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It is easy
Just to give up
Just to stay in bed
Why bother

This can be anyone
A friend, a teacher, a bully
Someone from home
A sibling, a father, a mother

This could be you
It is easy to want to cry
Hide away
Just disappear

But you are told no
Be strong
This is your burden
It is yours to bear

Just going trough life
Going trough the motions
Wear your mask
Wear your smile

Will the feeling last
How long
Will it go away
Or is it staying awhile

Am I stuck
Trapped in this cage
Going around in a rut  
No way out

No one will hear me
No one will listen
No matter what
Even if I yell and shout

Everyone feels like this
But we only know the me
It is only how I feel
No one knows how I feel

But everyone have these feelings
Everyone thinks this way
But we built this wall
This is real

You can't come in
The wall is up
You don't know
Just to give up on everything

This is the life we are given
The life we live
This is the story that is written
The song we sing
she writes beauty on her world everyday
Hoping for bliss along the way.
    A simple smile will free her soul...
For a moment of rock and roll...
   Then back into her hole
She must crawl...
    Questioning, was it really worth it all ?
For ultimately it truly is....
     She would never have missed all of this :)

— The End —