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JS CARIE Nov 2018
At his face it got harder to stare
But in his truth he would glower
Into this looking glass
That looks right back
At the years of age
That washed his face
Over that disgraced fortnight
and it’s dragging scrape

What was his counted,
that ruffling came natural
In a sentiment of the innate
and the inner mechanics of his climate
Co-Walkers, he thought viewed him a cynics ornate
From then on, became perpetually discounted

Though his face got harder to look at
by its contents,
Optics inflamed
and wrinkles elongated
to his whiskers growing skyward
a striking true spruce in essence to become
Nevertheless a bedraggled authentic
Just before a flooding pooled his lids
or the dawning of his tears
Until this vanish to enhance
These characters took on relevance
Apropos of what he saw looking back
The girl, his love, the spirit inside his drive
She could see all directions, like hands on a clock,
Every hour the dialed sun would tower
Giving her all his angles,
She could anticipate all of this,
including all opposites
She could see all that
To her,
His face was not hard to stare
Still chiseled but shaved,
like polished marble glare
Her love was true for years
Opposing claims would be intercepted when asked if during she dabbled in deception
Then immediately accepted their quiz, taking near comfort as she’s done for years  placing her lips closer to his eyes,
she kissed his cheek and licked his tears
Rosh Apr 2016

Look where we are now
Heads bowed down
And eyes away
From glances that meant everything
And smiles that stayed

Look where you've brought us
To strangeness within
and with each other
And I know you well enough
To know you won't bother

But  I know you too well
To not know that you hate the feel
Of The sound of this silence
That's come in between

There's nothing else that can be done
Your words won't fix what's no longer there
But for something that's nothing
There's a lot hanging in the air

They're not words of anger
Or apology or hate or of choice
They're just words, however hollow
Because it's not the words, it's your voice

Just your voice to say
How you've been and how you've missed me
And wonder how we let go of something
Of such indisputable beauty

But this doesn't mean that it's going to be okay
This doesn't mean that our ending was just a
This means that you and I,
Are just as hard to forget as we were to make

But funnily enough, something I thought so pure
Ended corrupt, and *****, messy
You put me on a high pedestal
And brought me down in a jiffy

You know, you did pull me down
But to a ground I needed to see
And look up and see that high horse
Was barely even reality.

So Cheers to the moments I felt were true
Cheers to the lost times that were yet to come
Cheers to the weak friends we were
Cheers to the strangers we've become

— The End —