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 Apr 2015 Mariana Nolasco
 Apr 2015 Mariana Nolasco
somehow i already know
my heart will never truly let go
my foolish mind will always remind me of you &
my soul will always ache for your presence ; the missing piece left behind
 Apr 2015 Mariana Nolasco
that's when i knew i was in love
i am miserable
yet his happiness is the most important thing in the world to me
In a rundown house,
On the edge of town
Where the grass is overgrown
The door’s unlocked and open,
The windows all are broke.
It’s been exactly twenty years
Since the chimney last saw smoke.

People pass by without seeing it.
Because it sits back off the road.
But when I pass by, I begin to cry.
It has a story seldom told.

Two nineteen year olds
Once planned their life
In that old abandon house.
She would bring a blanket.
He would bring the wine
They would dream about their future
Plan how they’d spend their time
Traveling to Places
Before they settled down
To raise their perfect family
In a house at the edge of town.

She would spread the blanket
He would build a fire
And long before the wine was gone
They would give in to desire
Passionate and furious
Holding on too tight
As if the dreams they shared
Were slipping
Off into the night.
As if the plans they made were
From the fire in the room
Rising out the chimney
Into the afternoon,
Blown away by breezes,
Hidden by the clouds.
Invisible like secret fears
Never voiced aloud.

Spring turned into summer
Winter followed fall -
They began to meet less frequently
Then they didn’t meet at all.
The fire and the passion gone
The room now cold and bare,
The house at the edge of town
But still standing there.

The memories of our teenage love
Were strong – We thought that we should meet
Once again in the vacant house set back from the street.
We set a date, but I was late
I almost didn’t go.
I sensed we were pretending;
Trying to return
Passion to a fireplace
Where the fire would not burn.

Eventually I pushed the door
And walked into the room
The fireplace had embers
As if it had burned awhile,
A bottle mostly empty
Had been thrown against the wall.
The blanket laid out smoothly,
But that was not quite all.
I saw my former lover
On the blanket dead and cold
With a note scrolled out in cursive
“I guess I should have known”
“You’re not here.  The fire’s gone. I have no need to live.
I hope that you’ll be happy -
When you finally come around
To the place we shared our love and dreams,
The house at the edge of town."

That’s the tragic story
And the reason for my tears;
The house on the edge of town
Still stands, even after all these years.
PwL  4/11/15
tHe tABle Is TiPsY
(to say the least) .

The chair
slouches in the corner

dRuNk As A sKuNk.

That picture
looks slightly

hUnG OvEr.

The glass cabinet
has had(** ** **)  
oNe ToO mAnY.

The toilet
has obviously(obviously)  
bEen On ThE ****.

The walls
have been
mAkInG mErRy!

Even the cat
has been at the sherry.

Am I

the only one


in this room?
 Apr 2015 Mariana Nolasco
I started taking my coffee black
On the day that you died.
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