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The young Gazelle dance in the morning sun
The Mothers wait for the evening to come

The lion cubs fight, but all in fun
The Mother waits for the food run

A meal is caught, taste deaths smell
A last breath drawn from a young Gazelle

                      Are you a Lion
                At the top of the chain

                Or are you the Gazelle
                    That feels no pain
A cat stalks
A bird sings its last song
A tear falls from the sky
A cat with a bell stalks
A bird sings its songs
A life is saved
Is there someone
you know,
Your loving them
But taking them all
for granted?
You may lose them
one day
Someone takes them
And they don't hear
the words
you long to say
The words of David Gates!
My head is on fire
My eyes are steamed up
My coffees cold
In a paper cup

I’ve been thinking and thinking
For hours at a time
Decisions stay silent
No further down the line

A deep breath is taken
I’m poised to break through
What I’m tying to say is
I love you
I remember looking out of the window on my first day at senior school
the naughty kids were on top form, playing the fool

My Mother said this is your time, please do it for me
looking out the window thinking I just want to be free

The teachers were enthusiastic with stories passed down with time      
the agricultural revolution or working in a mine

The excitement grew to fever pitch of the stories they did tell
when talking about Newton, Darwin, or Alexander Graham Bell

Excited I looked out of the window dreaming of being influential and rich
or would my teacher lower my goals to engineering, like digging a drainage ditch

So, there’s my thoughts on my school days as I look back now knowing
I’d write some stuff in my spare time and label it a poem😊
Sort of funny but also sort of true.
I met a man who said I was going to sea
He was 18 stone and about 6 foot 3

As I was thinking what to wear

My mate butted in and said we'll see sunny
The big bloke smiled

I thought sun glasses and a hat then

As the ambulance pulled up I said to the big man
text me the time we set sail

He looked confused and got a bit shirty

I helped my mate to his feet and said
I think the trip is off

He looked confused

I just smiled and said we'll see
I'm a shadow in the corner of your eye
Waiting for you to look my way

Release me from my chains

Your gaze is distracted by a flash of light
That will keep me in the shadows forever
The setting sun, sets
as the bodies glowed
about the ship, wrecked
I hear the creak of an unopened door
and a voice I've never heard before
Telling me things I would not contemplate
about a world of  greed a world of hate

I held the door closed with all my might
block my ears, shut my eyes tight
Called for help from deep within
keep calm a kind voice called, you are not the sin

I untangle my mind from the world full of hate
only love and friendship I would now contemplate
The voices became silent as they were long before
so, I turned the key on that unopened door
The garden is yawning
The slabs need a clean
The weeds are still sleeping
Just waiting to be seen

The shed is still standing
Held together by a strand
The plant pots are tight together
Early daffs rising hand in hand

The fish are just waiting
In the still ripple less lake
The frogs with one eye open
Not quite fully awake

The people are smiling
As the sun shows its face
Spring is around the corner
As the garden gathers pace
brush of your cobwebs
Bird feeding frenzy

The field mouse
Take the spoils.
As the wind settled the spell was cast
the moon shone its beam and lite up her past

The wig read her transcripts which lite up his eyes
the evidence looked tampered of which it implies

But the finders ruling was swift as was her fate
Witches are condemned and then burnt at the stake
Tulips gone over but the rose buds are full
A field full of heifers and a drooling mad bull

Sat in the summer house with a favorite book
Tadpoles busy in the still mountain brook

A pint in the beer garden, make your call on the phone
Sorry love still in work I'll be a little late home

Lovers giggling in the high hay loft
Butter in the butter dish gone soft

A holiday brochure, licence to travel
Head in your hands,  best deals to unravel
The voices in my head
Are silent
I must decide
You gave me your reasons and said your goodbye
I held on to my tears, I will not cry

I will mourn your passing, I don’t know why
The pain will subside, I will not cry

But I know if I’m going to bid you goodbye
Release the anger inside, I will have to cry

I’ll play our love song so sad now, I’ll cry
Then my last tears for you, I will surely dry
My pants draw is empty

Anything for the wash bring it down
you called, yesterday

My wash basket overflowing in the corner
commando, I thought, Na

My sister was out
No, I thought, maybe I cringed
what if I get runover?

Anyway, I didn't get run over

Sisters do come in handy:)
A smile for the day.
There's smoke in the distance not an unusual sight
The neighbors are mixed up in a particular nasty fight
In the evening the smoke turns from black to white
In the morning please God show them the light
Her bright white face shines out
in the frosted winter air
She smiles as I
observe her beauty

To brighten up my winters day
I wrap warm to greet her
and thank her for helping heal
my winter blues

Next morning my gratitude is rewarded,
new white bright faces shine out
in the now not so glum winters day,
reminding me spring will soon be on us.
On a cold winters eve
the smoke from the chimneys
twist and turn
as they float slowly and mingle with
the thick dark snow clouds of the north
floating down in their tens of thousands
covering the roofs
of those smoking chimneys
the children run out to play
wrapped in colourful winter woolly's
noses red as the carrot they place
on their new neighbours face
with one motherly call the field lays empty
as the snow covers the ground
all that's left is the smiling face
of the snowman
How will I be remember for the life that I've had
I look back smiling, so happy so sad
The people I really care for they will not forget
They'll remember with a smile and be happy we met
People on the periphery what will the say
"Yes, I remember his name back in the day"
So, back to the question about the life that I've had
I remember it for being so happy and that's why I'm so sad
If Joy always follows Sorrow
Sorrow always follows Joy

Can I have Joy for today
Because tomorrow may never come

That will be Sorrow enough
Sleep deserted me as I pondered through my window
hours before dawn
The fields beyond looked like a desert of dew glittering
in the haze filled light
Bare foot I walked following the light
I pondered more
My mind cleared and I could feel the dew
washing my feet
Suddenly I stopped a lost smile caressed my face
and a tear to my cheek
A new dawn arose then as the sun bathed me
I pondered no more
When sorrow befriends you
Let it flow over you
To wash away your grief
As the last drop sinks
Joy will hold your hand
And guide you
Sit awhile
And wait
The sun will rise
The days that appeared so long
have now drawn in
to their conclusion
No one can live forever!
Your door was open so I peeked inside
I spied all the corners where you try to hide
Then I noticed on the wall your thoughts colored in grey
revealed the secrets inside you were trying to say
The diary on you desk I was tempted, but no
your footsteps in the hallway was my signal to go
So from now on I'll listen be patient, be kind
for I know deep inside your the girl I've been longing to find
The sun was on our back we were enjoying the day
until the hounds started hunting we stopped dead in our play
Even hares could not out run them so we looked to hide
a thicket approached we all jumped inside

Just one glance and the hounds turned tail and fled
The most beautiful princess the story book said
Now that beautiful maiden who was found deep in prayer
Is now the proud saviour of not the hound but the hare
May 27th mark your diaries.
I flipped opened the next page
excited at what may be   
The next chapter of my life

But the page was empty
The streets were deserted no vermin in sight
which was rather odd as it was the dead of the night

So I took my chances and ran up the street
my phone made a buzzing , I received a tweet

We're watching you matey and you may find this funny
We're social media scammer so just give us your money

Tap in these numbers and transfer from your account
we won't take it all just a princely amount

The transaction is complete and because you haven't put up a fight
we bid you farewell, sucker, enjoy the rest of your night
Scammers can rob you from the safety of their own home.
The pain has gone, the deed is done
The father embraces his only son

“Please rest now your works complete”
As he washes the blood off his weary feet

When you awake, take your seat, next to me
Watch the little children, they will come unto thee
When we kissed for the first time
our embrace lasted our lifetime
and our love never wavered
even death could not part it
My hand held tightly and that kiss on the brow
tells me time is leaving me right about now

My eyes are closed tightly and my heart rate so fast
I remember the day I met you, seems like the night before last
We'd party till midnight then party some more
Like lovers we'd walk barefoot on the sandy sea shore

I remember our big day watching you walk down the aisle
your eyes shining brightly over that wicked infectious smile
We made promises for ever our sacred wedding vow
sadly coming to fruition just about now

So don't be sad when I leave you when my hand turns cold
it's the beauty of living that we get to be old
Our life was made whole by that great ebb and flow
I loved you forever, now its time to let go

My hand held tightly and that kiss on the brow
tells me time is leaving me right about now
I hear death
At my door
A thousand keys
Trying each one
Lady luck
Don’t desert

My life
My loves
My mistakes
My successes
My happiness
Mingle with
My future
Stares me
In the eyes

The lock clicks
Into place
Hinges groan
A cold breeze
My face
As it comes
For me
We walked the walk with 5 other friends
held you safe and secure to the very end
lay you softly asleep until the morning you awake
we said our farewells unto your gods keeping you take
we gave loving tales, loved till the very end
walked back empty handed me and 5 other friends
Silently they race
In the dark Christmas night

The golden candle lit windows dim in the distance
The happy parents smiling gratefully
As they pack the freshly delivered presents under
The newly decorated Christmas tree

Wings scattering the falling snow
As it rests on the still forest below
 Swooping low, tightly holding
Their lovingly wrapped Christmas presents

The unsuspecting children
Smiling, snug and sound asleep dreaming of Christmas
Twit twoo twit twoo they call as the last present
Is packed tightly under the Christmas tree

The light rises, the small eyes open
Christmas is upon us

Nadolig Llawen
When I look into a poets mind
Normality alas has been left far behind

A jumbled mass of words and thoughts
Like Ghandi on holiday in a pair of lycra shorts

It’s my job to assess and try to mend the pain
But a poet it seem likes the aura of the insane

So ill listen politely and smile at the right time
Then tell the mad poet everything will be fine

Now when they are gone and their words I read
Such a sad lament makes my heart sadly bleed

Not for the poet alas it’s too late
But for the next poor person they ask out on a date
As the fog lifts
The future becomes clear
In the end
There is only the dark

But for now
I must crave the light
To live my life
I will follow the sun

Only then
Will I welcome the dark?
Lock the windows tightly
So the thief can’t get inside
Five small eggs need protecting
No corners here to hide

Stay safe I call, I have to leave
To gather moss for our thatch
To keep our home secure and warm
To help you all to hatch

Just three of you left waiting
Two large and just one small
My eyes fill with tears
When I hear the cuckoo call
Puts a smile on your face
Puts blue in the sky
Puts the silk in your lace
Puts a twinkle in your eye

The birds start singing
The frogs start to croak
The church bells ringing
The Spring has awoke

The clouds gathered
some were ready for the storm
some were not
some seen it all before
ignoring the signs

Influential people
passionate about their own
history would not evolve
lost in the pillage of the past
desperate for more

Desperate people
desperate to make a statement
with no platform of their own
violence seemed their only option
now no better that the influential

Poets wrote sagas, remembering the past
of all its terrors, destruction, heartache
history is repeating itself they wrote
famine, death, diseases, hatred, greed
poems left unread

So it begins, said the daily news
The air was chilled the moon lite so brightly
and the silence quite deafening
Until the dogs barked

What followed the sound of the sirens
left the scars you see today
in the now old happy people

War was so far away
friends met at the cinemas
laughter filled the pubs
and mothers rocked their children to sleep

The city was lit up
by the bombers drone
the screams that scarred our now old happy people
with memories only time can soothe  

In the distance an angle of death appeared
floating gently down to earth
the ground violently shook as the past were
awoken from their death
rest in peace were the last words spoken

The great Llandaff Cathedral lying next to them
smouldered with dust
the birds in the belfry deprived of a home
the pews full again as so often were
but this time with grief not happiness

Guided home by the light of the moon
men cheered
Heim, ein guter Arbeitstag

June the 19th 1940
War came to our Capital
January 02nd 1941
It left a stench that awoke the dead
the scars will be guarded forever
by our old happy people
Long before the world was round
Ships would sail, never to be found
Time could be told, with no sound
Flesh was sold by the pound
Long before the world was round
A light wind picked up and carried leftover crumbs, gently laying them on a crisp brown sycamore leaf

The ants were busy carrying away bits of sausage, rolled in pastry which flaked off as they ran

A robin watched on excitedly until a squirrel grabbed the sausage roll and stuffed it in his cheek

Not despondent the ants spied the sycamore leaf and its contents

Remains of a ham and cheese sandwich flew in the magpies mouth to the nearest branch

The robin amused itself by watching a sycamore leaf racing across the grass before it finished off the fallen pastry flakes

The picnic table was now empty
I shall not ask why
Only pray that you’re happy

You took my life

The day you forfeited yours
Did you think through the pain
and sadness left

Or was your own
Too much of a burden

I would see
The stars sparkle
In your eyes
One last time
Before I let
the earth consume you

Peace is with you now

I will hold on to mine
To carry your burden
Of why
A Fairy in the garden
Is a sight that will inspire

As she dances in the fish pond
And dries close to the fire

She talks and whispers to the weary plants
Then casts a spell on those hungry ants

The flowers bloom, some bow and weep
As she sends those nasty weeds to sleep

So we can sit out in the sun
And enjoy the fairy work she’s done
The snowdrops are sleeping and the daffodils all spent
you look across the rolling fields amazed at what spring has sent

The wild blue bell a vibrant but such tender a flower
carpets the earth in a haze of blue with all its earthly power
nodding heads on tender stems ever so slightly bent
blows in the breeze so gentle scattering wide its fragrant scent

To lay with blue bells feel the sun and hear the song birds sing
a spell of truth cannot be broken when you wear the fairies ring
The duck stood quacking drowned out by the chickens cluck
as they waddled for breakfast in the farm yard muck

But the pig was happy and wallowing messily around
next to the goat who was standing on higher ground

The hungry horse was watching and swishing its tail
spied a piece of lettuce being carried by a snail

Then a black bull strode in an awesome sight
just as the duck and chicken started to fight

The sheep dog stood studying looking nothing like a sheep
Just as the pig grabbed a towel to wipe his feet

Then the farmer appeared with a bail of hay
past it around and said, have a good day

The animals were happy some ran to the fields to play
and they all slept soundly after a wonderful day
The rose bud clasps tight to its long lonely stem
sheltering from the cold wind and the winter mayhem  

The spring sun shines so brightly is it time to parade
as the cloud covers over to give it some shade

Then around about elevenses it opens its display
leaving the people smiling for the rest of the day

It bows so graciously in the light shallow breeze
and waves at the audience, boastfully if you please

As the sun sets slowly we still marvel at its delight
then watch it cwtch up tightly asleep for the night
Cwtch - offering warmth and safety.
She was sat, crying, blood dripping from her lip
she looked at me, pool cue laying at her side
blood on the handle.
He hit me she cried.
I was enraged at the thought
grabbed the cue and walked inside.
He was laying on the floor
blood pooled from his open head
me standing over him
pool cue in hand looking enraged.
She walked in and screamed,
others followed.

Should  I run??
Bury me under the great Oak tree

So, I can dance with the birds and feed their young

then shelter me in fallen leaves for a
hundred years to come

Bury me under the Rowan tree

So, I can breathe in the mountain air

and watch with great mirth the dance of the
mad March Hare

Bury me under the Holly tree

My winter fruit will nourish all

I will decorate your house and home and
your Gods great worshipping hall

Do not bury me in a graveyard amongst the forgotten dead

Where the poem on my gravestone will be worn
and left unsaid
I listened to the thoughts of the quivering voices
they talked about love and loss and laughter and pain
we listened and smiled at the words
sometimes not really understanding but we smiled and nodded
a breath was taken to steady the ship
the room was scanned by so many eyes never meeting
then the last paragraph loomed large
the words spoken were un-legible but the tears spoke volumes  
as a heart lay broken for all to see  
it was the hardest speech of all
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