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thyreez-thy Feb 15
"One day I'll be there" I play your voice on loop
And think of all the games you played, with psychological hoops
How we had just a highway against our promised love
How you dared to ordain our love, and say it's from above

One day, Aru HI, no language makes its any better
How I waited in the rain with a shirt, in the cold with no sweater
Tell me what was expected of me, to make due with what you threw at me
What should we have become, for your person above to have it be

I prayed about it thoroughly, I even cried per syllable
I ruined my vocabulary, waiting for you left me miserable
Every lie you told sting, but none like "one day"
Every guy you find seems to hear you say

This verse is incomplete, like your patience and belief in us
You turned me from a stubborn lover, to a bitter hater that would cuss
At the very idea of seeing you on the street
And having to say you belonged there, cause you had the audacity to cheat

Even if it was a year, even if it was yesterday
It still hurts to hear, and to see you forget everyday
The people who got you to see other continents
The people who wasted precious time being consistent

I wish you well, and that you never have to lie again
To fake getting used like that, to make the truth bend
Using every excuse in the book, because you never deserved me
Did it **** you to be faithful? Did you have to swerve me?

I wonder if the men you hate now, have similar traits to I
Or if you have a "type" now to make up for your lies
Does the next guy deserve your self inflicted trauma?
Do I need a wedding invite, after getting thrown away like a soggy shawarma?

May your children never meet your past, may your husband never learn of I
For if I had to shake hands with them, you know I would despise
Lying on top of lies, crying as I reprise
My role in your miserable play named "One Day"
Something I wrote a while back in January that I never wanted to post till now. Based on somebody who lied about everything under the sun from getting SA-ed to not meeting me. One who inspired me deeply to put my heart into the Mikayla poems from sheer regret.
thyreez-thy Feb 14
I wouldn't know how you feel as I type
But you were always mine
Atleast in hindsight it felt so
Sublime, yet I was inclined
To love the one who saw my hype

When everyone saw my jokes crude
You saw a comedian
when everyone saw a shallow puddle, rude
You saw the Caribbean

So today, I see you, even if not in reality
I see your beauty from memory and history
The kind acts of your mother, and the mysteries
Your tears of mystery, your thoughts of destiny

I hope one day he sees your Glory, your greenish eyes
And I hope that every demon comes to despise
Your beautiful lineage, your kindest acts
From your blunders, to your in facts
May the world keep you whole and intact

May your shape that changes from child birth to Love
Meld into the beautiful soul you host
May you never come to boast of the many blessings
From the God we celebrate up above
And may you be blessed the most

My words don't do enough to describe your totality
Your obscurities and your beauty
May he see what I see in you, if I never get the chance
To fall for you not in hindsight, but at first glance
You deserve the world, not a puddle, you deserve to dance

I know you don't like the name Mirinda, you prefer the beautiful other
But today I wanted to show the beauty as a whole instead
That you needn't see it as a rather anymore
That you soar, and it brings sweet dreams when you go to bed
That nothing stops you from living and loving to your core

I hope you make a great mother
I hope you make a great wife
I hope you see love in the eye of one another
And that you don't see dirt in spite
Of how the storyteller replays events of asunder

Forgive me if this isn't enough
But please learn to love beyond the scope of existence
And always be persistent
Because you are who you are Mirinda
You are as beautiful as every name Mikayla
You are as loving as your family says you are
You are beyond these words, and beyond these feeble stars
You are you
through and through
A valentine poem I wrote to a special person, it was difficult writing this after a few months of no contact but it helped to make it (to me) mean something. Thank you for reading.
  Feb 7 thyreez-thy
Arthur Vaso
Inside a single tear
       love sat quietly
          eternal silence
              the tear became two
so that love could
             dance then die
in a dream
  Jan 29 thyreez-thy
Nat Lipstadt
Dear Patty,

I have never met a child or a poem

born to live a free verse life,
willingly submit to patrician
powdered **** cheek horror at
the unconformity of escapading,
river rafting verbal tumulting,
never awoken needy to be yoked
by syllabic laws of brutalists,
jailed by autocratic diktats of meter,
or the iron confines of lines formatted,
imprisoned, once set free, they then opine-id
prithee prithee, prithee please sir
my license plating,
can I whine,
write free or die

bind me not by the rigid sharpies
of executed orders, or count the numbered
breaths tween my freedom riders,
escaping with grinning faces
shouting seen-u-around, and
don't forget to say
bye bye
to the tortuous
pretense of them
haiku hi hi hooliganisms,
and the amoebic
pentameter of a
speare chuckere
who was foolishly glad to trade
the kingdom of freedom
for a besaddled horse
led around by
the reign of ruthless rules

is this crystal-a-line clear
my dear?
  Jan 29 thyreez-thy
Memories hiding in the back of my mind

Feeling at ease whenever you're by my side

In the shadows, our past seems to hide

Our realities are mixing, and our fates collide
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