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epifexl Nov 2021
One puff can change a life
Its so small but is so deadly
Just one touch can feel like a melody
But that's just its ways
To make you feel free
But It can also be wicked
For its not clean
If you're a victim try to stop
And if you're not
Be happy and smile because your days
Will shine brighter
So....please abstain from smoking its harmful to your body and lungs.
Kay Jul 2020
I open the can.

its flourishing spam

I take a quick scan

and with my big hand

I make a demand

That all cans of spam

are tan
G A Lopez Mar 2020
S - top glamorizing drug addiction
A- lcohol isn't the answer to the problem
Y- ouths should have self control
N - arcotics are illicit and dangerous if taken
O - h darling!
T- hink several times before acting out foolishly
O- verusing and misusing affects the body
D- rugs are bad and against the law
R - enew connection with God
U - nfollow negative people
G - o for the good ones
S - ave yourself before it's too late
Batibwais got bluntz
Me thinks I like to try one
Take one puff, I'm gone.
Me boy Darius got de best kush.

— The End —