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I have.....
curly hair
a sunburn
a black cat
a blister! AAAHHH get a bandaid!!! MOOOMMMYYY!!!

I am.....
left handed
long legged
a girl

My ID card describes me as:
caucasian-whats that mean?
blue eyes
red hair

All of this describes me
None of it defines me
My daughter is 4 years old, autistic, non verbal, and as cool as it gets.  I'll do my best to speak for her until she finds her own voice.
"You will never believe who is dating who?
Can you believe that girl is pregnant? She doesn't know who the father is.
And, that guy...whisper I think he is THAT way.
His poor wife. She is whisper black, you know?
Have you seen Joe, lately? He is really packing on the pounds.
And, Jane is not aging very gracefully at all."
I have to ask the gossipers
Do you ever wonder what people are saying about you?
I'd overheard co-workers gossiping and scribbled this down on a napkin.
She wants to get away.
Tis why she hides her nose in books of far off places.
She does not like herself.
In me I see traces of her.
This is only natural,
she is the one I looked to...
then swore to never be like.
I am not her.
I am me.
Yet, I want to run, too.
Sand between my toes and the long yellow line behind me.
But, anywhere I go the past will find me.  
And, so I face it.  
And, learn to like me.  
Because in my own daughters I see traces of me.
I am so sick of falling short of your expectations.
You look at me and expect me to be the one you want.
I am me.
If I am not the one you want then go,
because I shall never be she.
Go. Go, because you will never be what I need.
You will never be he.
He is kind, smart, and values me.
He is no one I know,
and certainly not you.
Go, because I am telling you so.
Take your **** with you.
Your lips, Baby.
God, oh God.
Candy coated sin.
That tongue,
tickling my throat,
lapping up my ***...
I taste myself on your lips,
warm juices dripping from your chin.
Nip me there.
You know what I need.
Yet, I am never satisfied.
Never bored.
Your sweat mixed with wine.
Your eyes locked on mine.
Do you like my eyes, Baby?
The cool blue emitting heat.
My mouth?
The way rose lips part
begging for you, any part of you.
And, my my my...
You are mine, tonight.
Do you like the way I taste?
I arch?
I moan?
I need more.
Right, now.
I am not supposed to want you, but I do.
Is it so wrong to need?
You say I am something special.
You never quite say what that means.
I am only a woman.
Another afraid to live yet unwilling not to.
What is it I am looking for?
If I don't know, then will I know it when I find it?
I bite my tongue.
I keep quiet.
But,  you hear me.
You see me.
I need no reminder.
You are who you are.
I know you by heart.
I need no glory.
I do not care if the world ever hears my name.
I only need to hear it as a whisper fallen off wide lips in the night.
I am acustumed to sharing you.
You are who you are.
I am not so impressed with THAT you.
What impresses me is the you underneath.
The you that brings trembling fingers to my lips.
The you that laughs with me and holds conversations with the stars.
I need no spot light.
I am content to shine for you and only you.
You shine for the world to see.
But, not tonight.
Tonight, I take you into me and we shine for each other.
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