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Bleurose Nov 2020
No one loves like me
but I write about it anyway.
Even if it's sweet nothings..
to the moon or empty chairs.

I like to think the moon listens

and maybe someday

someone else like me will, too.
Bleurose Nov 2020
We never got to be teenagers together,
because by that time, I was gone.
I needed to be, or I would have been forever
but leaving you behind was painful.

You bullied me, but I held faith that it was just you being a kid.

But we never got to be teenagers,
doing the simple things like sitting next to eachother on the sofa
I wanted to be there after your first kiss, to gossip over boys.
I want to share a drink, a joint, a tattoo, with you.

I do miss everyday...

We never even got to be kids..
Bleurose Nov 2020
And I'm sorry for loving you
Because I know it wasn't real love
And I know it was wrong.
But you make me spin.

I know you know quadrants
I could never be what you need
You gave me a taste and ripped it away and I'm done.
You weren't cruel, stated intentions. It was me who said "maybe " and "because" and it just, won't fly with you.

It wasn't real
It wasn't real.

All I need is your approval.
I fall at your feet and all you are is a boy, and that's scary for a boy.

I'd like to be your friend but it's only when I'm drunk I can be brave enough to give you recommendations and music.

You probably never think of me
You're only here for her
I get it
I know I'm not enough
I know I'm not good.

I'm grateful you even breathe in my direction.
I should be more grateful you expend oxygen to occasionally speak to me.
I'm not worth the time.
I'm not worth
I had this crush on a guy and freaked him out with just my...everything as well as the crush - because when it started I was with someone else as well so it was just a whole confusing hell. But he was mostly there for our beloved Tiny, and that's ok as well as understandable - it just stings a little sometimes.
Issues all round.
Bleurose Nov 2020
Blood has been on your lips this night
But I will kiss them anyways.
Smooth and rich,
Life drips through your calloused fingers.

Expensive taste, expensive heart
Your words become holy
Mine, mine, always mine.
But always you run free.
Anyone, but me.
Yes this is absolutely a Hannibal TV Series fan poem
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