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submerged under peppermint bubbles
  cortex muddled by damp ears
I reach out and touch a flower
     as it whirlpools around intention

     in this manmade lake
I have made of myself an island
  limbs sinking and reappearing
  my face disappears
  and returns renewed

      this whole time I wasn't breathing
the drain excavates water
   for buoyed relics of responsibility
the weight of life
latches onto my exhale

         release         release         release

I will be whole in this lifetime

I rise with vestiges of beauty
     clinging to my essence
         freedom is assured
Taru Marcellus Jan 2017
I could care less what you think of me. You are a small person in an ever-expanding universe. My reality is bigger than you, and your tiny world!
to no one in particular
Taru Marcellus Dec 2012
cosmic ******
Krishna's mouth between her legs
vast abyss takes form
inspired by a scene from Life of Pi, the movie. the book was better though
Taru Marcellus May 2023
maggots transmute flesh to humus
make soil of living organism
reduce legacy to new origin
   leaving translucent threads
a baby's heartbeat resets
as spirit sits in waiting room
pitch black     soaking

under an ancestral dome of dementia
stars have forgotten their shine
   fallen out of place
shattered the illusion of enlightenment

good enough thunder laughs
its echo ripples through darkness
good enough               good enough
lightening strikes the same place twice
leaves scorched birthmark of miracle
and the cosmos joins in on the laughter

the baby cries
naked and afraid
vulnerable to all the fears of this world
failure, rejection, unfulfilled potential
danger lurking in every unknown

yet before depression or anxiety
there was love
four chambers murmering of invisible strands
and moist nothingness
of faint lights that felt familiar
shimmering fractals of reflection

past-life breakthroughs
are now present-life obstacles
purged of perspective
maggots dance the funky noodle
attempting a perfect circle
-this is integration
   post-waiting room
a glimpse into the cosmic joke

and the baby laughs
a thunderous chorus of stardust
  surrendering fear to the maggots
fiber twines its way
from heart to heart to heart
flashing a golden web of interconnectedness

the baby is you
   and I
and even before we learn to crawl
we are walking blessings
we should stop more often
and appreciate this birthmark of truth

in this present moment
I gift you- peace     love     and     understanding
that from flesh to humus
you are
    More Than Enough
Taru Marcellus Apr 2022
And as the figs dried
   so did everything around them
a smaller harvest for the fall
a fall from grace since the spring

the roots did not know of destructive winds
  nor burning rays
   yet they shriveled all the same

how vain
  to expect one to know all
  to expect all to acquiesce to one

The perception of a thing is not necessarily it’s reality
Taru Marcellus Mar 2014
as I ride the J toward the eastern sun
my gears clicking questions at the photogenic view
I wonder
what type of medium was used for this art

if I were to paint the sky...
it would be a kindergarten crayola rendition
yaaa                                                   ­                             
a                                                               ­     
w ­                                                               
n       ­                                       
n                   ­                                 
                      g magenta seeping into the gray horizon

only the blurred lines of youth
could bring color to such places

God must have been a child before it died
Taru Marcellus Apr 2014
Comparison is the theif of joy*
             - Theodore Roosevelt

green (jealousy)
permeates from
love (red) of sadness (blue)
Taru Marcellus May 2013
behind what digit does greatness hide
for surely it is seen in mass
though mark it bold if self-proclaimed
a self-called victory is oft for last

and on what pedestal is greatness praised
enshrined and head bestowed with gold
or is it meek and humbly bred
unrecognized beneath the fold

in the sea's unwavering crash
in the sky's expanse unspared
in the ant's resilient march
all things great when uncompared

and can it be that we are great
perhaps in just one other's eyes
I know that I am full of it
why do you hide in plain disguise
Dedicated to Robert Guerrero. Based on an observed thread.
Taru Marcellus Nov 2012
a future well invested
broke *** graduate
Taru Marcellus Feb 2014
a spider's network
facebook twitter instagram
social suicide
Taru Marcellus Apr 2014
And on the third day he rose
eyes red from creation
a sativa-induced resurrection

And though many searched for him
he was not there
he was already philosophy and smoke

Now, centuries later
millions roll themselves in his dogma
with hopes of getting high
Jesus Christ!! Tomorrow is both 4/20 AND Easter...just playing with the idea
Taru Marcellus Jan 2017
I think I'm obsessed with the dark
some nights I find myself buried under covers
no longer hiding from monsters
but from myself
I lost fear of the things beneath the bed
until I tucked my suicide notes there
now I dream of death cloaked in misunderstanding
I nightmare of long days and a longer life
I awake to the reality that demons aren't confined to the shadows
and no matter how long I withhold
the light will eventually expose me
Taru Marcellus Apr 2023
A hermit burrows into its shell for the long haul. The long haul is everything- work, friends, entertainment, breath. Finds center amidst diameters small and wide, and focuses on that point. Internal. The rays are distilled. Winds come second hand. Emotions- stoic. The hermit is a rock to most. Sedimentary. Hard. Lifeless. The internal lights flicker with the spirit of ghosts. There is a gift a-brewing, being refined from the inside out for all to feast. What is a source without its own power? Power clings to the buttresses of the hermit's shell. Shell is the fuel that powers drive.
The crack spreads.
The crack divides other and self.
The crack hemorrhages power- enough to feed a village.
The crack becomes a gulf, floods the homes of all in range under the illusion of repurposing.

Will you change the upholstery once there's mold?

The crack is now a doorway. There is no in or out- just space.

Will you walk freely now?
Writing Prompt: Emersion x Relationships
Taru Marcellus Jun 2014
artificially inseminated trees sprout from train tracks
**the concrete jungle
Logic tries to guide me
I slip on fallacies
                                                                                   Intuition releases me
                                                                                   I float unsure
Taru Marcellus May 2023
does God have a birthday

and if so how does it celebrate
when solar returns are no longer measurements of time
but simply passing monotonies
what's the flare when all the universe
holds no element of surprise
and candles are mere shadows of truth
sticks awaiting inspiration
exactly how many sticks would that be
and can all those light years
be blown out in a single breath
all the pomp and circumstance
seem rather menial
when your life's creation
numerates all of humanity
and all of nature
and all of imagination
but imagine this
imagine all of creation on one accord
if only for the blink of a star
and the harmonious ring of joy that would bring
for a diverse chorus of discord
to be in alignment
   for just a singular moment
Taru Marcellus Mar 2015
I'm ******* **** uuuuuuuuup in the worst way!!!
almost forgot my mom's birthday
drowning in my own little misery
I think I really hate life
liquor seems to stick to me
**** wants to reminisce, dig up all my old ****
sitting in a cloud of smoke, dreaming of my old chick
nostalgic of past days
   wish this was my last day
...yea I wish this was my last day

Now it's daybreak
sun is on the rise again
hiding from the moon to keep the shadows from my irises
ignorance is bliss so I don't wanna see no evil
but I can't ignore a whole world full of people
I can't be blind to my own **** reflection
used to be good but I lost that connection
nother kid murdered, still I feel no connection
-----a common misconception

But can I fix my vision to become a visionary?
Can I find my purpose ******* her in missionary?
in a world full of things, if i buy a diamond ring, Does that mean love is eternal?
cuz that's kinda scary.
Is happiness an illusion cuz it doesn't last?
Is today just a mirage of the distant past?
if a circle always spins, when I do reach my end, Does that mean I was a point in a pile of ash?
the ever-distracting daydream is a form of presence
   says the window
my hand unconsciously crafts doodles
before averting back to words

if I were a poem
I would be everything
  in between the letters
unseen and often misunderstood
to feel me
    you would need to let go
of meaning
           float off paper
     beyond lines
through open airwaves
   don't try to read me
   I need to be heard

if I were a poem
            [wait what]

if I were a poem
            [yo, did you hear that]

if I were a poem
my stanzas would be disjointed puzzle pieces
horcruxes spread to different verses
each with a fractal of spirit
  but never the whole
put me together at the end
for the big picture
    I wouldn't make sense along the way
I would hold magic in my brokeness
enough power in my message to build
  ...and destroy
      ...and rebuild again

there would be so many gaps
you would wonder where the years went
  come and go as they please
I would only speak when silence requested
my composition would paint
           Surreal Renaissance Futurism
                     yea... make that make sense...

if I were a poem
I would allude to imaginary numbers
and friends
fictitious characters and places
just outside that window pane
            like [c'mon you saw that]

catch me on a tangent
lost in a daze
   days     hours     minutes     seconds
catch me relative
just like the hands of time

if I were a poem
I would require second chances
  over and over and over again
but I'd be worth it
  be worth the suspended disbelief
just for the amusement of it all

if I were a poem...

Taru Marcellus Nov 2013
the floorboards would creak with love
or maybe just lust
wood does not know the difference
Taru Marcellus Dec 2012
strike a match to the crickets
and kerosine douse the sleeping bag
their hum is not a metronome
your dreams are not burning

fingers wet (with sweat?)
these works were not meant for daylight
submerged under moon's tide
let us make love instead of dreaming it
let us make our own rythm for the crickets to hum to

backwoods are the perfect place to get lost
as bark crackles life into night sky
let us singe skin as untamed flames

this tent is no holy place
more like a furnace
so for tonight
let's burn

with the crackling bark
let's start a forest fire

strike a match to the crickets
and kerosine douse the sleeping bag
their hum is not a metronome
reality is burning
*let's burn
Taru Marcellus Jun 2014
Sniffing magic from a Pokemon cartridge can be so fun
I witnessed people snorting coke off a game boy ds tonight....I did not partake
Taru Marcellus Apr 2014
While jaywalking:

I imagine a car
whisking me away
for the ride of a lifetime
Taru Marcellus Feb 2015
Life goes on
each breaking dawn is a bittersweet symphony
each crowning dusk reveals what we were meant to be
each passing day is another passing chance
so be sure to make a mess
and leave a stain on history
If you have netflix you should watch It's Such A Beautiful Day!
he met his mortality with trembling limbs
    and gnashing words
            fiercely independent
    and clutching at every loose strand
nothing was in his control

he cursed life and death
  in the same breath
because opportunity had never proven itself
         to him
and so he asked more of time

     demanded it
to bribe regret away
he lived a life unlived
but this was invisible to him
                                                   until the end

it all lay behind him now
flatlands and an apathetic sky
Taru Marcellus May 2013
    ­             /     \                   u                 /       \                
              /         \                 s                /           \            
                /              \             t             self righteous          
                       /                   \           i                    scale                            
          the world is too          c                                              
   heavy for                e'                                  
In other words the world isn't fair
Taru Marcellus Jan 2013
things just aren't the same as they used to be
memories faded like old faces of new-found love
once blown to the wind
now tucked behind secret doors
mind hidden
dark addictions
lurking eyes prey on out
our laughter still echoes through my veins
linking us eternal
through time

forged in summer heat
hardened in winter cold
gifted flashbacks
reminiscent smiles
exchanged expressions of forever
I am constantly reminded
by the carvings on my flesh
the notches on my belt
of the days we spent in hibernation
entwined in limp-willed dreams

I will forever be forgetting you
Pulled this one from a trunk of oldies and decided to dust it off and share. One of my earliest works.
Taru Marcellus Apr 2014
        ­  city
                                                          ­                               apple
                                                           ­        core
                                                            ­                      hellfire
                                                          ­                                                 well
                                            ­                                  whiskey & ***
           ­                                                                 ­                                             lost
                                ­                                   tears
                                                          ­                           flood
                                                             ­                                 promise
                                                          ­                glass
                                           ­    catastrophe
                                                     ­                                         connectedness
Random idea: started with one word-home. and jumped around to individual words based on my train of thought. Jotted the next word and kept jumping. No phrases. No complete thoughts. Just stand alone words. Less a poem than an experiment. I encourage others to try. Start with 'home.' I'd love to see where you jump to. Ohh and this progresses top to bottom.
Taru Marcellus Jun 2014
art is what we made that night
the moon clinging to your ceiling
mediating between crescent and full
splayed around our shoulders
release was the sheets tossed aside
the emptiness of your loft
seemingly brimming
there was no headboard from which to shake the dust
but we sounded through
moaning between sepias
sweating between echoes

I would love to capture you someday
to remove these moments from the dark room
and add them to a collection
as something to truly admire
This first line pleaded for me to write but unsure how I feel about the result
Taru Marcellus Nov 2023
First:   define terms        with your gut

Second:   find the love between each

Third:   share meaning with all
Taru Marcellus Mar 2013
I wanna punch a hole in a hole
make the blackest black
crawl inside
   and sleep

     is not insomnia
        this is lust
   twisted into the most frustrating knot
             and dawned with the ugliest bow

lying in bed
I swear I can hear the ceiling crack
it is mocking me
   incessant cackling
        I wanna tear this ******* room apart
crumple walls and bury them beneath buckling kness

I cannot stay still
it's like I've been touched
   and left to dry
   then left to die

        this is no way to end

my bones are starving hyenas
the bed, a watering hole
there is a slumbering carcass next to me
its flies
   buzz tidings of sheep-filled fields
     ~utopias of sleep~

but I
   am surrounded by night
no stars               no sheep               no sleep
only silence
   but not dark enough
this hole is not dark enough

someone punch a hole in me
I need to get some sleep
Taru Marcellus Oct 2013
I sit in a meeting of minds
unfathomably disoriented
barely stable enough to coexist
like malformed ideas in a controversial debate
One of my oldest. not really a poem, just a thought.
Taru Marcellus Oct 2013
In a world where composition
Knows the heart better than blood
what becomes of the words unwritten
Taru Marcellus Feb 2014
I once saw an eye on the floor of a subway car
I was not drunk
or high
or delusional
I was sober minded
in the most silent of ways

...months later..

that eye has disappeared under the footsteps of millions of New Yorkers
*a crowd clouds even the soberest of things
Taru Marcellus Jun 2014
Love Always
the tunnel
the end of it all
bursting through like shrapnel
the city lights singing the perfect song
as the wind snaps along

Love Always
the Glory Days
and the songs that capture them
and the stages that make them
and the plays on the field
that will be played and replayed for a lifetime

Love Always
the island of misfit toys
where bubbles cause as much awe
as the eighth that inspired them
from the Big Boy to the eighteenth green
you will all make my typewriter

Love Always
the holidays
the people around the table and the t.v.
too stubborn to speak their cares
both the M * A * S * H  episodes
and the long rides home

Love Always
the books
the books and the characters and the morals
and the books
and the teachers that shared  them
we accept the love we think we deserve

Love Always
Taru Marcellus Mar 2015
On the sandy shore of a distant memory, Euclid picked up a stick and began tracing the outline of some vague shape. At the first vertices he was interrupted by a hissing sound. Looking down in horror, what initially appeared a stick slowly coiled around his forearm and sank its teeth into his veins. As he watched the ocean spread its depths, he felt the sharp pain of platelets separating from plasma. Euclid walked into the gaping void and awaited reunion. Waves folding around him , his last sight was of a naked woman; she had the curves of a triangle.
Taru Marcellus Jan 2017
there are so many holes in the sky tonight
I wish I could crawl through one
and drop into an infinite drop
explore the nothing in the nothing
freefalling has always felt natural to me
I guess that's why it's so hard to orient myself
with enough space for beliefs and doubts
I look to the moon for guidance
while it waxes and wanes
it is always whole
illuminated or not
it is always present
the moon is the grand architect
feel her pull in high tide
             feel her push when unsure
  on dark nights
  in urban scapes
   surrounded by artificial light

she still shines through
her blueprints are mystery
especially when ideas are new
   she is a slow reveal
     an inspired temptress
                    lean into this
press fingers into her curves

as she undresses
visibility is not always the goal
but when light reflects
it is inevitable

while we question her cycles
she is not afraid of the rebuild
       the versions we hold of each other
       died many moons ago
Taru Marcellus Nov 2012
Woman birthed. Woman raised.
I am no biproduct
donating ***** does not make one a factor
back strained, she supported me like Atlas
sheltered me with wingspan like Daedalus
her love stronger than the Greek gods
Aphrodite was her apprentice
agape her creation
her love for me surpassed my love of self
Taru Marcellus Jan 2013
beyond Montana’s yellow lines
there is a field
~a field of painted soles
     and laces rubber tread
~a field of ****** curls
     and fallen headlights
where kaleidoscope lenses
look onto twisted frames          like origami halos
where teddy bears hug stop signs like pickets
     fringed in anger
          runaway childhoods sleep cautionary tales
beyond Montana’s blushing acne
there are red cup melodies
     blasting from blacked out tints
          weaving blues notes through Rock & Rap
distant cries are drowned by Bass
     or maybe Bud (light)
a haze of teenage eyes
they might as well be ghost riders
whip game copped from GTA
these pubescents are a Vice to their City
blooming sidewalk sloths
like flowerbeds

beyond Montana
is a country of bar stools
   where bar tenders play therapists
        and therapists play coroners
precedents are shots of whiskey - taken to the head
and reflected in flooded eyes

beyond Montana
is a country of MADD mothers and SADD students
beyond Montana
is a country of unexpecting pedestrians
beyond Montana
is a field
~a field of wing-clipped snow angels

That field is Mariah's home now
and she challenges you to change
        your friends
             your country
she challenges you to
Look up Leo McCarthy especially if you're in high school going to college. He was one of the 2012 CNN Heroes and this poem is dedicated to his daughter Mariah.

sloth = group of bears
MADD = Mothers Against Drunk Driving
SADD = Students Against Destructive Decisions
what came first:
          the inhale      or      the exhale
is the moment of transition
a peak or a valley

this is the question of birth and death
    of rebirth and culmination
the leaf whispered to the seedling
yet neither remembered first touch
  a mother's womb is its own ecosystem
       a dark moist vacuum

           regalia regalia

she wants to lie down
and stop feeding but everything
relies on her
   even if she is just a link
she must be the strongest one
stand up when others sit
spit conviction while others question
in the endless spinning
she must have her own orbit
she has always held tight to what she needs

needless to say
she has been both twig and tree
and she came first waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay
before any man
can creativity be measured
and who determines the standard
what of verses not seismic
enough to register
acrylic or oil
what magnitude does your canvas claim
before completion

enough blending and everything
becomes a mystery
I wonder how irrational gold is
when reduced to its primal essence
led through onyx and quartz
turquoise and amethyst
if you hold a rock to your head
does it speak in earth tongue

sine and cosine graphs
depict fluctuating vibration
but what of absolutes
in this consensual reality
mugwort produces flow
myrrh yields healing
sage is the end to a means
but only if added and divided correctly

            cast        cast        cast

     spell        spell        spell

all the signs are here
math is flat without magic
magic is elusive without math
   not everything can be quantified
a digit holds no weight
detached from the hand
and so it is with mind and spirit

at the core of the universe
is an inexhaustible energy
its change is a currency everywhere
learn to count worth without
value or numbers
learn to create art without
pupil or ear
measurement exists on an alternate plane
Taru Marcellus Aug 2014
a distant shore
of something old
I visit often
the breeze is cold

the waves have gone
tides receded
I still fight hard
just to keep it
I know there's more but I'm content with this.
Taru Marcellus Jun 2014
moist moist  moist  moist MoiSt mOisT moIsT MOIST
now stop reading it, say it
it's a weird word

a storm is coming
  and I can smell it, feel it
on my skin- slick
it wisps into my mouth
  dirt patches aren't meant to be stoic

the storm approaches from the north, northwest
I am headed that way- north, northwest- approaching it
we have not yet converged but I can feel it
it tastes of dry dirt
not local

the clouds are foreshadowing --- foreboding
  parting only to show more grey
we have yet to converge but I can feel it
the grey
           the parting
                          the moistness
I am not yet there but I can feel it
  wisping through me
     I am not meant to be stoic

the first d

I can feel it. really feel it.
moist on my skin. weird.
the clouds are parting
lightening [effect]       thunder [effect]       convergence [effect]
I am the storm; its core
       ­                          wisping
can you feel me
Taru Marcellus Dec 2012
luminescent lemon,
stop smiling at me
you're making me blush
Taru Marcellus Jun 2014
man in all his glory:
Taru Marcellus Feb 2014
the self harm thing is not for me
but in mind's eye I still can see
a pricked identity leaves a trail
effortless [and gross] like a snail
Taru Marcellus Mar 2014
the chaos king has orderd his
                                                             ­                                                          steps
                                                           ­   with
                                                        ­                          rights
                                ­                         and
                                                 ­                                                    lefts
Taru Marcellus Apr 2014
the past only drowns
if you keep swimming in it
More quote than poem
Taru Marcellus Apr 2023
have you ever died holding your breath,
waiting for something that will never come?

me either
BUT I have killed dreams
in sacrifice for 'what ifs'
prolonged disbelief in suspense of some higher yearning

before I ever understood disappointment
apathy taught me to stop reading into things
to stop adding assumptions
like context clues were definitive
I remember waiting behind windows
for a father to open doors
never realizing that silence was the answer
knocking trust down a peg
I forced self to be level- neutral
to accept the apology money
  in lieu of time
     and keep it pushing
for the dad who cried love but couldn't show it
the best way to mitigate loss
was to stop believing
to leave the subtext on read
but turn off the receipts
   the emotional investment was too taxing

I remember expecting forever
  of moments I didn't truly appreciate
never realizing that NOW
is the time to value
leaving relationships on read
is actually a sure way to disaster
    wanting to be understood
    without listening to understand
clarity hides in plain sight
waiting to be sought
but effort is a cycle of reciprocation
anything less is oxymoronic
like demanding everything from nothing

And that's the crux
now I expect nothing from everything
     the only way is up
and I'm grateful
because I can breath so much easier
releasing to the knowing unknown
so even when I die I can say reality owes me nothing
because each breath
was a dream unexpected
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