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 Feb 2017 Bark KR
Carlos PD
 Feb 2017 Bark KR
Carlos PD
against the currents of regret and forgetting
i have learned to dive into myself
but when i regret forgetting
i must dive deeper


                                                      and i fear i may have

Am not one to promise that the cold winds won't blow
but I know that I'll always wrap you in this thick blanket
of my affection when those tough times come...
Am not one to promise perfection for I'll make many a mistake,
but I can promise to always learn from every mistake I make
Am not one to promise to pluck for you the stars out of the sky
I can only hope to be right by your side as you watch
the handful on a clear night, and to hold your hand through the dark nights
Am not one to promise that the journey will not be long
I can only promise as you walk to journey along...
Am never going to promise that the ocean will always be calm
storms are part of the deal, but am willing master the sails.
can't promise that the roses will always bloom even when winters come
but I promise to wait for another spring and watch them blossom with you...
so expect the winds, expect flaws, expect dark nights, even long journeys
expect the roughest of waves and storms that will slay the blossoms
but also expect remorse, tough sails, another spring, another dawn
expect an umbrella and a warm hold through the cold storms
and most of all, expect me to always call you my own,
expect a love that endures through and through
a passion that is pure and true...expect a now that's forever.
 Dec 2016 Bark KR
What if I told you I was lying?
That all I’d revealed to you wasn’t true.
Meaning that all the secrets and terrors I’d shared,
Were just deceiving words to derail you.

Like the consequences to all my actions,
That I did not admit to,
******* up your life in multiple fashions,
All of which I knew.

Or that time you thought you’d lost your footing,
Landing on the ground,
Was actually me with my hand on your back,
Heavily pushing you down.

I’ve deceived you with my smiles,
Eradicated all your hope,
Made you drink a pint of poisonous water,
And on the truth you choked.
Based on a book about Psychopaths
 Dec 2016 Bark KR
Maia Vasconez
The heart is the same size as the fist. If they are both beating do they serve the same purpose?

— The End —