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annh Sep 2020
I am sand - drifting formlessly, settling briefly;
dusting edges traced clean by housekeeping’s judicious forefinger.

I am sand - black with iron and ****** wrath;
shattering glassily against a wine-stained ceiling.

I am sand - my trespasses turned to pearl;
rippled and flurrying, wedged between sandal-clad toes.

I am sand - porous with desire yet disarmed by possibility;
a fortress on the brink of invasion by the sea.

I am sand - recalled to the desert, claggy with melancholy;
a loping caravan of travail, westward bound.

I am sand - measureless and infinitely uncontainable;
sifting from hour to hour...and life to life.

‘While he mused on the effect of the flowing sands, he was seized from time to time by hallucinations in which he himself began to move with the flow.’
- Kōbō Abe
B Chapman Oct 2017
Day dreamer
  Fantastical lover
    Lack of logic
      Eyes too vivid
        Shallow morals
      Liquid voice
    Calloused fingers
  Satin skin
    Maim my being
      In just the right way
        Unravel my mind
          Kiss my trauma away
            Bruise my soul
              Watch it bleed in your palm
                Lap at my tears
              But please never console
            Broken promises
          Inky laughs
        Tighten your grip
      I cherish this dance

— The End —