the evil deeds seen by the eyes of the lord

There is but one god
And the ravens fed me
He allowed the jug of oil to not run dry
And for the widows flour to sustain me

And in his name
I raise the dead
Torin Jan 2016
An open letter
I'll never send
At the edge of an end
A beginning

And what have I learned
From times I've been wrong?
The past can't be changed
I've learnt to be right

I only know
I can do anything
If I believe it
And it seems you believe in me

So what can I say
For the clear skies to stay?
Just that I'll always be
What you need me to be

And I will always love
The way I do now
If I cannot understand
I'll still accept

And you could tell me anything
Show me anything
Be anything
I hope you know to me

It means everything
And even more than that
Torin Feb 2016
Poetry is emotion
Conveyed through the use of words
So as to be understood by others
Or misunderstood by others
I'm too emotional I guess
Torin Jan 2017
The way we see it
And tractor beams
In between the light years
I'm sure you'll find me there

When you cannot know my face
When the boundaries are broken
And we cut a little chase
Unlock your doors
There is no ending

That we don't know yet
These words are song
These words are all right always wrong
And the only thing existing
Is the space we don't belong

When you find and always waiting
When the stars aren't going to show
And we shine a little light
To teach the darkness
There is no ending
Torin Jan 2016
Will all the stars keep on shining?
Will the beautiful cosmic dance
Remain eternal?
Where stars are born and stars are dying?
Will you be with me when the world ends?

Will mankind see its folly?
Will this overwhelming need
For greed and power
Be the thing that consumes us all?
Will you be with me when the world ends?

Will our dreams be all that's left?
Outside of physical being
Only vibrations
Of the feelings that we shared remaining?
Will you be with me when then world ends?

Because I'll be with you
Torin Feb 2016
I try my best
To become stronger
When entropy
Is a real thing

And everything in the beginning
Was as it should be
And here we are
The height of dissonance

Leaves on the tree
Dying and dead
Winter has come
But it all leads back to the root

In the end
All will be as it should
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