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  Nov 2015 Tamera Pierce
One day I'll be like a
Sakura Tree
Standing by myself leaning
Only on myself
Supplying food and shelter
For just me
I'll be as independent as a
Sailor on the open seas
I'll be like a Sakura Tree
So pretty and free
With a brown body and
Beautiful pink leaves that couldn't
Care less about anything
I'll be like Sakura Tree
Branching out to touch everybody's soul
And their inner sense of beauty
I'll be able to let the cool breeze flow
Through me without caring about a thing
One day I'll be like a Sakura Tree
Dying oh so beautifully
I love Sakura Trees look, they're really something aren't they? The right side is different huh? x}
  Nov 2015 Tamera Pierce
Isn't it funny how similar
Computer viruses are to
a broken heart.
The longer you hold on to them
the worse they seem to get

Or how similar a
crashed ship is to a
broken girl
Both were once beautiful
in everyone's eyes

Or how the outside of a person
is the same as a costume
A costume to look like someone else
A costume to shield yourself
from your own hatred

Or could it be that all these
similarities are merely a
Frankenstein like doll
Put together like stich work

Or is it actually true?
Just as true as the sky
Just as true as the soft hum
of a mothers' song

Whether it's true or not doesn't
matter to me
as long I have the strength
to put down this
heart shaped glass
and face the true reality
of my heart.
  Nov 2015 Tamera Pierce
He was the best one I've ever had
He was my only
and the only thing I had
He was my lover my pride and joy
He said such nice things
to me day and night
He wanted me to himself
All to him
Not family not friends
Not even his friends
He lied and cussed me out
He lied and cheated on me
Why did I stay?
He broke up with me without my doing wrong
I cried all night long
He tore my heart out again, and again
He broke up with me if I didn't
like what he liked
He broke up with me if
I didn't stay the night
And yet I still stayed with him
We got back together and I loved him
I loved him so much even
When he hit me again
Why is it that I loved him so much
He hit me and bruised me
Why is it that I loved him so much?
Even though
He beat me every-day continuously
For a year and four months
I loved him so much till he broke me
I could never acknowledge him
The same way again.
My friends were there for me
Each and every time
Every-time I'd start to cry
This poem I wrote because of a dear friend Elizabeth. She is awesome, and sweet. She is one of my best friends. I love her dearly and I want her to be happy. I threatened the guy she was with. Love! X}
Tamera Pierce Nov 2015
Kiss me until I'm drunk  
and slurring my words.

Kiss me until I am stumbling
and tripping.

Kiss me until my breathe leaves
along with the world.

Kiss me until I forget my name
and my past

Kiss me for as long as you would like.
Just kiss me.
  Nov 2015 Tamera Pierce
dating a writer
is like guessing the weather.
you think you know what you'll get,
but you never do.

you never know

she'll create a hero
from your weaknesses

and she'll write a great character,
from every last flaw.

she'll create a thousand plots  
from your worst nightmares.

she'll take every last thing you hate
and create something you'll love.

she'll turn your anger
into confessions of adoration,

and she'll make you,
everything you're not.

but worst of all,
she'll leave you wondering-
is it you she's in love with,
or things she's created from you?

but here's the beauty of it:

if you date a writer,
you'll never die.
Tamera Pierce Nov 2015
I used to want to be like you
Grow up just alike.
I would dream of being part of a two
In my bed at night.
And sometime, when you weren’t home,  
I would sneak into your room
And put on all you clothes
Even though your shirts to me
Were more like robes…
In my mind, we were unstoppable
And unlike all else
Because I always felt that I could come to you
Whenever I failed.
I loved you
I needed you
Hell, I still sorta do
But as I time passed by
And I grew.
I started to realize things that I never knew.
I used to want to be like you…
That was before I knew
What you do,
Holed up tight
In your room.
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