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Nobody Mar 6
you left me
feeling sorrow
telling them
"he'll forget about it tommorow."

your hugs were empty
no love, or care
and then i knew
my feelings you couldn't spare.

because you don't love me
you never did
why would you do this
we're just kids

you saw it as fun
while you dragged the knife
painfully across my skin
and slowly took my life

but somehow i still miss you
so much about you
i miss your empty hugs
you weightless compliments
i miss the way
i cared so much about you
even though i knew
you never cared at all.
still working on letting go.
Nobody Nov 2024
maybe your love language
was anger
maybe your love language
was hate
maybe your love language
was treating me like ****
maybe your love language
was saying: "lol can't relate"

because that's all you treated me with
so i hope those are your love languages
because i hope you loved me
toxic friend poem again!
Lumin Guerrero Nov 2024
I remember, I've done this before,
I was... 10, it was 2020.
I remember, my best friend, Kaydence, wouldn't respond to my texts
for a month.
We had fought,
It was some stupid Minecraft game.
And then, she just
Stopped texting

I was lonely, it was quarantine after all, and I didn't have no one else to talk to.
I texted her every single day
Cried every single day.
I was being dramatic, obviously,
I'm always so **** dramatic.

When she came back, she acted like nothing had happened.
Her mom had just taken away her phone, or something.
I didn't have to worry.

...I think that month I spent, alone
Thats when it had started to get bad.
Kaydence was a pretty toxic friend,
But most of my friends were
Lumin Guerrero Nov 2024
I'm sorry, really.
I hadn't meant to bother you by
Messaging you everyday for a week,
Each following one more frantic than the last,
Because you wouldn't respond.

I was scared.
Really, really scared.
Scared that you had done something to yourself...

Scared that, maybe, you
Stayed in bed too long
Cut to deep
Went too many days without eating
Too many days skipping your meds-
Or maybe, took all your skipped pills all at once---

It's irrational, I know.
I'm sorry.
"Don't be afraid, I'm not insane
Just irrational, but isn't that the same?"
Posion - Cavetown
Lumin Guerrero Nov 2024
I'm sorry, really.
I hadn't meant to bother you by
Messaging you everyday for a week,
Each following one more frantic than the last,
Because you wouldn't respond.

I was scared.
Really, really scared.
Scared that you had done something to yourself...

Scared that, maybe, you
Stayed in bed too long
Cut too deep
Went too many days without eating
Too many days skipping your meds-
Or maybe, took all your skipped pills all at once---

It's irrational, I know.
I'm sorry.


I remember, I've done this before,
I was... 10, it was 2020.
I remember, my best friend, Kaydence, wouldn't respond to my texts
for a month.
We had fought,
It was some stupid Minecraft game.
And then, she just
Stopped texting

I was lonely, it was quarantine after all, and I didn't have no one else to talk to.
I texted her every single day
Cried every single day.
I was being dramatic, obviously,
I'm always so **** dramatic.

When she came back, she acted like nothing had happened.
Her mom had just taken away her phone, or something.
I didn't have to worry.

...I think that month I spent, alone,
Thats when it had started to get bad.


When you did respond,
you told me that you were sorry.
That you were
I think you understood where my worry came from.

I asked you where you had been,
and you said that you were just doing school and sleeping.
It was another depressive episode.

Oh, well.

I feel bad to feel relieved,
It could've been worse.
You could've
Cut too deep
Or stayed in bed
Or skipped your meds
Or taken too many...

You could've
Left me.

I said sorry for being such a bother,
Said that "I hope you feel better."
And even though thats not quite right thing to say,
But I think that's the closest I could've gotten.
Love you man
Nobody Nov 2024
Writing this because I feel like there is so much more to be said

A for anagram
Because you rearranged my brain like a nonsense sentence
B for below
Because that's what my social status is compared to yours
C for complain
Because that's all you ever did
D for dread
Because that's all you made me feel
E for even
Because even now, you mess up my brain
F for freak show
Because that's where you thought I belonged
G for girl
Because even though I was out to you, you still called me one
H for help
Because I think you need some…
I for idk
Because whenever I asked you a question, that's how you responded
J for joker
Because that's what you are, like the card in a deck. Useless
K for kid
Because you act like a toddler
L for lies
Because those are all you told me
M for me
Because that's who you never cared about
N for never
Because that's when you will realize what you threw away
O for okay
Because you know that I'm not
P for power
Because i never realized, but you had it all
Q for quick
Because that's how our friendship ended
R for revenge
Because I know it won't help
S for sap
Because just like sap, you are sticky and annoying
T for thumb
Because I always had to be the one to give you a thumbs up
U for umbrella
Because I was always the one to protect you from the rain, getting nothing in return
V for vacation
Because I sure as hell need one from you
W for whatever
Because you keep saying that, thinking it makes you sound cool
X for xenophobia
Because I think you have that
Y for YOLO
Because I really hope that you do
Z for zzz
Because that's the noise you made when I needed you the most

I think we might need another alphabet…
I know this one is worse, but it still says a lot and was hard to write sooo…
Nobody Nov 2024
10 years of drawing
9 years of being friends
8 years of being bullied
7 years of being bullied by you
6 years of guilt
5 years of trying to fit in
4 years of writing poetry
3 years of letting you manipulate me
2 years of knowing something was wrong with our friendship
1 year of trying to tell you
0 years of freedom
I am not 10 years old, that would be weird af, this is just the years i remember the most.
Nobody Nov 2024
like plastic
left me alone
to cry
and die
and deal with my own problems
didn't care
that i was struggling
didn't care
that i was hurt
didn't care
about me at all
didn't care
you never did
you are just a piece
of useless plastic
in the junk yard
making the earth worse
haha i hate you so much
Nobody Nov 2024
sometimes i wonder
if you even cared about me
i wonder if you there's anything about me you know
i wonder if you can see

sometimes i wonder
what goes on in your brain
maybe "i'll use him for a joke"
or maybe "i'll make him go through pain".

sometimes i wonder
if inside me, there's something wrong
if inside everyone who knows me
there's something about hate... a song

a song
a melody
saying something's wrong
something's wrong with me
i can't see
you treated me like ****
but i wanted to be your friend?

why did i want to be your friend
you were awful to me
was it my fault?
haha toxic friends are awful
Nobody Nov 2024
Icy stares open
Eyes that have been touched by pain
Yet freeze ones left warm~
Toxic friends **** 😅
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