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Oct 2017 · 317
the world

was nothing but ruins

a future

no one wanted

it came in words

in letters

in the fists thrown by many

as if 21 guns

as said in the song

shot out at once

but no arms were in surrender

just blood everywhere

tears on every childs face

corpses of families everywhere

if only

we could've known

this was preventable

this could be solved

with just the words

I'm Sorry

these ruins

are our present

if only

we could go back

to our not so ruined past
I wrote this a year ago but it's kind of relative to recent events. Also, yes it is I, I am back after 3 year Hiatus.
Mar 2015 · 457
Legit: A Haiku
the song really stuck
deep locked inside of my head
refuses to leave
feel the feel I feel?
Dec 2014 · 486
Christmas Was Ours
We spent our childhood wondering
Silly little things like all children do
We wandered in our minds
Enjoying the feeling of cold Winter air
I was five, you were six
So long ago it seems
Yet it feels like it just happened

We stayed up all night
Waiting for Santa to arrive
But we always passed out
In each others arms
Being ourselves
Something of ours I wish never changed

We grew older
You moved away
Said you were too old for these things
I cried
I still believed
I sat under the tree hoping you still did too
You were gone

I was 18, you were 19
We saw each other again under the tree
I remembered our childhood again
Rose in your hand
The snow falling down
Tears over your face
And a headstone in my place
No idea why I wrote this, I'm normally in the cheerful mood this time of the year, but...
Dec 2014 · 606
Ice Specks
Ice specks
Ice specks
Falling down fast
Making life complex
Is it too cold for snow
Too warm for ice
Too much for anything

Why don't we see each other the same?
Why do we point fingers?
Why do we put each other at blame?
Society is too cold to show
Too warm for nice
Too much for anything

Ice Specks
Ice Specks
Are we but specks in this world?
Are we just frozen to reality?
Don't know why I write this. *shrug*
We've done it
We've did it
It's concurred and done
We've been at it since two thousand and one
The Class of 2014 is what we are
And boy have we gotten far
We are the generation that expierienced things none other has
From 9-11 to those new Internet fads
We are turning our tassel
It took a thirteen year haul of hassle
But as we stand
Diploma in our hand
We know it was worth it
We are the Class of 2014
And we did one heck of a job
Just graduated high school today, so I wrote this poem. c:
May 2014 · 2.0k
Meteorite: A Haiku
enjoy what you have
meteors shall fall today
the apocalypse is now
May 2014 · 1.0k
life in a nutshell
Today I graduate
I realize how short life is
It seems like yesterday I was on the playground
Playing dodgeball and other rowdy games
Picked last from the bunch but kept smiling
I was always the shorter one
The weaker one
Inside I always was stronger
Stronger then even Hercules
Middle school I was pushed around
Bullied for being myself
But I still stayed strong
High school I made real friends
I could be myself
Now I will be starting a new chapter
The book of life is only just beginning
I am the acorn on the tree
I fell far from it
One day I'm going to be a bigger tree
My life in a nutshell
Just finished my last day of high school forever in existence and I decided to write this poem thing. Hope you like it.
May 2014 · 595
Untitled: A Haiku
snow the spring flowers
from the trees that smell so strongly
not scentless gray blobs
By the way, gray blobs are supposed to be clouds in the winter. If you thought otherwise. XD
May 2014 · 523
Conscious: A Haiku
a lonely boy walks
through the nightmares of his past
catching his demons
The song Demons by Imagine Dragons gave me inspiration.
May 2014 · 740
Streets: A Haiku
streetlight at midnight
eyes watching the very few
Another random haiku.
May 2014 · 487
Ghost : A Haiku
i am fading in
a shadow of myself is
nothing but a memo
My first haiku in six years.
Apr 2014 · 386
five minutes past noon...
five minutes past noon
the air has run still
life is frozen
people glancing left and right
they cross the road of truth
I remember the boy
the boy called William
his hair so messy
scuffs on his knees
mud on his hands
scrapes on his feet
I remember the girl
the girl he liked
she payed no mind
he was just there to her
he never gave up
childhood innocence ran free
it passed quickly before blinking
they got older
his knees healed
his hair settled
his hands were washed
his feet scarred
his heart kept beating
she kept ignoring
ignoring what he said
putting him to blame
blaming him of the silence
he stopped trying
his heart was breaking
he couldn't stop the pain
she didn't have a care in the world
only he was to blame
the rain still fell
the winds still blew
life went on without him in it
truth in a Disney movie
it's the circle of life
Feb 2014 · 339
Winter Blue
It was all dark, cold and bitter
Fingertips froze to each other blue
The snow was white with red droplets
Fluffy but deadly and oh so cold
Cold like the winter wind

Too dangerous they said
Without coverage you would perish
Breath was foggy and cheeks reddened
We knew it was winter
We knew the icicles will appear in the morn

Spring, oh Spring
Are we there yet?
All this snow has been driving me cray as of late on top of the fact it gets to the negatives at night, so I wrote this.
Dec 2013 · 1.0k
Mist left my lips
It was so cold
So cold that when I sniffled it froze on my nose
Blue lips
Black toes
It's a dark world I suppose
Fingers cracked and bleeding
Oh the wind how it rose
Snow falling and coating clothing
Sleet falling and freezing on exposed skin
Far too cold they said to be out in
Could drop to twenty below
I had to get myself home before nightfall
It would only get worse
I couldn't walk another step
The feeling in my feet was gone
My flimsy boots were soaked from the snow
I knew it was far too late to save my feet
The frostbite got to me
I saw my toes were becoming the same
The fingers unable to be moved
Soon everything was numb
The frostbite released me
What the heck did I just write? Haha. It kinda ***** but I haven't written poetry in months. Sorry for my long disappearance. Fictional, it didn't happen in real life... haha. xD
Sep 2013 · 1.5k
Bubbling waves with water so blue
They call to me on the board I lie upon
A small white seagul perched on a booey as the water lapped upon it
It catches every fish it could find before the pelican does

Of course I smirk to myself at the simple action

The waters are calm and no waves could be seen
I came out here at first just to ride a wave
But it's so calm that even the clouds are minimal
Like a little child again I gazed up at the shapes

A elephant, a seal, a little boy on a tricycle

My mind was so far in the clouds literally
This caused me to lose my attention on the ocean
I couldn't see how the water was growing unneasy
I couldn't see how a huge bulge nearby was becoming a wave

A tsunami of the sorts

I didn't know that a earthquake hit not too far from here
But once I saw the rising everything I was tossed off the small board
I was so scared I couldn't concentrate on finding to something to hold onto
I couldn't swim on with the currents

I was struggling and near drowning

The seagul was now flying around my head as if to keep me awake
The cloud were pointing towards dry land but I could sea
The sea has became too strong for even I a great swimmer
It seemed that I suddenly drowned

All I could see was darkness
Fictious but told in the first-person POV. I was told to write a poem about a natural disaster and a victim expieriencing it so I came up with this.
Aug 2013 · 840
Blue Moon
Stars are shining brightly
It's something that we all see
Every night we count that stars
1, 2, 3

They say once every four years  
A moon of no ordinary kind appears
A blue moon that isn't blue
It's quite weird, don't you think?

They say it's the fourth of the season
But to me it seems no different
No different then the tiny moon I see every night
Like a typical full moon

But they call it special because it's rare
Because it only happens once every three to four years
To me it's just any other moon
It isn't blue in appearance like they say

One time I saw it red when I wasn't even able to count to three
But of course now I can count... a billion times better
I guess as they in those books I read...
It only happens "once in a Blue Moon"
A fixed up and polished off rewrite of something I wrote in the third grade. :) It's edited to be easier and more understandable to read but not too far from the original. I was like... eight/nine at the time. Haha.
May 2013 · 795
It Was Approaching
I hear my class laugh
The light rustle of leaves
As the storm approaches our land

We wait and listen for it to blow
It begins to grow dark and ominous
The thunder bears down on us

We don't put and frets into our heads
We don't think anything bad was to happen
No one knew what was going to happen

We sat in school listening to the teachers talk
It was something so common we knew it
We wondered why the clouds were all green

Then we saw something touch down on the ground
We didn't know what it was and they screamed for cover
We heard the sounds as it bent the metal of the chairs we once sat in

My teacher went on top of me to keep me safe
She was on top of I and three others
She was the one to take all the hits of debris

The wind was loud and sharp and I couldn't hear myself think
It ended as quickly as it started
We climbed out of the rubble to gaze around

I saw nothing... shock filling our bodies
I heard the cries of many and the silence of others
My mother came running to me with eyes wet and arms wide

My teacher was hurt but saved I and our class room gone
She was a hero to us four students
We learn ten are gone but not forgotten

We are survivors
We are here still
And we will keep on going
In response to the Moore OK Tornado Tragedy. Was actually written the day after the tragedy.
Apr 2013 · 603
I speak out
For those who have felt broken
Like sticks and stones were only a rhythm
A glimpse to real pain we expierience in life
I speak out
For those who have felt lost
Like the weight of the world is on their shoulders
Where no one helped them if they asked
I speak out
For those who have been hurt
Treated like the finest piece of sand on the beach
A cracked shell a child would just throw out
I speak out
For those who are lonely
Who feel they will never have a friend
Like they will never have a shoulder to cry on
I speak out
For those who feel like nothing
Like the scars along their bodies don't tell enough
Like the bruises and slaps don't show pain
I speak out
For those who don't bring out their emotions
Who don't speak up for themselves
Who have swallowed too many pills and taken their life
I speak out
Because I am not silent
Because I have the voice others do not
So speak out too, because it might save someone's life
I am never one to truly speak out to anyone as I am someone who feels unwanted in life. Hopefully you are all moved by this as I pour my true feelings out... enjoy.
Mar 2013 · 3.0k
Growing Around Hate
I grew up knowing to accept hate
It was a childhood version of how to segregate
Children were never kind to me through the years
Forming more hate that built up and filled with fears
I was lucky compared to most kids though
I never had a true taste of hate I had yet to know
In the past kids were segregated for their race
It was as if this entire world bashed them for taking up some space
The entire nation was once split in two
Brother after brother is something we all knew
The north and south each all fighting for something not alike
But that only made the hope of happiness winning to begin to spike
A great man stood in the great battle field between us all
Un-segregating those who needed it afterall
He was shot dead fighting for what he wanted
Some people really didn't know his hopes and they felt daunted
Today we fight another battlefield of pain
Thought must of this fighting is in vain
A man took the lives of many Americans twelve years ago
Destroyed the very being of America that we used to know
When the depression ran throught the nation
We still had to deal with all of the segregation
It ran through all of us as people living in peace
Chopping us up as humans without need piece by piece
Another war is in sight though we choose not to see it
A fatal blow to many of us as if we got hardly hit
Seperation throught the nation through segregation in our own eye
Whether we be gay, straight, trans, or even bi
We're all still people and still human
If only we truly knew about it then
I grew up in a world free of most types of hate
But we all knew we all live in a world who chooses to segregate
This is like my own rant in poem form, or a slam poem as some call it. So it is all true. First time attempt at one of these, so... yeah.
Mar 2013 · 551
I burn
Standing here
You over there with the matches
You started the flame
Just so the fire could feed off me
So you could take in its warmth.

Leave me here for dead
My body blackened and scratched
The life ****** out of me
I see you looking back at me
I remember when you were a kid
How you would swing on my branches.

My leaves were once a bright green
Now they are brittle and broke
The fire still echoes inside
Burning what is left of my soul
So you go now young one
For my time is gone.
Mar 2013 · 1.1k
This night is a raven
Its black feathers gleam over the sky
Turning black as coal.

The eye is our moon
It watches over us
With each and every move we make.

The stars are the eyes of its children
Also watching us
But staying even farther away from us.

Yet they stay far from us
Like we are its scarecrow
Yet they have more control then we.

Make a mistake then we must take heed
Harming what it watches has consequences
Thus we must all be in harmony.

— The End —