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 Sep 2014 Mariana Nolasco
I've missed this
The loud music
The wind blowing in our faces
The sense of not caring
Not caring about tomorrow
Or the next day
Only knowing
That this
Is what matters
What really matters is
For a moment,
        I'm right
               I want
          to be.
      And I have everything
           I could ever
 Aug 2014 Mariana Nolasco
You 'are' beautiful!

Let no one convince you

Not even you.

 Aug 2014 Mariana Nolasco
you ask me why i've never written of you
the truth;
i keep trying to write poetry about you
but i've never been one for sharing
and i think i want to keep you to myself
and since these words
belong to the world
i wouldn't write about  you
even if i could find the words
i wouldn't
i would leave the comparisons of your eyes to the cosmos
locked in my mind
the metaphors of you and your laughter
the personification of your smile
all of it inside
so you could be only mine
i m a g i n e d  relief
constructed to stop        
       the flooding
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