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  Jan 15 thyreez-thy
I placed myself in her arms
to be in her presence
It been so long
since I've spoken
To my dear
Mother Earth
A sketch
  Jan 15 thyreez-thy
In a world
that refuses
To fix
  Jan 15 thyreez-thy
Don't push too hard
I'll fall

Don't pull too hard
I'll snap

Don't try to corner me
I'll escape

Don't try to chase me
You'll never catch me

Just hold me
embrace me
cherish me
Love me

its the only way
to keep me here

In one piece
  Jan 15 thyreez-thy
I woke to find myself
a stranger in my own skin,
the weight of silence pressing deep,
its texture heavy with whispers,
the breath of fears unfurling
like mist over an open field.

They move within me,
specters draped in pale veils,
fingers plucking the taut strings
of every unspoken word,
every wound stitched
with the thread of deceit.

Around me, a forest hums,
its pulse a green ache of longing,
leaves trembling with unspent desire.
I imagine stepping through,
slipping from myself
like bark peeling from an ancient tree.

I want to dissolve,
to be lifted from this shape
and poured into the waiting hands
of something infinite,
to be tasted by the parched lips
of a soul wandering without end.

There is no edge here,
only the slow erosion of what I am,
the merging of silence and breath,
of fear and yearning,
of all I was and all I might become.
Going to make an effort today and try to act normal, even though I feel like I'm breaking.
  Jan 15 thyreez-thy
Grey mirror
Perhaps another chapter completed,
Abruptly you must say, you didn't see it coming.
It was fun and folly with a hint of healing.
At first the story was not appealing,
Then finding oneself reading
in elaborate details, basking in such entertainment,
Occasionally arguing on its illogical stance.
Out of the blue, the story threw in scientific facts and unsolicited advice,
Followed by apologies for the untamed lingua.
Somehow the familiarity lingered,
Seeking tranquility in every chapter.
  Jan 15 thyreez-thy
Bijan Rabiee
Whenever I fell in love
With a receptive woman
She went away
Leaving me grieving
The death of chance
Till another woman came along
Making me hopeful for a while
And then she was no more
I kept up with the pull and push
Of this story till it was too late
To keep up with the intention
And I learned that falling in love
Was but a charming illusion
But a mirage of oasis
And the most beautiful lie.
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