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If I stare at the moon long enough
A dream will come true

If I stare at the moon long enough
I dream I’m with you

If we stare at the moon long enough
Our souls will break free

If we stare at the moon long enough
We will wander the stars down to the sea
She snuggles into her warm
green winter blanket  
disturbing the last seeds of summer

That will be a welcome winter feast
for the small winter birds
As they forage around her bedding
collecting their winter store

Spiders casts their webs
around the sea of green sagging stalks
Hoping to fill their nets with
one last harvest

The light dims

A sleepy mouse shows its head
from under the garden shed door
Zig zaging across the decking
munching on a slug
who stayed out a little too late

The toad
who has been eyeing his supper
As the sun was setting
over the now sleepy garden
Was not amused
and puffed his body out in anger,

only to spy a worm
peeking her head out of the decking groove
Checking out all the commotion
Gone in an instant
to the now happy toad

A black and white cat
quietly surveys
from her vantage point
on top of the tired sagging
roofed garden shed

As the still night
washes over the garden
the animals blend
back into their garden home

I touched her heart, but her heart was too cold
so, I asked her to share the depth of her misery
she looked me in the eyes, and smiled, you wouldn't understand
You're a man in a mans life, as she took me by the hand

We wandered through the history of man
no stone was left unturned
no one was safe not even man  
yet still they became martyred, revered, loved

She touched my heart but my heart was too cold
now you share the depth of our misery
I looked her in the eyes, and understood
I am a man in a mans life, she let go of my hand
The earth is replenishing now the humans are gone
They strive for perfection what could go wrong

They introduced riches to share with the poor and the needy
got infected by greed the then became the greedy

Then they broke every commandment and every set rule
they scourged the earth just by playing the fool

Scientist became gods changing our evolution
got it wrong every time but found a new solution

The end came so quick, just a cough or a sneeze
brought the human race tumbling down to its knees

So the moral of the story as the sun brightly shone
life will be much simpler now the humans have gone
Surfers shout and roll in on waves
Gulls scream and float on the wind
As the mist blows in silently and blanks out the sun
The curtains in Sker house shiver at the cold wind
Rushing the mist across shore, rocks and walkers
The sight hounds become agitated as the mist moves over them
Limiting their protection

The wind dies
The surf lays still
The gulls roost quietly
The surfers foot prints run through the sand
The sight hounds are blind

The doors at Sker house are open

Walkers walk quickly back the way they came
Peripheries dancing left, right, back and forth

The lady of Sker, watching, waiting

Surf crashes the drying rocks
The sun breaks
Walkers smile
Boards are floated
Gulls scream
The sight hounds look, teeth bared  
In the direction of Sker house

Curtains closed
For now
A ghost story and true.
High in my canopy

My last leaf is caught in a gust from the north
Ripped from my grasp
It twists and turns
As I watch, it sails downward

The deep leaved forest floor shudders
The crush is deafening  
But, no one will hear

Alone I stand to battle the winter
As an urge of peace flows through me
I slip into a deep deep winters sleep
As I look into those eyes
Like a tinted mirror so many lies
The horrors that now invade my mind
Peace and forgiveness is hard to find

Then when that poignant question's asked
You smile through your venetian mask
I'm sorry I don't know what to say
A week last Friday, I was out that day

I stepped closer and looked into his eyes
May god forgive you for those lies
The life that I have
Is all that I have
And the life that I have
Is yours.

The love that I have
Or the life that I have
Is yours and yours and yours.

A sleep I shall have
A rest I shall have
Yet death will be but a pause.

For the peace of my years
In the long green grass
Will be yours and yours and yours.
Leo Marks, memories of Ruth
and Violette Szabo.
The days are dark, and then the night
My bodies so worn, devoid of fight
Can escape this world and just take flight
I wish I could with all my might

The look in your eyes gives me the will to fight
Carries me through the dark days to a restful night
I'll return to my world on the next incoming flight
To fight for my life with all of my might
Tomorrow will be a better day.
The sea is so tranquil
The wind does not stir
The sails lay dormant
Not even a seagulls cry
Then in the silence of the night
The moon lights a way
As the bodies float on
In the sea so tranquil
My petals fell
in that winter sleep
Snow cradled me
to the earth so deep
Until the sun broke free
made the branches weep
As the blossoms bloomed
their secrets to keep
And the lambs made play
watched by flocks of sheep
As my petals awoke
the mad summer did hares leap
The water looked inviting
                                 so I dipped in my toe
I swam in a circle
                             no particular place to go
The current then gripped me 
                               so I went with the flow

I heard the mermaid sing her song of love how could it fail
                                                        she was beckoning me with her tail
Follow me she smiled as she swam out of site
                          The current dragged me the other way to my delight
I swam and swam into the night until I heard the siren wail
               Don't dip your toe watery delight or be beckoned by her tail
The cycle of water is parallel to time. Your life, your death,
your rebirth

The time it takes for the tiny
Seep to slowly become a mountain spring

A spring to become a babbling brook
A brook to create a flowing stream

A stream speedily racing into a river
A river raging into the sea

A sea engulfed by the world’s oceans of time

Currents pushing you to places you’ve never seen
Waiting for evaporation to draw you up into the clouds

Gathering high above hills and mountains
Falling as rain seeping deep under ground

Life is the mountain spring encouraging you forward to begin
your journey

Death is the oceans waiting for the clouds to gather you up and restart your journey again
I said hello
you smiled and said hello you

We danced we touched
you smiled as you turned to walked away
and we new

I waited all of that night but you never returned
and I wondered why

I still remember your smile and I still wonder  
if you new
When the moon is lost in a cloudless sky
Be aware it's the time that the night elves fly

They hover at each house as our children sleep
In search of the sweet dreams of our children to reap

Our duty of care is to secure the windows closed tight
Or our children's sweet dreams may be lost to the night

So guard your children's dreams from the thief of the night
Until the opening of dawn at the breaking of light
When I smell you in the morning my nose tingles with delight
If I had my way in life I'd smell you all through the night

Never forget to make me breakfast, and a treat when it's time for tea
We watch TV together, I rest my head upon your knee

Work early every morning earning money for us to live
My love I hold dear to you for that's all I have to give

You walk with me you talk to me, in rain, sleet or fog
Can you guess the author of this story, yes, I'm just the family dog
He's on the other side of the river now
smiling as he chases butterflies
stalks his reflection in a pool
and hopes no-one is watching
We watch and smile as he rolls in the grass
thanking him for the love, in a way a cat love
he is healed now and gives us one last glance
as he settles in a favourite spot
and snoozes in the warmth of the sun
Roger, our old cat after double his 9 lives has left us
Drinking a cup of tea from a flask

Has now become a monumental task

While wearing a face mask

You see help I cannot ask

While helpers hover 2 meters away from my flask
The dew shone bright upon the fresh grass
as the sun broke over the mountain trumpeting in the dawn
Galloping hooves rained down upon the earth
the blood of the dead mingled with the dew
seeping deep into the earth

Cheers of the victors rained out
as the dead were being stripped of their armour
So proudly adorned in the hours before dawn
Persians Laughing and drinking  
some hiding the fear that the day will bring

Two proud empires
A new dawn for one
Dark clouds gather for another
Now at the closing of day
All will know that men have been at play
They say you live many lives
as you walk the walk
I've passed from the dark end of my street
to a place of peace
happiness has found me bathing in the light
but the darkness searches for me
and now I'm scared
scared of the people who will be hurt
by the dark end of my street
Not You. The people I love.
You don't matter in the dark end of my street
Politicians stare you in the eyes and smile yet they have so many secrets!
And the world woke that cold winter morning
there was no light
there was no heat
vehicles were left where they stopped
not abandoned just worthless

We looked out the window
dressed in overcoats, scarf, onesie's
and double socks
trying not to breath on the glass

Neighbors shrugging shoulders
listening to a battery operated radio
fuming at the demands coming from the
private islands of the new world oligarchs

Across the way
smoke billowed form a house which still had
a chimney, we could feel the heat

I told the children stories of when I was a child
In the winter I had to get the coal from the
coal bunker at the bottom of the garden
chop sticks place them on top of old news papers
and light the fire for my brothers and sisters

The good old days I smiled to myself
as I found an unused summer barbecue
we huddled around it and toasted some bread
the children laughed
we will survive
Don't have to be Russian to be an oligarch.
Excuse me said the lady with the white frilled blouse and long black skirt, top off with a large white feather on a musketeers hat.
His eyes swept from bottom to top and back again, Yes, said the man in the ticket booth.
The train, steam tumbling out of its funnel was ready to go Pheee Pheee went its cry.
Is that my train said the woman handing over her ticket, I thought I was late!
NO, said the eyes behind the black hat named 'Great Western Railway' your on platform 6, that train is on platform 7.  
O' what time does my train leave?
5 minuets ago:) you are late!
A smile cracked over his face, reveling few teeth.
Death is the road we’re all traveling on
Don’t take a shortcut take it smooth take it long

Put the mobile away don’t look at the apps
Don’t turn on allow on Google maps

Just look out the window enjoy the ride your on
Don’t take a shortcut take it smooth take it long
As the tide turned
history was re-written
the victors wrote their name in the sand
and the losers washed out to sea
all was calm or so it seemed
the wind whipped up
white horses charged in a line
at the sand, full of castles, standards flying
children pointing
nothing was spared by the seventh wave
A day at the beach
The fiddler played her tune and the people danced
the skirts of the women floated
as they were thrown high by the young men
laughter consumed by the night

A loan guitar lamented sadly  
and the voices followed
tears on the cheeks
as the lovers danced

The beat changed
and the hands clapped, louder and louder
on a loan table she tapped her feet
and weaved her hands, louder and louder

And the wine flowed and the beer spilt
not a word was spoken
as the fiddler played her tune
and the people danced and the people danced
The stars sparkled
In his eyes
One last time
As the earth consumed him
Feldspar, Quartz, calcium and granite
                   slip slowly through my hand
Crushed by time
                           into small grains of sand
A Millennia of time
           shaping the ground where I stand
Stretching for miles
                               under sea and over land
Time held together
                           by this last fragile strand
As the beginnings of life
                     slip slowly through my hand
You can over think while sitting on a quiet beach
Above the canvas a stuttered quill
A mind sits thinking not overflowing just full

So many thoughts so much to write
So many emotions I have to fight

I'll take a breath and think awhile
My aim will be happiness to make you smile

I'll write my poems both far and wide
I'll open my heart for you to peek inside

Then when my quill lays at last to rest
My peers will be my final test
To wake up in the morning
without too much of an ache

To Barbie with friends
with fresh bread and a steak

To have that conversation that
makes you feel good to be alive

Like bringing nectar from a flower
for your friends at the hive

But the greatest prize in life to be won

Is raising good children a daughter a son
I feel as if I'm walking in endless rain
I know it will blow over but I'm tired
and long for the sun again
I lean on a tree for shelter
and it reminds me it too is drowning
as the leaves empty on to me
at the shudder of my body resting

A cloud covers me
I feel I should give up, then
a warmth touches my neck
I look up
the clouds are racing apart
glimpses of blue heighten my senses
a bird sings
as the rain drops glisten in the sunlight
still dripping happily I walk
in the endless sunshine

I new I would make it:)
We all have gloomy days, the sun will shine again.
I dreamed I was a crane
                      flying high in the sky touching the sun                                 
to penglai and it's jade terraces
wild horses running free
long white mains flying with the wind
over streams and rivers that trail across fertile land
as I soar through the clouds
set to rest in everlasting thought
my dream is over
or just beginning
hope though
As the waves roll in bringing more and more
we sit there shaking our heads tutting
muttering, why isn't someone doing anything
As the waves roll in
We listen to their promises again and again
shaking our heads
As the waves roll in, the tide turns
We pack our bags and leave the land of our fathers
for a new world a better life
now we become refuges
Waiting for the waves to roll in, waiting
Under the willow he held her hand
professed his love with a golden band

She looked into his eyes and thought awhile
then professed her thoughts with a golden smile

I like you a lot, to be with you is good fun
to spend the rest of my life, sorry your not the one

Don't look at me that way this is not your end
with time your heart will surly mend

So, she left him there perched on one knee
under the bows of the old willow tree
Wrapped in a feather blanket

Gliding between the rushes

I scan the emptiness

Alive with life

Liquid covers me like an invisible cloak

As I glide between the rushes

Wrapped in my white feather blanket
When I took your name
You gave me vows which didn’t quite hit the mark

I expected for better, much better
And in very good health, like fit and hot
And to be rich, really rich
And cherished every hour of the day

And I bet your going to live until your 100

So, out of respect
I’m off
It's the waiting that gets you
when your sat on that chair
it muggles your mind
to that long vacant stare

When you stop and listen
you can hear the clouds rushing by
the trees bending in their wake
a ginger cat sat on a wall watching
an old man shuffling along with his stick
and the mother in charge of a pram and baby
weaving to get past
thank you she says as the old man leans on the wall
next to the cat who was watching

Then the clouds disappear
and that world floats away
who's next a voice whispers
as the band starts to play
Slowly you meander through the streets
your skips turn to dance on the village green
where your partner spins you to a stop
dancing amongst the clouds as your feet start to tap

Your heart is torn between love and death
love wins for now smiling you kiss him hello
tears fall now you must kiss him goodbye
as your feet start to tap

Dancing and smiling you wave at the crowds
disappearing in the mountain mist but never alone
you lay on the sun kissed hill dreaming of love
in the music you have found it as your feet start to tap
Inspired by Catrin Finch and Aoife ni Bhriain
Hi ****** ****** the harp and the fiddle
The cold wind swirls and blows
                                       on the now deserted farmers field
A snow flake falls from the deep dark grey clouds
                                     that now covers the once blue golden sky
On the nose of the white winter hare
                                     as he sits watching
His noise twitches the snow flake to the ground

A blanket of white winter snow now fills the field
A Robin darts from tree to tree
                                    foraging for the last red winter berries
Which colour the ruby red Robins’ breast

A sly white winter fox stirs in the undergrowth
Then disappears into the white winter field

A tear falls from the white winter hare
                                  that melts a hole the white winter snow
As he retreats into his winter sleep
We lay in a field of barley
you smoothed my hair as the wind played
I told you my deepest dreams

You held them in your soft silken hands
and smiled
Then crushed them into sand

I lay in a field of barley, alone
The owl was looking at the man with a noose
Disturbed by the noise as he cooked his goose
But before he leapt the owl did say
Do you really want them to remember you this way?

The pain is real but will go away
The wise old owl was heard to say
The man with the noose, stopped and thought
He’s right, a lesson in patience I’ve just been taught

So he walked through the woods stood on a track to ease his pain
Then was killed by the 10.42 south bound train

The owl was watching in the branches so high
He is the only one who knew he did not want to die
So the moral of his death is like sand in a cup
When your time is up, your time is up
They left it in lines of freshly cut hay
The workmen, over the playing fields today

Some love the smell as it floats in the air
The dogs nose right through it but there is nothing there

In some in brings tears to the eyes and gentle sneeze
A cough or a croak or a chesty wheeze  

I love the smell of freshly cut grass
Getting closer to normality
I lost you in my thoughts
as I lose myself, thinking
Then I found what I was looking for
and you were gone
Thoughtfully, you left me a note
of what I've lost
Steam ships cue at the docks sailors waiting for their pay
Coal tips from the trams as children watch and play
Wives and lovers watching from the dock as the coal ships sail away
Husbands and lovers wave goodbye never to return to Tiger Bay
Do not go gentle until this goodnight
Rage at the battles you must fight
Deliver the lost souls to see the light
Rage, Rage, Rage with all your might

Then when your goodnight comes in sight
Pass your rage to those who have seen the light
They will take the baton and carry the fight
Go gentle in peace to your goodnight

Then when called, speak gentle if you might
For all the peace lovers, who carry the fight
Their banners and gathering will be a sight
As they turn lost souls gently to the light

So they can go gently into their goodnight
The fires are burning brightly in the little stone cottages of this dying village.
After their last day at work, the men walk the cobble stones for the last time.
With news to share with their families, some pause at the local inn to contemplate.

The rain falls and the children huddle around the bright burning coal fire hacked from the face by their father.
Waiting for his smile to round the door and supper to be served.

The ****** blows for the last time, as a miners sit sipping their ale thinking of the men and boys left to haunt the empty tram ways and coal faces.
Do they feel lucky, not tonight, just betrayed and alone?

Time is called
Started tidying up the plant pots
and made a friend of  a robin
Who danced down the decking a bob bob bobbin

The worms heard him coming
and hurried out of site
All exect the biggest one who quickly died of fright

With all the commotion on the ground, only seen from above
we had a few more visitors, a sparrows and a dove
Quickly joined by collard one, yes, they fell in love

The mood got a little darker
as the carrion crows flew in
Sat in rows upon the fence eyeing up the bin

They scattered as the cat arrived, he jumped upon my knee
looked at me all smiley faced
And said is it time for tea?
So, the battle continued man against man their arms of destruction
sets their manhood free.

The women and children died as they flee!

Whole cities were raised back to the ground machines rained missiles at one press of the hand.

As democracy wavers, to one last stand!

Will there be a winner who's right who's wrong just neighbors who argued then one's lost the plot.

Do we know who fired the very first shot?

So many pieces to be picked up so many scattered around
so many lives in turmoil comforted in prayer we live in hope that peace can be found.

Or the future looks grim whether the hare or the hound!
Have you noticed the sound of the trees
when the wind blows through the leaves?
The road with no cars?
Or so many different birds whistling their song?
And the robin watching you move your garden pots
Waiting for a treat.
Or counting the buds on your poppy plant,
the smell of your flowers, as they call to the bees
and pass on their love.

Or the chair in your garden
waiting for the sun,
next to the table with your favourite book.
And the peace you find
when sat in your chair thinking of your day,
as you marvel at the beauty,
and wonder why it has past you by, until now.
Of all the people
In all the world
I had to bump into you

Shame you were driving a  12 wheeler
And I was on my bike

Story of my life
Isn't it good to be alive
and read the great things people do
Just walking down the street they nod
and say, how do you do

You smile at the headline paper
YES, we will save the whales
Heading to the high street
to see what's in the sales

Then cwtched upon the settee
with a cup of your favourite tea  
You settle down for the night
and search for the remote for your tv
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